Tuesday, July 25, 2023

WOYWW 738: Organizing postcards


It's Wednesday, which means it's time to join my dear friend and head desker Julia at Stamping Ground for the latest edition of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, or as most know, WOYWW for short.    

Some of you saw last week, the T Tuesday group I host, had an anniversary.  The big ten oh.  Some of the lovely ladies sent me gifts, which I was not expecting, but for which I was truly grateful.  I received several postcards.  In fact, I received at least one postcard from the packages I have opened.  Yes, I have unopened packages waiting for me to get to them.  Since I don't want these to get out of hand, I decided to deal with my postcards right away.  This postcard book is so large, it takes up most of my table.

I had planned to share my newest rocking horse today, but there was no room for it on my table.  Instead, I am sharing one that was broken when I received it.

The nice thing about opening gifts and taking photos at the same time proved valuable when the person who sent this to me (who was the seller, not the person who paid for it) had to replace it because I had proof it was broken when I received it.  I turned it into a medallion and now have an unbroken and a mixed media blown glass rocking horse.

Last week Cindy asked me where I keep them all.  I keep them in every room in my house.  I've shared a few places before, but I will do that again one of these days.  I'm trying to keep this short again this week.  I hope to see what each of you has on your desk, floor, or table this week.  Please join me at Julia's, where you will meet the kindest, most generous bloggers in the world.
This week's ICADs are here.

32 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said... 1

How lovely - and I am very glad that lovely Rocking Horse was replaced with an unbroken one.

Iris Flavia said... 2

You were lucky with that beautiful rocking horse and the medallion came out just wonderful!
And so many cards, how nice!

Helen said... 3

your post cards book is fabulous, and yes huge! glad the rocking horse got replaced. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said... 4

Happy early morning....Great Idea for Postal cards. I've been going to sort mine out by themes but need to get that whole area more organized. Stay cool and hydrated We live in a totally crazy world.

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 5

That's a great collection of postcards, I didn't know you collected them. I love the little rocking horse it's so cute and how you've chosen to display it. Great idea. Have a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x9x

Julia Dunnit said... 6

My word that's a great way to keep postcards, and what a great collection, how nice to leaf through those pages...lots of inspiration and probably a trip around the world right there! Love the medallion that came from the glass rocking horse, what a great idea. And congrats on TTuesday, Ten O and still a fab idea!

BJ said... 7

Well there we have it, just seeing your rocking horse medallion is like getting the medal you say I deserved for my 12 Challenge pieces. Maybe I ought to have popped my gratitude tag at the end which was my medal to myself (day #7). I have even managed to resist coughing up for the Fodder School despite copious emails and messenger groups, their early bird cost finished yesterday but it was still around £200 for the year upfront! Love the post card holder, very organised and I love organised. It's given me an idea for a fodder holder without forking out £200 to make one on the course! Hugs BJ#14

Lynnecrafts said... 8

A great collection of postcards, Elizabeth, and what a good way to keep them. I’ve made a postcard bookmark for my book launch. If you send me your address I’ll send you one. Congratulations on your anniversary. I love the little blown glass rocking horse and I’m glad you got it replaced.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 16 x

Sarah Brennan said... 9

Quick visits today as I seem to be even busier than usual now that the holidays are here. Fabulous postcard collection! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

Christine said... 10

I did so think of you when I read a post from my friend in Oregon . . . she's been out travelling and was sharing with us . . . here's the link but read down near the bottom of the post . . . https://catpatches.blogspot.com/2023/07/time-traveling-days-3-and-4.html
That is definitely a photo made for you!!
Have a fun week
Christine #18

My name is Cindy said... 11

Well I guess if I'm honest my craft stuff is in every room of the house but that's not quite the same!! What a great anniversary - any excuse to get happy mail!! Love what you did with that tiny rocking horse - glad you could get it replaced. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #13

Tom said... 12

...organizing things aren't easy for this disorganized guy!

Lunch Lady Jan said... 13

How lovely to receive all that happy mail regarding the T TUesday anniversary and a great way of displaying them as well! That must be the smallest rocking horse you have surely, which is the biggest?!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Neet said... 14

Love the fact t6hat you were able to utilise that broken rocking horse and turn him into something of beauty. Very clever idea.
How strange you have been reorganising postcards, I had been reorganising old photos this morning, think I am going to scrapbook them but not like a scrapper does, mine will just be stuck in with some words about where they are, where I am on the float (as a little girl on a Sunday School event) etc.
Hugs, Neet xxx

Mae Travels said... 15

A post card book? Neat!
I always thought that shoe boxes were made to hold postcards, once their original content was safely out of them. I’m not even sure where all my post cards are, right now, except for some very recent acquisitions. I used to send cards to everyone in my family from every vacation, but now that email and blog posts are so fast, and digital photography is so easy, I don’t do it any more. In some tourist places it’s even become hard to find cards, though museums still seem to create and sell them.
best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

Annie said... 16

What a lovely lot of post cards. Well done you. Such a cute little rocking horse today.
Annie x #7

Crafting With Jack said... 17

Great idea to have a postcard book and your medallion is another great idea. It is so disappointing when things arrive broken, you wonder what the post handlers have been up to! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Nancy said... 18

A great collection and smart storage. What fun to flip through your postcard book from time to time.

Christine said... 19


Divers and Sundry said... 20

I have my great aunt's post card album. Postcards used to be much more of a thing than they are now. I like the way you keep yours :)

Lindart said... 21

HI Elizabeth! Love that rocking horse from last week! I'll have to post my rocking horse, now used by 2 generations, maybe in my next post! Your ICad book must be lovely to look through, I know I love looking through my ATC book. I choose several each month to display in my powder room! Have a great week, Lindart #20

CJ Kennedy said... 22

Fun to organize things because you also get to take a walk down memory lane. Cute, little rocking horse, too

DVArtist said... 23

Well you are such an organized person. I am impressed. You recieved so many lovely gifts. Have a nice day.

Sandra Cox said... 24

Yay for happy mail. How wonderful that so many folks showed their appreciation of you. And well deserved I might add:)

Valerie-Jael said... 25

Glad you managed to salvage your rocking horse! Your postcard book is hug! Hugs, Valerie

BJ said... 26

Elizabeth, you are an absolute star. I have found the fodder folder on you tube. I bet there is more besides there too. Really wish I was feeling better to make something but sadly cough is really settling in for the long haul now methinks. Super Hugs BJ#14

My name is Erika. said... 27

That's a great idea for keeping postcards. It's a fun way to look back at them too. Hugs-Erika

Ali Wade Designs said... 28

Happy Belated WOYWW. What a sweet tiny rocking horse. I used to trade postcards and had a big book of them, but they were definitely just gathering dust on a shelf - so went in one of my big declutters. As we start to plan our retirement and hopefully downsize, it will make life a lot easier with less to pack. Ali x #19

craftytrog said... 29

What a fabulous collection of postcards, and I love the tiny rocking horse. So pleased the seller replaced the broken one.

Lowcarb team member said... 30

I think your postcards book is brilliant.
So pleased the rocking horse got replaced.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

Caty said... 31

OOh this is a magnifique way to keep all your postcards all together. Love this book and the wonderful cristal rocking horse.
Have a nice weekend, hugs

Kyla said... 32

ooh that is a huge postcard book, must admit I have a lot of postcards blue tacked all over one wall of my craft room! Glad you got your rocking horse replaced too.
Thanks for visiting my desk already, running a bit late this week with return