Today I'm working in my basement studio where the messy crafts are produced.

This is something I have wanted to do for awhile. I got out my Twirl-O-Paint and set it up to create some twirling art.

Instead of paint, which never cleaned up properly, I decided to use some felt markers. I have a set of four out on my basement studio rolling table.

My friend
Erika gifted me with these circles last year on my bEARTHday. Nothing like taking forever to figure out how to use them.

Sadly, the project was a bust. I couldn't get the circles to stay "glued" to the rotating spindle.

I suppose I could say it was a great abstract painting, but I wasn't ready to waste the other circles she sent (see them resting on the felt tip pens in their holder) on a half baked project. At least I tried. It took forever to get the Twirl-O-Paint down from the top shelf, test the batteries, and attempt to clean the interior (which didn't work) before I could ever start making "art." Somehow I felt this was wasted time I didn't have.

Speaking of abstract, that is NOT what the above is.

It's actually snow that has turned to blowing ice. I took this photo last week from my front porch. Maybe you can see my neighbor's snow covered yard in the background.
Thanks so much for dropping by. Bleubeard declared the more he looked at the circle I twirled, the better he liked it. He also reminded me that is why art is so subjective. Have a super day, dear friends, readers, followers, and lurkers.
16 thoughtful remarks:
I quite like the pattern on your circle but not sure what someone would do with it (I've not seen a Twirl-o-Paint before) The blowing ice doesn't look very friendly either, I hope you managed to keep warm! Have a good weekend.
Sorry it didn't turn out as you wanted it to, but the circle still looks pretty. Some experiments just don't work! Have a great weekend Elizabeth, take care, hugs, Valerie
There are wonderful results. I believe it could be great for a collage ... or maybe for a tag for next Christmas?
Thank you for sharing.
That blowing ice looks spectacular - from a distance.
And no, I wouldn't call your creation a failure. At all. You are often way toooo hard on yourself.
I think it´s pretty cool!
As does the ice, oh, I wish for warmer days, though! And sun.
I used to have a kid's paint spinner when I was much younger. Too bad the markers didn't work. Maybe alcohol ink or if the markers are watercolor I wonder how it would work if you used wet circles? I am sure you felt you've had enough of the spinner, but it was a good try. Have a great Saturday. Snow is coming down here so let's see how much we get. Hugs-Erika
I actually like your twirly circles and am looking at them trying to find out why you don't...
Ice is no fun :(
Art really is subjective isn't it? Remember the days when paintings by elephants were being promoted as art, and there was the well known case of an abstract work being hung upside down in a gallery in Liverpool, England, and it was some time before someone even realized.
I think the twirl art (I have one of those machines, too!) looks fun. If you don't like it, you can always tear it up to use in a collage.
Wow -- you have been having some grim weather. Sorry the experiment didn't work but you tried and that's really a wonderful thing!
Actually I like the twirly art, it's good to try out different things.
All the best Jan
As a total non-artist, I have no idea of what you were trying to do. I remember the old spirograph design creators with pens that made interesting figures — I wonder if it’s something like that.
best… mae at
I like the twirly art. :)
I love these twirl o art things. Always something interesting.
I really like the circles-I think it's pretty. And I love your photo of the ice. Gorgeous.
The ice looks fabulous, and I'm always partial to some circle art Elizabeth.
Keep warm!
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