Monday, June 20, 2022

T Stands For Time With Friends


Today has been one of those days.  I've been up nearly 24 hours, and will have been up over 27 hours when this post goes live.  At about 6 a.m., I started leaving comments to my internet friends.  By 8 a.m., I was outside watering plants both in the front and back.  By 9 a.m., I was in the shower, then did a load of hand washing (not so) delicate unmentionables. I was out the door before 11 a.m. to buy a tool I wanted.  By 12:30 I went to lunch with a friend.  By 2 p.m., I had a haircut.  I nearly fell asleep in the chair.  Now I'm home and must create this abbreviated T Tuesday post today.  The reason will be revealed shortly.

One night when Joseph was here, Scott joined us.  Scott and I had beer (mine Guinness, of course), while Joseph had French roast coffee with half and half (note the herbs that are drying on the hanger on the cabinet door).  The subject came up about the ceiling in my kitchen. In case you've never seen my ceiling, this is part of it. This is the area where we started.  At first, Joseph hated it.  He said it looked like a third grader had stamped the ceiling.  

However, over the years, he has come to appreciate the work and the compliments he received when anyone saw he had done the actual stamping, while I had used the brayer to cover the stamp with copper paint.
The reason this T post is abbreviated is, I have already received one package for the napkin swap.  I want to go over the rules before anyone else sends theirs, since many of you know my mailing address.

First, before you seal your envelope, make sure you have two napkins for EIGHT participants.  That means 16 napkins.
Second, take a photo of the napkins you are sending.  That way recipients will know who sent those napkins.  You will reveal the napkins on the day of the swap.
Third, enclose ONE first class stamp or stamps equivalent to $0.58.  If there is a cost overage, I will pay it.
Fourth, include a typed or handwritten address label large enough for the size envelope I showed last week.   I will attach the label with clear tape when I return your swapped napkins.
First, before you seal your envelope, make sure you have two napkins for EIGHT participants.  That means 16 napkins.
Second, take a photo of the napkins you are sending.  That way recipients will know who sent those napkins.  You will reveal the napkins on the day of the swap. 
Third, include a typed or handwritten address label large enough for the size envelope I showed last week.   I will attach the label with clear tape when I return your swapped napkins.  
Fourth, include TWO ATCs with your napkins.  You will receive one from me and one from another international player.  This is entirely optional, but you will still receive two ATCs with your napkins. 
Be sure your mail to me is not metered.
Please DO NOT reveal your napkins until the day of the swap.  Any questions, please ask.

By now, I don't believe there is anyone who has not played before, so since you know the rules, please link below.  Be sure your link goes directly to your blog post and not your blog in general.  And PLEASE, please, please, visit your fellow T Tuesday participants.

28 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Glad you enjoyed time with your friends! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

kathyinozarks said... 2

I am happy you time with friends. Larry will join you with the Guinness stout only beer he likes is dark European beers. sounds like a long day-time for a nap-hugs

jinxxxygirl said... 3

Elizabeth i would LOVE to see a better view to see just what is stamped on your kitchen ceiling... In copper i bet it is just lovely not matter what it is.. After rereading your instructions i think i did everything right.. lol I hope uyou'll let me know if something is not right.. and i can make it right.. I have my ATC's ready to send too.. Do you know when that is going to happen? Looks like you had a lot of fun with your friends! Happy happy T day! Hugs! deb...

Carola Bartz said... 4

Spending time with friends is never wasted! If it's accompanied by Guinness, even better. Happy T day!

Mae Travels said... 5

Your collection of copper kettles and other copper things looks lovely. I used to have one that sat on the stove all the time but I don't know what happened to it. I'm intrigued by your decorated ceiling.

best... mae at

Elephant's Child said... 6

Happy T day - and I hope you are catching up on your missed sleep.

Lisca said... 7

Wow! You have been busy and running around! No wonder you fall asleep at the hairdresser.
I have never seen your kitchen ceiling. It is stamped you say? I can't really see it. Perhaps sometime you could post a close-up of part of the ceiling. That would be interesting.
I love your copper pots and things. Is it a lot of work to keep them nice?
Thanks for the instructions on the sending of the napkins. I will try to follow it to the letter. (It's not that difficult).
Happy T-Day,

Linda Kunsman said... 8

Would LOVE to have a Guinness with you! Staying up so long will always wreak havoc on one's body and mind- especially the next day. I hope it was for a happy reason you were up so very long.
I used to have things on top of the kitchen cabinets but I finally got tired of dusting /cleaning so I got rid of everything (meaning- a collection of decorated tins). Love the pic of Scott looking up in that last photo.
Happy T day!

