Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day and I'm back online


In case no one noticed (because I had a few posts ready to publish), I have been offline since Friday afternoon.  At the same time, I also lost my phone service, which is tied to my internet.  It was too cold to go out, with wind chills that would have turned me into a pop-sickle in about six minutes, I was stuck with no way to communicate with anyone.  And PLEASE do not suggest I finally get a cell phone.  That is one expense I do NOT need at this time.

Today is Boxing Day in Canada, the UK, and Australia.  I believe it is also a bank holiday in those countries.  Here in the states, we have "after Christmas" sales, similar to how Boxing Day has devolved.

T Stands For Tuesday MAY be a few minutes late, because it appears my internet (or maybe Blogger) is running very slow today and I still have to create my post  However, we WILL still have T Stands For Tuesday, even if it's a bit late.
BTW, belated Christmas and Holiday wishes to all who left them for me.

8 thoughtful remarks:

Mae Travels said...

I hope all of your tech goes back to normal soon. Oddly, I have noticed that your web page/blog has been very slow to load for a few days, which can’t be due to your internet provider, but to blogger. I haven’t noticed that on other blogs. Strange!

Best… mae at

Elephant's Child said...

I am sorry that you were incommunicado, and that you are still feeling the effect of the cold.
It is the day after Boxing Day here, and much warmer than I like it.

Debra said...

Ug-I'm tired of winter already and it's only a few days into it! Sending you a virtual hug-'cos I sympathize with having electronics go down. No fun. We are going to be in the fifties by the end of the week. Yay! I do hope you will warm up too. Take care...

CJ Kennedy said...

Glad you're back in the Ether and you got through the storm safe and sound.

kathyinozarks said...

thanks for checking in with us-I was thinking perhaps you had internet issues or possible no electric. glad you are safe hugs

Jenn Jilks said...

Our power was a bit wonky. Welcome back and Merry Christmas!

Divers and Sundry said...

We kept a land line for the longest time. It just suited our cautious nature lol

Glad you're back!

Jeanie said...

I didn't get out for Boxing Day shopping. It's probably a good thing!