It's Wednesday, which means I'll be joining Julia, our Queen of Deskers, at Stamping Ground.

It's early evening and I'm just finishing one of my ATCs for our annual T Tuesday eighth anniversary swap. Don't worry, I've already shown one yesterday on my blog that I completed, so everyone knows what I will be sending. I am only making six because that is the number I can get out of this adorable napkin I found in my stash.

Several asked to see Wendy more often, so here she is hanging out in my tool caddy that holds almost everything I'll need to complete a project. Wendy and I may even show what the holder contains next week. It all depends on how
SHE feels when it's time to share my desk.

Here are three metal rocking horses that sit on one of my "kitchen style cabinets" in my dining room. One holds a candle, as you can see. I have at least a dozen of these metal rocking horses, and they are all just a little bit different. And as
Angela@Felix the Crafty Cat and
Annie (Wipso) will confirm, I also love copper. I've shared some of my pieces on Friday Smiles.
Now let's head to Julia's. Messy or neat, lots of products or next to none, you will get an idea of what other artists are keeping on their tables, benches, desks, and floors! I suspect everyone knows by now to please leave your number if you are coming from Julia's. Have a great WOYWW, too.
34 thoughtful remarks:
That is a lovely napkin for ATCs. Love seeing Wendy and your rocking horse collection. Stay safe, Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?
your "T" atcs are indeed lovely I saw your post yesterday. Have a happy WoyWW Helen #1
I love to see Wendy. Henry says hi!
The horses are cute.
My mind still rumbles over ATC. I´m so not creative, sadly.
Nice to see |Wendy in close up and she is displaying a number of WOYWW badges for us all to see.
Such a pretty napkin to use for your atc's - no colouring in today needed when you have a treasure like that to hand.
Good to see some more of you rocking horse collection and good to have you back at WOYWW.
Hugs, Neet 10 xxx
Your desk looks so tidy, Wendy keeps it clean. Mine is unfortunately VERY untidy just now, I need to do something about it! Hugs, Valerie
WOYWWendy is the star and she knows it! The ATC is lovely, you can do some really clever things with napkins, it’s something I’ve never tried. Something else to add to the list!
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx
Hi Wendy, Elizabeth and Kitties. Now I feel guilty as I collected napkins with the intention of crafting with them and they are still sitting in a's not good enough Lol! Love your ATC it's a great idea. Have fun and a happy woyww, Angela x17x
Moring Elizabeth! I always love your little rocking horses and of course your woyww collection, I have one of those badges and a few of the atc swaps, strange how some things years old never get lost and things I put down five seconds ago, just, disappear! Stay safe, keep on crafting! Happy WOYWW?! ((Lyn)) #15
Most of my rocking horses are Christmas themed and I have quite a few of them. The biggest one is always on my bedroom window sill - whatever the season. Saw an old fabric one yesterday in a shop window, empty of everything except the rocking horse, in fact the shop itself was empty! He was in need of some TLC. I have not seen a fabric covered one that big before. As a child I had a metal horse that you pushed down on the “stirrups” and the horse would move along. I loved that horse - sigh! Happy WOYWW Angela #9
Hi Elizabeth, I love Wendy. Good to see her up close. I ought to share monkeys again. Serviettes are fun backgrounds not thought of them for ATCs though. Good thought.
Re peel offs. They're on my desk - see a silver sheet on front right of desk, all sorts of shapes uses, these are peel off borders.
Quite handy actually.
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
I love your decor as much as your art.
Those rocking horses are awesome, and to have one as a candle holder is truly unique! You know I love my candles, and hope you can see me waving to Wendy!(lol) Hugs, RO
Love Wendy! Don’t recall seeing her before. Did you make her?
Enjoyed all the photos. Loved seeing the ATC, the rocking horse collection and Wendy!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #20
Maybe not a lot, but always fun to see your studio and bits of your house. I haven't really met Wendy before either, so it is nice to meet her. Have a super Wednesday! Hugs-Erika
Funky napkin design and love how Wendy's wearing all those WOYWW badges! The copper rocking horses are a great addition to your collection! Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #21
