Wednesday, February 16, 2022

By the Numbers


In case you didn't know, Bleubeard and I are hosting Art Journal Journey this month.  Our theme is What's Your Style?  I had trouble photographing this,

so I decided to scan it.

I have created a few detail shots to share.

This is what happens when math flash cards meet watercolors and stitch.  It had been far too long since I put my sewing machine to use and I wanted to rectify that by sewing these altered flash cards together.  Each flash card was painted using various watercolors.  Some were stamped with various images and/or numbers.

The words were computer generated and sewn using blue variegated thread.  The cards were sewn using lavender variegated thread.  Bits of numbers tape were added at the end.  I used addition, multiplication, division, and subtraction flash cards in this journal entry.

Bleubeard and I are delighted you joined us and hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own interpretation of What's your style? which for us today is all about watercolors and sewing.


21 thoughtful remarks:

Iris Flavia said... 1

You made me smile with this!
My first real boss was a math guy.
Boy, it was stress!! LOL!
Every company car had to have my birth date in the number plate, and my initials, I never knew what it was, once asked I just said, "something with BS (for Braunschweig)... I, K, F, 1 ,01, 19 72..?" I then asked him to take a cheapy they give you - I could remember that. He was disappointed (I got a new car every 3 years).
The CGS had 40-50 members. He always knew everybody´s birth date. Numbers were his. With everything.
Excel his best friend, he drove me nuts at times.
He was a great boss.
Think he got sick, he was so thin when he sold the company to the dumb as# who kicked me out and made many terminate the job themselves.

He would´ve loved your work for sure!

Elephant's Child said... 2

Yet another fun (and intricate) take. My family only valued science/mathematics brains. Sigh.

aussie aNNie said... 3

wowzer, great make , great colours and brilliant design...xx

My name is Erika. said... 4

Your colors are amazing on this piece. I like how you colored and sewed down these flash cards. Very cool! This is a great page and I like how you are playing with color. Happy Wednesday my dear. Hugs-Erika

Mae Travels said... 5

Thinking of Jasper Johns and his paintings of numbers. Also of “I saw the figure 5 in gold” by Charles Demuth. Thank you for the colorful numbers.

best… mae at

CJ Kennedy said... 6

Very colorful collage. And I see a 42! Okay, it's 4 plus 2, but the first thing that registered with me was 42

Linda Manning Findley said... 7

great idea "E" and so very pretty with all the colors ...

Divers and Sundry said... 8

All the different elements came together well, didn't they?! Nice!

kathyinozarks said... 9

Great page Elizabeth, and I had to smile at your comment on my post-I am making homemade tapioca pudding this morning-my husband really likes it and another thing I haven't made in awhile

da tabbies o trout towne said... 10

this is a really neat piece Elizabeth !!! the colors work well and you laid it out nicely !!

~~~~~~~~~ wavez two ewe bleu N squiggles....iz ya stayin in trubull !! :) ♥♥

Valerie-Jael said... 11

Fabulous and colourful age with great sewing. A great piece fr your challenge Hugs, Valerie

craftytrog said... 12

Great use of those flash cards Elizabeth! I love all the numbers and colours, and the stitching is a great finishing touch.

Rita said... 13

Oh how I love all the bright colors!! :)

DVArtist said... 14

Oh I love the meeting of the math and paints. Love it.

Sharon Madson said... 15

So colorful and fun, Elizabeth. Great stitching on here. I really have to get my machine out and do some stitching. Hugs!

Meggymay said... 16

Oh my the first thing that caught my eye on this page was the awesome bright colours and then all the numbers on the flask cards you stitched together.
A fabulous inspiring page for your theme.
Stay safe Yvonne xx

nwilliams6 said... 17

Hello Elizabeth. I love your page. The numbers, colors, and stitching are so cool. Makes me wish I had some math flash cards! Great page and so fits your fun style. Hugz

Jeanie said... 18

I really love this page, Elizabeth. I love everything about it -- the theme, the composition, but especially the wonderful color. It really speaks to me and I'll be thinking about it!

Debra said... 19

You are going full steam. Winners-your art is awesome. I love it!

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 20

Oh my! I am so loving this. Hugs, Angela xXx

pearshapedcrafting said... 21

This is one of my all time favourites Elizabeth and so you!! EVERYTHING - the numbers, the colours, the flashcards....and....the stitching......Oh My!!!!! Big Hugs, Chrisxx