Sharon Madson said... 9

You better be getting some rest, Elizabeth! I will get in contact with you soon, or better yet, maybe you can call me when it is convenient for you. I have my napkins ready, but not my ATCS.
Yay! I got my blog posted this week. I would love to see that ceiling better.
Happy T Day.

My name is Erika. said... 10

It looks like you had a nice visit and had a good time with your friends. And I like your ceiling. It is unique and looks great with the rest of your kitchen decor. You have some great copper pieces. I hope you have a great T day. Hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said... 11

I can see why you almost fell asleep. That is a busy day. Glad you were able to spend some time with friends.
Happy Tea Day,

Darla said... 12

You sure accomplished a lot, no wonder you are tired. The stamped ceiling is very unique. I'd like to see a clear picture of it. You wouldn't mind laying on the floor and oointing your camera straight up would you? I didn't think so. Lol!

Iris Flavia said... 13

Yay to friends, nay to being up so long! When we come home from Perth I have the same, soooo exhausting (I cannot sleep on the plane or train).
And a Guinness would throw me into a nap at once - I had one once.... glad I lived around the corner ;-)
Happy T-Day, dear host!

CJ Kennedy said... 14

A busy day and what better way to end it than a beverage with friends. Happy T Day

Jackie McGuinness said... 15

A Guinness drinker, good to know!

Nancy Chan said... 16

I have never seen a stamped ceiling. How interesting. Wish to see a closer up of your ceiling. It must be tough work to stamp the ceiling.

Mia said... 17

I LOVE Guinness beer, Elizabeth, and I love your beautiful copper pots. Your kitchen ceiling looks amazing!
As for the napkins swap, I am not sure I understood two things:
1. Will I send 16 napkins (plus 2 ATCs optional) to you? If yes, when do I have to do it? Now or later? Please let me know.
2. When is the reveal day for the napkins swap?
Kisses, my friend.

DVArtist said... 18

I would love to see photos of your ceiling. That is awesome! Wow, lots accomplished, even a haircut nap. LOL It looks like the 3 of you had a grand time. Maybe get some rest today. Whatever you do have a wonderful day.

Divers and Sundry said... 19

Sounds like y'all had fun.

I have popcorn ceilings so am in no position to sit in judgement on anybody else's ;)

Happy T Tuesday

Debra said... 20

I like the ceiling a lot. I hope you find some time to rest!

da tabbies o trout towne said... 21

happy week a head to you Elizabeth, have a guiness for me!

hope all iz well bleu N squiggles…keep in trubull ❤️

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

Oh my Elizabeth! I would have fallen asleep in the hairdressers chair....and when I got home! Your ceiling looks fantastic! Isn't it great to spend time with friends-for lunch or just for a chat over a drink? I must get my little collection of napkins photographed! I sent you an e-mail, hugs, Chrisx

Lowcarb team member said... 23

Happy T Day.
What a busy day.

All the best Jan

Spyder said... 24

I fall asleep at a drop of a hat these days! Guinness is good for you, and as I found out many many years ago, very good if you're feeding babies! I spy a rocking horse on your counter How many do you have!? Yes your comments got through okay, thank you for visiting! Have a great week! And happy T day! ((Lyn))

Cloudia said... 25

Hugs dea

Cloudia said... 26

Dear 🌿

Jeanie said... 27

You have been busy! No wonder you were so exhausted (and it might take a while to catch up on rest!) But is there any better reason than to be celebrating, laughing, talking and just being with dear friends? I don't think so. I'm delighted you had this joyful opportunity.

Empire of the Cat said... 28

Sorry for my lateness (again) but health issues mean less computer time. I'm not sure I have a choice re metered mail, we only have a mobile post office with the bare essentials (a man in a van with a machine) and I can't go any further at the moment. If that's a problem let me know. Sounds like you had a busy but fun day, you must be exhausted. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx