Monday, November 28, 2022

T Stands For Teacup Book Week 4 and gifts from a friend


I'm sure you know by now that Bleubeard and I are hosting Art Journal Journey this month and our themes are Collage Fodder, Food and Drink, or both.  Further, many of you have seen the first three signatures of my new tea cup book.  Today is no different.

But first, I want to share something I received over a week ago, but never photographed.  I was supposed to share this last week, but I was sick and didn't leave my sick bed unless I was forced to do so.

What is this, you ask.  It's a wax seal my friend Kathy (in Ozarks) used to seal the envelope.  I borrowed a camera and NOTHING came out as I had hoped.  However, you can see I have not opened it yet. 

I thought a close up might be better, but that didn't help, either.

The cute sticker on the front was just as bad.  However, my smudge tool worked perfectly.  I'm sure you won't be able to read the address if you don't already know it.  Please DO NOT write it in comments if you DO know it!

The stamps were even worse.  I knew the bunny stamp was an added ounce, but I had NO idea what the flowers were from looking at the photo.  I believe it is one of the 

  mountain flora stamps called pasqueflower.  It is a forever 1st class stamp. Image is from  They were first issued this year.

I finally have the envelope open and I did a terrible job opening it.

Inside was a lovely hand sewn book that showcased

Kathy's eco-dyed papers and stickers.
I love the stamped bird on a limb.  It is fabulous.

Kathy explained the photo was taken in Yellowstone Park in 2017.  I understand that each photo card was different.  Thank you Kathy.  I am so proud of this book and card.  I will cherish this forever dear.

While I was photographing the gift Kathy sent (I took over 60 photos, most  completely out of focus,

look who showed up begging to be fed (like his fat little body needs food)!  I'm glad this turned out so well because Bleubeard has been in the spotlight all month and I think T Tuesday is a good time to let Squiggles shine.

Some saw my Thanksgiving dining room tablescape on Turkey Day.  However, by the time you read this, the cards, turkeys, and pumpkin are now gone and all I have to do is decide what tree I want to place on this table this year.  Cards from left are from Kathy (in Ozarks), 2022, Kathy (in Ozarks), 2019, and RO!, 2021.

Now for my final teacup signature.

This is the front of the final signature.

Obviously, this is the inside.

And that just leaves the back.  IF I find time between decorating my Christmas home, making my annual Christmas cards and tip-ins, creating a journal page for our December host, finishing Treasure Trovember, and making potato soup, I will try to get the cover created for this little book.  But please don't hold me to it.  I am really far behind, since I haven't even created my final collage fodder entry for Art Journal Journey, which is Wednesday.

While I take a deep breath, please share your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, handmade cards, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, a favorite mug, cup and saucer, teapot, coffee pot, or even a wine glass. Regardless, please join us by linking below.  Bleubeard and I will gladly visit, as will other T participants.  Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and not just this year.  Please remember to visit your fellow T participants.
I would also be remiss if I didn't remind you it's time to dig up your Second on the 2nd.  It can be any post, any length, any genre, but it must be one that has been published sometime in the past.

23 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Hi Elizabeth, you got some lovely new gifts to treasure, enjoy. Your Thanksgiving cards look lovely. Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie. Lovely to see Squiggles, too!

Kate Yetter said... 2

Beautiful cards and gifts! So sorry that you were under that weather last week but glad you are doing better. Your fodder pages are again, lovely.
Happy Tea Day,

DVArtist said... 3

I agree with Valerie and Kate, great gifts and a wonderful table decoration. I do hope you are feeling better now. As always cleaver art. Have a very nice evening.

My name is Erika. said... 4

I'm glad you're feeling better and had time to get all your photos together for this week. Too bad you didn't have much luck with your camera for some of them though. Kathy's card is lovely , as was your Thanksgiving display. That's a great big "stuffed" turkey. And I am also enjoying the other signatures in your T book. That was a great idea for this month. I can't believe how little time we have left in the month. I hope you have a great T day, and thanks for sharing the cards from Kathy. hugs-Erika

Carola Bartz said... 5

That's a beautiful little gift from Kathy. Your Thanksgiving table is lovely. I'm glad you're feeling much better by now. Happy T Day!

Cloudia said... 6

Squiggles!!! (Thoughtfully)

Cloudia said... 7

glad you are bouncing back! Aloha Squiggles <3

kathyinozarks said... 8

Good to see Squiggles and so happy you are feeling better, no fun being ill especially over a holiday. I am glad you enjoyed my little booklet and card-I enjoyed making those-and using some more of my eco dyed papers-time to use those and get them out of the drawer.
I am in love with your tea journal Elizabeth hugs

jinxxxygirl said... 9

Love seeing your Happy Mail from Kathy! I was lucky enough to receive one of her little special books too! I will be getting myself in gear this week too and get at least started decorating for Christmas.. I just LOVE your little tea cup book ! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb

Christine said... 10

Nice work

Iris Flavia said... 11

Yay for health and happy mail - and a happy cat, too!
Sad that cam messed up so big. Hope you have your own back, soon.
Oh, and to love and music, dear host!
Wow, you sure have a huge list to go through. Please never say your life is boring ;-)

Mae Travels said... 12

Hi Elizabeth and everyone else —- I am traveling and won’t have any time to visit any other blogs. Apologies to everyone. I made sure to include a painting with a glass of wine in my report on a wonderful museum, and I haven’t forgotten you, just have a schedule that’s very packed.

best to all… mae at

Elephant's Child said... 13

What a WONDERFUL and meaningful gift.
Happy T day.

aussie aNNie said... 14

So beautiful and what a fabulous of gifts ♥

CJ Kennedy said... 15

Lovely cards and gifts. Squiggles is adorable and I enjoyed your teacup book. Happy T Day

Lisca said... 16

Beautiful cards and gifts!
Oops, caps lock was on...
What a great photo of Squiggles. As you say, he is not often in the limelight.
I have just noticed that my blogpost which I had scheduled, had failed to post. Oh well, I had other things to worry about.
Hubby is now unconscious, Tracey is here and I have had the first nights sleep in a long time! Now we take it in turns to sit with him.
Happy T-Day,

nwilliams6 said... 17

Happy T-day! Looks like a fabulous present from Kathy and a lovely Thanksgiving display. Love your signatures/pages too - such lovely colors and collages. I wish I would have been able to play in your AJJ theme more this month but was out of town a bit too much.

Squiggles is adorable.

Fun post as always. I am with you on all the things that need to be done!


Jenn Jilks said... 18

They are lovely cards! Good work.

Jackie McGuinness said... 19

What a thoughtful delightful gift!!!!
I can finally comment!

Divers and Sundry said... 20

Those stamps are a treat, as is the treasure-filled happy mail. Sweet!

Hello, Squiggles :) I'm glad to see you ready for your closeup.

Happy T Tuesday

Empire of the Cat said... 21

How lovely to get some happy mail. Poor squiggles, he is really filling out that photo! Miss Lily has been poorly for two weeks now, just back from the vet again. I haven't had much time to focus on journalling this month sadly and I had so many pages planned. :( Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

Let's Art Journal said... 22

Such lovely happy mail from Kathy, loving the wax seal 😊. Your cards are all beautiful and your thanksgiving turkey is such fun - love them! Squiggles looks adorable and your collage tea pages are wonderful. Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said... 23

Oh My - a whole post full of treats! A lovely gift from Kathy, how beautiful it is! Your Thanksgiving table looks wonderful as does your final signature in your Teacup book.
It certainly is great to see Squiggles taking part too - you and Bleubeard have done a great job this month and I am impressed with your AED, Happy T day, Chrisx