I forgot to share this a couple of weeks ago. Definitely a very personal invitation. I also forgot to mention that I also saw my friend Emily, who does so much for this PBS Station. The look on her face was that of stunned surprise. We haven't seen each other in over 2 years, so it was good to just hug and say a brief hello. She had people hanging all over her and I needed to catch up with my tour group, so it was brief, but at least we were able to talk later.
Divers and Sundry mentioned that her PBS station that covers Memphis has two channels. KPTS or PBS Kansas has four: 8.1 through 8.4. 8.1 is the main channel that shows both local and network shows. 8.2 is Explore with primarily network shows. 8.3 is Create, where I get craft and sewing, travel, and cooking shows. Finally. 8.4 is the Kid's Channel. It shows only children's programs 24/7.
It's been very hot out and also in my house, so I am either on the computer or watching PBS in this heat. However, I am working outside when it is cool because the herbs have to be watered at least once, and sometimes twice a day, like yesterday when the high was 107 F. (41,6 C).

These are my plants four weeks ago. The cilantro and dill overwintered outside.

You can see the pots in the background have just been planted.

This was Thursday morning.

I think I've saved this geranium.

My cilantro is getting coriander seeds that will soon produce new plants.

My plants in pots are doing well, too.

It won't be long until the dill will be producing seeds to make more dill. You can never have too much dill.

The first rose of the year in my flower bed.

My transplanted Rose of Sharon seems to like their new spots along the ugly fence.
No funnies this week. I haven't had time to look for any, and the ones I've seen are too political to show. I'm waiting for some of Boris (NOT REALLY).
Thanks for visiting and spending a bit of time with Bleubeard and me this
Friday. Now PLEASE visit Annie and don't forget to start your weekend with a smile.
17 thoughtful remarks:
Ugh on that heat. Stay cool, stay safe.
I love your garden and I am sure the plants are very grateful for their extra watering.
your herbs are looking good. I am glad we don't get such heat here, i don't like it at all - over the weekend and next week when i am off work and wanting to go out for days it is due to be about 30(c) which is too much for me so we'll see. I know you may not have time to catch up with the Kew posts but I was out yesterday too.....
The plants look as though they are coming on well. It's been really warm here most days but the children will be breaking up for their summer break soon and that's when it usually rains Hee! Hee! hopefully as all my water butts are empty and I have to keep topping the pond up too. Have a lovely weekend, hugs Angela xxx
Lucky you with the weather.
I sit in a jumper, it´s cold :-(
Your herbs look really good.
Your herbs are doing very well. They seem to manage in the heat but at least it does cool down a bit in the evenings. here it holds its temperature for most of the night. 41 plus degrees it too hot for me. We have been in the mid to upper thirties this week and I only survive by staying in during the day with the fans on.
Your tour looks interesting. We have way too may channels to choose from, though we mainly stick to one or two of them.
I am sure you will find plenty of Boris memes over the next few weeks. What a mess Uk is in. I hope they find someone a bit more sensible to take over from him.
Kate x
Wow, 41,6 degrees C is very hot! We get to about 39, most days 36 and very rarely does it hit 40 degrees.
Your plant are doing okay. Hurray for the persistent geranium. (I have a few of those too. I don't have the heart to throw them away).
Another hurray for your rose. Beauty! Don't forget to prune it, it looks a bit straggly.
Your Rose of Sharon is really liking it there. Soon enough you won't see the ugly fence anymore.
I notice you are getting confused with caravans and motorhomes (and then there are campervans). In the UK, a motorhome is what you call an RV. Only in the States they are so much bigger than in Europe. A caravan in Europe is a trailer. One needs a car to pull it. A campervan is a small RV, usually the size of a van, like the iconic VW campervan. In Europe there are many parking sites for campervans and motorhomes. They provide water and chem toilet discharge facilities. Some have electricity too. Most are built there by the local council, in the hope that people will come and spend some money in their locality. But in Britain there are no such parkings. One has to pay for a campsite (with all the nice facilities that you really don't need when traveling in a motorhome). So you are paying for stuff you don't need.
So I can imagine that Anny and her husband changed their mind.
Enjoy your weekend,
Give those boys a cuddle,
I know what you mean about heat Elizabeth we are up over 100 F every day.. Its a long HOT summer... Thats a lovely invitation from PBS..very fancy! Your plants look well in all this heat.. I'm not even trying this year.. I have those volunteer Sunflowers that i will throw some water on now and then and thats it for this year.. Maybe next year we will get rid of La Nina.. Hugs! deb
Good morning, it's been a very hot summer for allot of us-I am just working on keeping what I planted alive Your herbs are doing well and loved seeing the blooms.
we have always only had one pbs station where ever I lived, but here at the lake we have two stations. that's nice your area has a kids only station.
we finally got a break-it's been raining all night and early morning so far and we are at 74 degrees f now instead of the mid to high 80's (early morning)
Happy Friday I am seeing way too many political memes lately too Hugs from the lake
Your rose of Sharon looks beautiful Elizabeth. Here they don't bloom until September. When one of my principals died, they planted one in his name because it would bloom when school was opening up. I like how it covers the ugly fence too. Even your dill is ahead of mine. Mine is about 4-5 inches tall but no flower or seed heads yet. The garden is looking great. I hope your week is going well. hugs-Erika
I hate to rub it in-but our weather in upstate NY has been perfect. No humidity and mostly high 70's. Sunny. We are very dry though. Last summer we lived in perpetual rain. And it was humid and hot. Awful. Your garden looks very well tended and the geranium is beautiful. I also love PBS but we don't have any craft shows.
Well done! I have killed so many Rose of Sharon here. It's just too hot, and I am reluctant to water the entire garden. I did water this morning, though.
(ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!
4 channels!!! I'm jealous! We do a lot of children's programming, including classroom instructional videos, but we don't have a channel that does nothing else. Cool! We get some exercise/health/cooking shows on one of the channels. The entire idea of public, non-commercial television is something that deserves support. It should get more of our tax dollars, imo.
Yikes! 107! We're breaking records here, but we haven't gotten that hot yet. What a pretty geranium. I haven't had that plant in decades, and I can't remember now why not lol It looks like your herbs are doing well. You picked a great spot for the Rose of Sharon plants, and it won't be long before they pretty much obscure that fence. They do have pretty flowers, don't they :)
I love seeing your garden/patio photos. I picked up a coreopsis plant and a purple coneflower at the grocery store yesterday and have repotted them. We'll see how they do. My pentas has suffered more from the heat this year than ever before. We're expecting a high today of 102 with a heat index over 110.
Your pots are looking good and it’s lovely to see your flowers. Just so you know...a motor home has an engine and our new caravan has to be towed by our car...which means we can set the caravan up on a campsite and travel in the car....hopefully it will suit us better.
Annie x
Yay for PBS! We enjoy it here. About your ugly fence, it’s simply no longer ugly!
garden’s looking great elizabeth….hope all is well with you, bleu
and squiggles, can only visit once a week for now….data limits
on the ipad! happy weekend to all ❤️
and I can see once again my comment has flown off into space
The garden life is looking good! And it looks like they did a great job with the event from the very invitation on. Our PBS affiliate has five stations -- the main channel, World, Create (how to), Kids and Learning. I'm glad I don't have to promote them all anymore!
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