Thursday, February 24, 2022

Visiting the Caribbean


Bleubeard is complaining it is cold.  He wants to go where it's warm right now.  I decided to indulge him, since he and I are hosting Art Journal Journey this month.  Our theme is Whats Your Style?  Our style today is travel.

Today we are headed to the warmth of the Caribbean. 
 That means palm trees,

sandy beaches, and blue waters that match the sky.
Of course, we have a lot to learn about the Caribbean before we can decide our itinerary. 
A good map would be helpful.

I said a good map.

A map you can actually read.  There are independent islands, like Antigua, St Kitts and Nevis, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Bahamas.  There are others that are owned by certain countries, including Columbia, France, the Netherlands, the UK, and the USA.  

There are hundreds, possibly thousands of islands in the Caribbean.  For example, Antigua and Barbuda are often lumped together, but there are a total of 54 islands that encompass and surround those two larger islands.  Bleubeard and I could spend years just visiting each island in what some refer to as the West Indies.

We begin our trip to the Caribbean with a map and the requisite sandy beaches, clear water, and palm trees.  Of course, there is also a map of the islands.  Note the washi tape.  I will use at least a tiny bit of it in each of my Caribbean spreads.  The background was created using staz-on and alcohol, and the image is from a travel magazine.

For my second page, I show two more maps of the Caribbean.

Here is another view of what we can expect to see as we travel the Caribbean: palm trees, sandy beaches, and clear blue waters.

This map represents the major islands found in what this map calls the West Indies.

This map breaks the islands down in a different way.

There are the Greater Antilles

and the Lesser Antilles.

These can be further broken down into the leeward islands and the winward islands.  So much to learn, so little time.
This page started with staz-on and  91% isopropyl alcohol.  I used washi tape (and a tiny bit of glue stick to hold the maps on the page.  The image came from a travel magazine, the maps from the internet.
Bleubeard and I now know we have much to learn if we are to enjoy the Caribbean.  We hope you will join us on this travel adventure.  That is one of my favorite styles, so that is what we are sharing today.

We sincerely hope you'll join us at Art Journal Journey where we're asking What's Your Style? 

14 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful post, who wouldn't like to be somewhere warm and sunny just now! Hugs, Valerie

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I love this! It's beautiful, and I learned so much! I had no idea how many islands were in the Caribbean. Thanks for the art and for the lesson. Have a great day.

Neet said...

A great post and a lesson included on the Caribbean. I too had no idea there are so many islands there. It looks so lovely and peaceful on your island but can I ask, please Bleubeard, can I come and visit for a while. I need tranquility and warmth at the moment.
Hugs, Neet xxx

Mae Travels said...

Islands in the Caribbean do seem like a dream these days. You make me really want to join you & Bluebeard.

Our favorites from our trips have been Bonaire, Curaçao, St. Lucia, and St. Thomas. Sadly, the incredible shallow-water snorkeling places we enjoyed years ago have been damaged by hurricanes, so we switched our allegiance to Hawaii. And now we aren't flying anywhere.

best... mae at

My name is Erika. said...

It's cold here, so someplace warm would be wonderful. Yesterday we were at 66 degrees and this morning we are at 12. So your beach picture is really making me yearn for something more tropical. Thanks Bleubeard for telling Elizabeth to post this page-smile. I didn't know there were that many islands in the Caribbean either. I always love learning new things on your travel pages. Hope it is warmer in Wichita than it is here. And that your kitties are doing better too. I've been thinking of you. hugs-Erika

craftytrog said...

Such wonderful and inviting pages Elizabeth!
We've had a day of all weathers here, rain, wind, sunshine, hail and snow!
Big hugs to you and the boys,

Debra said...

What a nice image to take us away from the weather and world problems! I love how the Washi goes so perfectly with your paint and images. Well done!!!

CJ Kennedy said...

With another Winter storm on the doorstep, the Caribbean would be a wonderful place to be. Calgon, take me away!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood !!! we iz sew rite ther with ewe...we will meet up at de air portz at 18:00...south seaz....heer we come !! ☺☺♥♥

nicely done Elizabeth !! ☺☺

pearshapedcrafting said...

Just what we needed! We had snow showers today until mid afternoon - we were out and about in a number of carparks and ended up sitting waiting for a lull - in the end the sun did shine and the snow is almost gone...but not lovely warm Caribbean sun! Hope the boys are feeling better! Hugs, Chrisx

Rita said...

If only pictures could warm us up--LOL! :)

Divers and Sundry said...

An enjoyable virtual vacation :)

Jeanie said...

How fun, Elizabeth! Wouldn't a day or weekend in the Caribbean be nice on a cold, white snowy day like this? I couldn't agree more!

Meggymay said...

A great page and I would join you in wanting a bit of warmth just now, although it would be quite a long journey for me to get there. I'll just turn the heating up a few degrees.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx