Wednesday, November 3, 2021

October is complete and November has already been started in my never ending calendar


It's time to share my completed calendar pages for October, 2021.

Let's check out the left side of my not so important life.  You can pretty much tell when I started using my new gel pens.

This is the right side.  My calendar is far more colorful than my real life.  You can tell a lot of this month was taken up with Squiggles being sick.  Yes, I forgot Bleubeard's birthday.  Of course, I also spent several days boiling water when all of Wichita's primary water main was broken and leaking water all over the area.  Note to self: Don't use neon gel pens to write messages I want to show on the internet.

November has already been written in, but this is the first chance I've had to share it with the world (actually my friends, followers, lurkers, and readers).  Chris of Pearshapedcrafting, is our host this month at Art Journal Journey.  She has chosen All Kinds of Weather as her theme this month.  As you can see, I've shown all kinds of weather, from the sun to rain to snow.  I've stamped a few images and used a few stickers to convey the idea of all kinds of weather.

Thanks so very much for joining me today.  Feel free to laugh at my calendar pages and my boring life.  Bleubeard is sleeping on the office couch and Squiggles is lying next to my computer chair sleeping.  Story of my life, it seems!  Also, Bleubeard and I hope to see you at Art Journal Journey with your own take on All Kinds of Weather.

This is Day 3 of AEDM, and I shared my completed October calendar and my November calendar that I've already written in.

16 thoughtful remarks:

Elephant's Child said...

Boring? Your life is far tooooo busy and creative to be boring.

Iris Flavia said...

Poor cats, one sick the other "forgotten" - crazy with the water.
this month can only be better.

And I don´t hope for snow in it!

craftytrog said...

I hope this month is a better one for you Elizabeth! Keep making those calendars, they look great to me. We have our first frost of the season this morning, brrrr! We're hoping to get an early morning walk though 😊

Valerie-Jael said...

Your calendars are always good, Elizabeth, I never manage to get one even started, let alone finished. Hugs to your felines and to you, have a great day, Valerie

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your pages always look good, especially when they are filled in. I love your use of coloured pens. I see lots of weather references on your November pages - Thank you so much for making this an AJJ page to fit my theme , hugs, Chrisx

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

I absolutely loved this post. And loved both calendars. Your life is far from boring, and your calendar is much more colorful than mine (which seems to be taken up with doctor appointments as we get our doctors lined up in the nearby hospital for our various "conditions."

WendyK said...

Great calendars, you look busy enough to me. I have one blank one on mine, must have been doing something, but what I have no idea.

Annie said...

Your calendars show you living your life. If we aren’t jetting around the world like the rich and famous we think our life is boring. You’ve spent the month being creative, spending time with friends, caring for your beloved cats and living your life. NOTHING boring about that.

My name is Erika. said...

I can tell where you used the new gel pens and the colors look great. I also caught a glimpse of a day you binged on pumpkin ice cream-now that sounds good, even if it is only 8 AM. I remember when we had cats, not all that long ago, they would sleep right on my work table while i was trying to work. AT least the dogs don't do that-smile- even if they lay on the floor and I can't get around them. Smile again. I like the weather images in your November calendar too. I like the sun with the sunglasses on. I hope November is starting off well for you and Squiggles is doing well too. Sunny but cold here today. It is November. Hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

I love how you do your calendar, Elizabeth. The leaves are perfect for this month!

DVArtist said...

Your calendar is wonderful. You are so organized and have lovely handwriting. I am not that organized and have terrible handwriting. That's thanks to schools in the 50's trying to make left handed kids right handed kids. LOL

Mia said...

I love you keep a calendar, Elizabeth. I have tried a lot of times but never succeeded. I wish you a lovely November, my friend.

Divers and Sundry said...

I love your ginkgo leaf :) We do have all kinds of weather (or the chance of it) in November. It's the perfect theme for this month, isn't it!

Christine said...

Nice work!

Sandra Cox said...

What a pretty page.
Sorry about the water main. Ouch!
Belated Happy Birthday, Bleubeard!

Leah said...

Sounds like a cozy colorful life to me! :)