Friday, June 3, 2022

Friday in my world


This is a photo from last year when my friend Joseph brought his sons to Wichita for a visit.

  This might seem like a cop out to Friday Face Off, but my friend Joseph (on the left) is visiting Wichita without his sons this week.  I have very little time for much else and because I only see him while he is in Wichita (he lives in the suburbs of Los Angeles, CA), I am spending every second I can with him.  Friday Face Off, or FFO is hosted by Nicole aka DVArtist.  An earlier view of my dill shows how much I love it.  I have at least four pots of dill.  Three are for me and one is for the swallowtails whose caterpillars munch through it like it is candy.  I realize I'm a couple days late, but I'm joining Kathy our host for Food Wednesday and Rain for Thursday Art Date.  

Dill is my all time favorite herb.  You name it, I've used it on or in.  Soups, eggs, omelets, baked or fried potatoes, fish, pasta, quinoa, and veggies of all types.  I've made dill butter and slathered it on breads, toast, and sandwiches.  It's incredibly easy to grow and easily reseeds itself, too.  I hope you will try dill on your next savory meal or dish.  

It's now time to join Friday Smiles which is hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time) and the lovely ladies who join her each Friday.  

We've had rain for four days straight and this is the first day the sun has finally come out late in the day (Thursday afternoon).

I'm not sure why my text under my photos won't left adjust all of a sudden, but, after trying three different ways to get around the problem, I'm saying sorry, but I don't have time to mess with it.

The pots are sitting on black plastic and pooled water.  So far, I am having decent luck.

A squirrel or a bunny got into my broccoli and it is now gone.

I'm quite pleased with my lavender which normally doesn't like wet soil.

Some bunny or squirrel dug up all my sunflowers.  Now I must plant more.

I love the reflections in the water, but they are really breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which are bad this year. 
Thanks for visiting and spending a bit of time with Bleubeard and me this Friday.  Now PLEASE visit Annie, Nicole, Kathy, and Rain and don't forget to start your weekend with a smile. 

25 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Enjoy your time with Joseph. And your delicious dill. It is FINALLY too cold for 'squitoes here. About time too.

kathyinozarks said...

Hi Elizabeth, thank you for joining in for food wednesdays. I got my dill planted too the other day-but then we had a really bad storm with loads of hard rain-so my dill and flower seeds are probably all washed down together now.
the critters sure love to get into things-we have so many chipmunks here that I gave up and didn't plant any veggies this year as they eat everything. Happy Friday and weekend

mamapez5 said...

I wonder whether the cterpillars know which pots of dill they can munch on!
I am sure allthe plants were happy to have a good soaking but I know what you mean about the mosquitoes. The town coucil are doing extra spraying everywhere there is water still laying after all our rain, but I am still getting bitten.
We don't see dill much out here but I will look out for some seeds. It sounds like a useful herb to have. kate x

Lisca said...

I have planted some dill too and it has only just sprouted, so fingers crossed.
Have a lovely time with your friend Joseph,

Mae Travels said...

Great to hear that your friend is visiting you. I hope you enjoy each other’s company. It’s been so hard when people live far away, because of all the risks of long plane flights.

I agree that dill is a great flavor!

best… mae at

Barbara said...

I’m sure Joseph and kids LOVE their visits with such an interesting friend!

My name is Erika. said...

I am with you about dill. It freezes well too, which you probably know already. I like its distinctive taste. And have fun with Joseph. Seeing friends you don't get to spend much time with is always important. Hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

Enjoy your visit with your friend. Your garden is looking great. I think the chipmunk got at the sunflowers Vincent and I planted the other day

Christine said...

I just got so much fresh chives from my neighbour I will use your dill suggestions for my chives thanks.

Rain said...

I love dill too, though I've never tried to grow it, funny thing! I'm always so obsessed with basil that I forget about other herbs, must remedy that! I love how smart you are putting down the tarp under your pots. I used cardboard, but tarp is a great idea! By the way Elizabeth, for the past few weeks, my comments have been disappearing too. It's mostly on those blogs where people moderate. It says that the comment will be published after approval, but sometimes it just disappears!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi lovely Elizabeth, dill is not something I've used and if it's that good I'd better give it a go! Your garden is looking good my friend. Now Mosquitoes! I hate. Because we back on to some wet land it gets really bad as the weather warms up. As yet I can find no justification for them, they are awful creatures. Hope your time with Joseph is a happy one, it must be so nice to have a visitor. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

Annie said...

I hope you enjoy your time with your visitor. Good luck with the garden.
Annie x

DVArtist said...

Ohhhh this is a fabulous post and meets the requirements for FFO. Show me a face and you have shown some handsome faces. I love seeing your garden. We are in 4 days of rain right now. uhhhgggg. I need sunshine and so does my garden. I really like the pots you have too. Thanks for joining Friday Face Off.

Iris Flavia said...

Have fun with your friend.
Bad squirrels/bunnies you´ve got! I hope Peanut stays away from my seeds.
I have loads of wood-strawberries, but my herbs don´t do that well.

Valerie-Jael said...

Enjoy your time with Joseph, have a fun Friday. Hugs, Valerie

Andrea @ From The Sol said...

Your plantings are ambitious and in time will be delicious, as long as you can keep the critters away. No Mosquitos here yet, but when they come they are ferocious. Meanwhile, I will stay in at dusk which is when they seem to get hungry and do my gardening in the heat of day. Glad your friend is visiting and brings the boys ... kids can lift your spirits without even trying. Wonderful post, Elizabeth and love to Bleubeard (who I am guessing hides under the bed when the kids are there :)


da tabbies o trout towne said...

elizabeth, enjoy your time with joseph and have a great weekend

wavez two ewe bleu and squiggles😺❤️

Jeanie said...

How fun to have time with Joseph. It's never enough but when one lives far, anything is good!

I know just what you mean about dill. It's good in everything. Mine is coming up too (I used some in sandwiches for my Jubilee tea!). It dries so beautifully,too.

Serena Lewis said...

Spending time with friends is special and no excuse is necessary. I see 4 faces in that pic so it works for Friday Face Off. Enjoy time with Joseph.

Would you believe I've never used dill but I may get some to try after reading how much you love it.

I'm sure you're enjoying that sunshine after 4 straight days of rain. I know I would be.

OH dear, naughty squirrel. I think they think you've laid out a feast just for them. hehe

The water reflections are nice but yes, a breeding ground for mozzies — we have to avoid that too.

I hope you have a lovely weekend,
Serena x

Rita said...

Enjoy your visitor time!
I'm having bunny nibbling issues, too. No squirrels, though, I don't think. Only have seen the one briefly since I moved here.

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Time is a precious thing it's so important to spend it with friends and family when ever you can Elizabeth.. It looks like you have lots of things to take care of in the garden, I bet the squirrel had a feast on that broccoli how cheeky they are. Enjoy your time with your friend.
Happy FFO Hugs Tracey xx

Mae Travels said...

I think I have solved the riddle of why I wasn’t being allowed to comment on a number of blogs — II turned on something in settings called “Cross Website Tracking” and was allowed, while recently I have been unable to comment. This might help other bloggers too.

best… mae at

craftytrog said...

Lovely photos Elizabeth. Nice to see you enjoying the sunshine with your friends.

Let's Art Journal said...

I hope you're having/had a wonderful time with Joseph! Your garden is looking so lovely with all those white accents - beautiful 😁. Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

Lowcarb team member said...

Lovely to spend time with friends.

All the best Jan