Monday, May 1, 2023

Spread Blooms


Today we welcome a new host at Art Journal Journey, as we do the first of every month.  This month, however, is special because we have a first time host.  Please give a warm welcome to Aimeslee, whose blog is Paper-Paisleys Art Adventures.  Her theme for the entire month is Flowers.  Per Aimeslee, these can be "realistic, whimsical, or abstract."

Although I am not necessarily political, at least not on my blog, there are times when I can't sit back and say nothing.  Therefore, I will (and must) show my feelings in and through my art.

Those of you who have been around my blog for any length of time, know I'm a big proponent of the 2nd Amendment.  I've even caught flack for supporting it.  Trust me when I say I don't want to take your gun from your cold dead hand!  However, I do NOT believe in assault rifles, which can tear a person's body to shreds in the blink of an eye.  We need to get these out of private citizens' hands and let the military take care of them.  However, we can ONLY do that if we elect city, state, and federal officials who will pass laws to remove them and get them into the hands of those who will not misuse them (military).

Here's how I started this spread.

I printed two copies of the assault rifle, one on cardstock and one on printer paper.  I cut the one printed on printer paper "close."  I know a mask is supposed to be a bit smaller than the actual image, but I wanted to leave a bit of room around the gun.

I positioned the mask over the gun on the page, and when I was satisfied with its location, I spritzed one of my handmade shimmering mists on the page.
Overall, I was pleased with the way it turned out.
Now I have a few detail shots.

I used a black Sharpie to write the words.  I fussy cut flowers from three different calendar pages and affixed them to the page with glue stick.  I remembered to use my date stamp for the first of the month, too.  I dripped Staz-on reinker on the flowers so it would look like blood dripping from them.  I wanted the colors to be similar, but not shimmering like with my background mists.

Bleubeard and I hope you aren't offended by my art, but it is the best way I know how to express my total disgust for congress not voting to get rid of these child killers.

Aimeslee, Chris, Erika, Valerie, Bleubeard, and I are delighted you joined us and hope to see you this month at Art Journal Journey as you create Flowers in your art journals.
We welcome art journal pages that meet the theme requirements, altered book pages, canvases, loose, or stand alone pages including fabric and digital art.  We cannot leave comments on Facebook or Instagram entries.  We do not allow cards, tags, index cards, ATCs, or ATCoins, unless they are part of a journal page, and as much as we don't want to, will be forced to delete your entry.  Please remember if your blog is not in English, you must either provide a translation tool or translate it for us.  Hope to see you soon at Art Journal Journey. Please be sure to welcome our first time host, Aimeslee, too.



25 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Hear, hear. I cannot understand why any private citizen needs an assault rifle.

Rita said...

Totally, totally agree with you!!

My name is Erika. said...

I disagree how you said people won't like this page. I think it is a very powerful statement, and certainly is a bang up way to start the new month. And I totally agree with you also. Happy May. hugs-Erika

Tom said...

...WOW, this is powerful! Can I use this and credit you?

Rostrose said...

Dear Elizabeth, I am very grateful to you for your art and article. Sometimes it's important to be brave and stand up for your opinion. And I think THAT is an important case and an important topic!
Have a great May!
Hugs, Traude 😘

Debra said...

This is beautiful and powerful. I agree with you too.

Christine said...

Perfect new theme, beautiful

*Vicki* said...

Such a powerful and meaningful page! Love that we can express ourselves with our crafting! Thanks for sharing!

Cloudia said...

Agree 100%! Both parties used to be reasonable with different views and then they would hammer it out. And now we have a group that just wants to tear everything down and take everyone's rights and I'm not okay with that. This is not a both sides problem. We need reasonable people on both sides!

Trillian As said...

I am totally on your side. I love how you created your statement.

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful page with a great message! Hugs, Valerie

Elkes Lebensglück said...

Great expressive journal page, I agree with you completely!
I wish you a happy May! hug Elke

pearshapedcrafting said...

That gun looks evil. Why would anyone want to own one? This page and your message makes me sad. I hope folk start to listen to you and others with a similar view. A great start to Aimeslee's Flowers theme at AJJ hugs, Chrisx

Susan Kane said...

We had guns on the farm, needed them. To have assault rifles is literally "over kill".

Divers and Sundry said...

I agree with you, but we can't seem to convince Tennessee politicians or 2nd Amendment absolutists that unlimited access to the arsenal of your choice is a bad idea :(

Sandra Cox said...

Well said. I heartily support your sentiments.

Iris Flavia said...

Powerful. Like the person(s?) who put a flower in the "nose" of a tank!

Let's Art Journal said...

Very expressive page and sometimes I wonder What is the world coming too, it's all very sad! Take care and wishing you a happy May 😊. Hugs, Jo x

Sharon Fritchman said...

Your page is beautiful and meaningful, Elizabeth. I love your title so much and couldn't agree with you more. Thank your for sharing. Hugs, Sharon

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Your artwork is beautiful. But it's interesting that you say "get them into the hands of those who will not misuse them (military)."

NatureFootstep said...

I prefere blooms :)

Aimeslee Winans said...

Thank you for sharing this, Elizabeth and also for sharing your illness with me. It helps me feel not so alone, thank you! XOX

Gibby Frogett said...

A beautiful and powerful piece of artwork Elizabeth - and well said! x

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...


nwilliams6 said...

Elizabeth, this page is so powerful and vivid. I totally agree with you too. I do believe in guns but not these crazy, violent ones. Great use of flowers too. Hugz