I’m just grabbing a quick break and catching up with all my favourite blogs while I get the chance...the world and his wife are needing sewing at the mo so I’m keeping busy.
It’s good to see Wendy feels like joining in today and I really love the little rocking horses.
Annie x #13
Love the rocking horses and of course Wendy.
Your areas look so neat and clean.
Take special care.
Greetings to Wendy :) I love the copper piece in your photo. The only copper I've ever had was a set of copper-bottomed pots, and that's not the same at all lol
Happy WOYWW. I am slowly working my way through the blogs - determined to comment on each one this week. I am missing a craft workshop this afternoon as I needed to rest, so sitting in front of the pc will stop me trying to do housework! Waving at Wendy! Ali x #24
LOOOOOVEEE that you are showing Wendy more! She is so stinking cute!! Love your caddy as well! The rocky horses are so lovely as I bet they all are! What a wonderful collection you must have! Still loving the stained glass one! I collect lanterns and wooden boxes. Isn't it funny how we all have something we collect that bring us joy? Have a wonderful rest of your week! Felicia #22
I really enjoy seeing your space and your lovely horses.
I love copper too -- your metal rocking horses are especially beautiful.
How nice to see a clear desk! I wish I had one but alas not this week. Happy WOYWW! Elle #25 this week
It looks as if it really will be up to Wendy…she looks very determined to be defender of the tool caddy! How perfect the napkin for the ATCs, lovely colours. And of course, of all the weeks, it’s a sight for my sore eyes to see your calm and tidy workspace!
Wonderful ATC . Wendy makes a great desk buddy. You have such an amazing collection of rocking horses
What's the story behind Wendy, don't think I have seen her before but obviously she is well known! Have a good week. Ani #2
What an interesting desk to snout around, full of fascinating projects and treasures. Your blog was one of the first I even discovered many years ago, always lots to inspire - I didn't use to be able to comment though, maybe you've changed something or maybe it's my end that has changed. Anyway, have a great week and see you again soon. Annie C #30
Thanks for the visit. Had lots to do outdoors with our beautiful weather. Now storms in the forecast I visited early on, but forgot to post I guess. !!! Wendy brings back memories, she's been around and useful to the process. I just finished working with a few napkins, will be next week's desk items as I've not finished anything inside. SO nice to be outdoors with no wind, I dyed papers today from avocado. Enjoy the week
Lovely seeing Wendy up close again. Love the ATC as well. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#23)
Hi Elizabeth,
I am curious about the copper, do you spend a lot of time taking care of it? (wasn't sure about if it was like sliver and would tarnish) I "almost" picked a hammered copper sink in the kitchen when we redid it but, hubs was afraid it was going to be high maintenance. ~Stacy #27
Lovely to see Wendy, Elizabeth, and she's all dolled up with badges too! I love the metal rocking horses. Dare I ask how many rocking horses you have altogether? I am sure it is a lot! It's such a fun and unusual thing to collect.
Thank you for your visit, and I'm sorry my post sent you off to sleep lol!! I generally only blog once a week and there's always a lot to put in one post, but I always separate things under headings so people can easily skim over the bits that aren't interesting to them.
I'm afraid I really do have a ton of stash! That's what comes from being interested in too many different things. My dad was exactly the same, and had the same problem getting rid of stuff. I am definitely weeding some of it out, but I fear I am going to be as bad as my hubby with books - every now and then he has a purge, and for a brief moment there are gaps on his book shelves, and then, lo and behold, he goes and gets a whole lot more!! I've been collecting Really Useful Boxes for quite a few years. I did buy quite a lot at once when we first moved here and I was setting up the studio, and then gradually added to the collection. I really love them.
Thank you for your good wishes - I am hoping to update my breast cancer diary tonight if I can, but I am still working on getting the laptop up and running again after the HD failed on Sunday. It's a lot of work.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #12
Great ATC and wat a lovely way to make them from a napkin, Just love those horses and as you say they are different,
Take care and stay safe, Lilian B #19
ooh nice napkin and love Wendy rocking the WOYWW badges :-)
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