Today I'm joining Elle from Empire of the Cat, our host this month at Art Journal Journey. As many of you probably know, her theme is Fairytales, Folklore, and Fables -
Tell Me A Story. Although I have missed much of this month due to jury duty, I hope to catch up soon.

Mirror, mirroron the wall.who's the fairestof them all?
Bleubeard and I
are delighted you joined us today, and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own take on Fairytales, Folklore, & Fables -
Tell Me A Story.
Now to explain about the trial. Most trials you see on scripted TV shows deal with criminal cases. These can include theft, rape, incest, kidnapping, and murder. There is always a defendant, or the person accused of doing the dirty deed and the prosecution, usually represented by lawyers from the city or the state in which the crime was committed. Twelve jurors must agree to either guilty or not guilty.
Civil cases are much different. They are cases that do not involve a felony. In a civil trial, there is a plaintiff and a defendant. The plaintiff brings the case to the court and the defendant must defend his or her actions. This is mostly in the form of money. In a civil trial, no one goes to jail if the defendant loses. There can be cases in which the judge is the only one listening to the evidence and making a ruling, or there can be a jury trial where either six or 12 jurors listen to the evidence.
When there is a civil jury trial, the judge instructs what law or laws must be observed and the jury I was on had to decide if the evidence that had been presented met these requirements. We could only deal with evidence we heard in court. We then were instructed to present a verdict of liable or not liable on the plaintiff's claims. In this case, we the jury were asked to show the defendant to be guilty or not guilty beyond a preponderance of evidence, unlike a criminal case which requires the defendant to be guilty or not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
This case involved a man who may or may not have left his cattle gate open and his cows got onto a main highway. Two vehicles were totaled and there were injuries to the people in the vehicles. The cows were killed as a result and the owner of the cattle was suing the owners of the vehicles for killing his cattle.
Want to know what we the jury decided and what to award the owner of the cows? Come back for T Tuesday and find out.
14 thoughtful remarks:
Making an award to the owner of the cows is a strong indication which way you decided.
Love your creation. Your handwriting is much, much better than mine.
Nice journal
Page. I like it’s simplicity. And interesting to read about your time on the jury at the trial. I agree with elephants child about how you probably “voted”. But I’m curious to read more about it. Happy Monday. And glad you’re back at Ajj too. Hugs Erika
Lovely journal page, and a verse that I learned when I was a kid. I would never ask that question, I would be too afraid of the answer! Could you please link me to TsfT this evening, I need to go to bed early just now. Have agreat week, hugs, Valerie
I couldn't face jury duty these days!
Good for you.
I enjoy your projects and explanation.
wow that was a very interesting trial and I think would be difficult to decide.
I liked your page for the theme simple is best sometimes Happy Monday
I LOLed when you said it took three days, isn't that always the way. You think it's going to be quick and then it takes much longer than expected. I like the page, the green and gold and the reflective mirror. Also interesting to read about the trial. I feel sorry for the cows,maybe their relatives can also sue the farmer for leaving the gate open. Thanks for joining me for the October theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle/Empire of the Cat xx
I’m looking forward to the rest of the story of the trial. I would like to know what Kansas laws could possibly make it ok for a farmer to run cattle on a highway and endanger drivers!
best… mae at
Yes, I want to know what the jury decided! That's an interesting case. I always dread if I hear of jury duty but I've never served. That might be fun!
First off - very cool rendition of a piece of the Snow White story!
Hmmm…. On the face of it, I’d say that farmer has a lot of moxie - and not in a good way. It was his responsibility to keep those cattle contained, and if they escaped, it was on him. In fact, in my opinion, he is responsible for the damage done to the cars and their passengers. I say this as someone who once owned cattle. But I will be very interested to find out what the jury decided.
The owner of the cattle sued the drivers? Wow! I'd think securing his cattle would be his responsibility, and that he might well be liable for the damage to the cars and any injuries involved. I'll be interested in hearing how this turned out.
Such wonderful pages! The shimmer and shine is gorgeous and I'm sure looks even better up close 😊. So glad to hear your back from jury duty and I'll be sure to check on on Tuesday to find out the outcome. Happ wishes! Hugs Jo x
Wow, looking forward to find out tomorrow!
Poor cows. They had no idea...
nice page and sentiment.
I don't see the comment I left you - I love this - love the shimmer- this is such a good idea for Elle's AJJ theme, hugs, Chrisx
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