It's Friday and I'm joining Friday Smiles which is hosted by Annie (at A Stitch in Time). Let's visit her and the other wonderful ladies who also share their smiles each Friday.
The perceptive reader will notice I still have not mowed my lawn. The good news is, the mower needs a very inexpensive part to make it work again. The bad news is, much like every other company in the states, inventories have been depleted and parts are on back order. It will be at least another week, possibly longer, before they can get the part. However, it is so easy to replace, I can do it myself with just a screwdriver.

We had a terrible storm night before last and I had quite a bit of damage. Note the dill has broken in half. The chocolate mint in the blue pot on the left is doing very well, though.

I placed the dill inside the pot on the off chance the seeds mature.

My basil is obviously ready for harvest.

I'll do that tomorrow, since I have a full day planned today.

The bee balm marker got tossed and broken in the wind and rain. The orange mint is ready for harvest, as is the catnip.

I was thrilled to see a flower on the squash.

The bell peppers (lower right) are still small,

but look healthy.

My lone tomato is finally peeking above the pot.

I fear the tomato stake will not be sufficient for the cantaloupe vines.

More basil, but no cumin in sight.

One tiny Thai basil shoot is showing its face.

My poor, sad rosemary.

I wondered why my hosta was doing so poorly, then I realized it was getting too much sun. By moving it off the table that gets full sun most of the day to this shadier spot, I hope it survives.

And finally, this is all that is left from the fancy poinsettia from Christmas.
Now let's head back to Indian Hills Community Center for a few puns.

Now let's join
Annie (at
A Stitch in Time) and the lovely ladies who join her for
Friday Smiles. Thanks
again for visiting and spending a bit of time with Bleubeard and me this
Friday. We would love to have you join us, too.
25 thoughtful remarks:
Glad you need but a screwdriver :-)
My tennant´s marquee is broken. She insisted on waiting till June. Delivery now likely not before August. 5th floor, south side. She lives in an oven. Well, now it has sadly cooled down to 16C. Good for her.
That chocolate mint sounds so yummy, ,glad it survived the storm - does it really taste like what it´s called?
You have catnip? I read so many jokes on that.
Wow, you have so much great stuff in your garden! I really need to get some herbs, too.
Knock on wood - no lost luggage and no lost case (I really had to go to "my" lawyer. I won but had to pay the judge, nuthouse here. It was about my last will, which was done and proofed by him). Bitter laugh here about that one.
The blank stair made me laugh again. Watt?! LOL. Those are great, please keep them coming. The matress. I know one where they say at the Tinnitus clinic, "please speak after the beep". Thank you for the smiles/laughs.
Have a fun Friday :-)
Loving your garden and glad that the mower doesn't need an expensive repair.
And thanks for the punny signs.
Your herbs are all doing well, you have a nice variety. I don't have so many, just 5, but they are growing well. Some plants don't like too much sun, that's true, my herbs are all on the 'floor' of my balcony. So glad your mower will soon be ready for use! Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie
Great news about your lawnmower...when the part eventually arrives. Your herb garden is looking great...sorry about the dill though.
As for the funnies....I've had a good chuckle reading those so thanks for sharing them. Hope you have a great week.
Annie x
Good news on the Mower. Love the plants. Summer is such a beautiful time isn't it?. I just had some great giggles reading through all your road sign funnies. Love them.
Hugs June xxx
Glad the mower can be repaired easily. I hope you don't have a too long wait for the part.
I am enjoying watching your herbs grow. I don't really use enough of them to give them so much TLC, but you obviously enjoy tending them, and you have some good results even though not every one is cooperating!
Fun reading the puns again. Have a good week, Kate x
I used to love growing herbs but I have to say I'm lazy now and tend to buy them though I did used to grow salads too and they were gorgeous and might just have to do that again. I wish you could see my face when I read those funnies they are just so funny. Wish we had them here. My hubby's good with lawn mowers. I'll send him over Lol! He's fixing somebody's lock at the moment. I half wish he wasn't so good at these things. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx
Good that your mower can be repaired easily. Your plants are looking good. glad there wasn't more damage because of the storm. Thanks for the smiles. Take care and stay cool.
You have such a great herb garden. I always love seeing lots of plants in pots. I wish I liked gardening. I always tried to when I was young, but it’s worse than housework at never being done. So glad your lawnmower is such a simple repair...once you get the part.
I hate when storms come through and break plant stems. But wow, your basil, squash and catmint look great. I noticed flowers on my squash the other day too, which is exciting to see. And I've never tired cantaloupe. I can't wait to see if you actually get fruit, but I bet you will. Garden is such fun. And gardening in pots is actually less work than doing a garden too. Hope your lawn mower piece comes in sooner than they say. And of course, your Friday laughs are once again funny. That person is really good. I wonder if they have become an online sensation for their puns. Have a super start to you weekend. Hugs-Erika
What grows with you, great, good luck growing ! These signs along the way are interesting!
Have a beautiful day, hugs-Elke
Your garden is looking fabulous-- everything is so healthy! That basil looks terrific. Sorry about the rosemary and dill. I need to harvest dill -- it seems to be coming on fast.
LOVE the tinnitus sign -- I have that, and I can so relate to the ringing!
Beautiful herbs and vegetable plants! We also grow a few herbs in pots, except for mint which we have planted in spots where we want an aggressive plant to flourish.
best... mae at
I forgot what I was going to say Elizabeth once I started reading those funnies. They crack me up every week. I’m going to show hubby the tinnitus one.
So I’ve gone back over your pics and what I was going to say at the start was, don’t leave that basil plant out near me, i addicted to the stuff. You’ll have none left
Lynn xx
Some great puns again, although I didn't get the mermaid one.
Your herb and veggies are doing pretty well Elizabeth, in spite of the storm. You must be very pleased. Elliot the guinea pig would make short work of the herbs. Piggy by name, piggy by nature! :D
Have a good weekend,
Alison xx
bleu & squiggles; did ya heer that !!! de catnip iz reddy for harvest !!!!! YAY ~~~~~ :) happee week end doodz ♥♥☺☺
another great round of signs Elizabeth; thanx for sharing...these folks are THE most creative !!! happy week end to you !! ☺☺♥♥
{ yes, the hosta will do best in part shade ~~~
What a shame about your dill. Horrible storms! I hate it when that happens.
Your hosta needs shade definitely, and looking at it, it has been munched on by slugs or snails.
All your herbs are doing so well! What are you going to do with the basil? Make pesto, freeze it?
I have heard jokes about catnip and cats. But I don't understand. Do they like to eat it? Do Bleubeard and Squiggles like it?
The pun jokes are so good again. They got me giggling. I didn't 'get' the mermaid one until I remembered bra sizes...
I'm so glad the problem with the lawn mower wasn't an expensive one. Another week is not going to make much difference.
Have a good weekend,
Stay safe,
You asked why I needed to bake a herman every ten days.... it's because Herman is a sourdough and it needs regular feeding with flour and milk and a bit of sugar (to feed the yeasts) and on the 10th day you take half the dough and bake something (or give it away, or throw it away, but i don't want to do that).
I hope this answers your question.
Loved the signs! Hilarious!
Your container gardens look lovely. How nice you can manage them better than a regular garden.
You see unmown grass; I see the beginnings of a meadow ;)
Your herbs look great! Won't eating squash from your own plant be a treat! I grew bell peppers a couple of years, and they were fun to watch mature. And you can't beat a home-grown tomato. My mouth is watering just thinking of it. Rosemary plants everywhere are suffering. I don't know why, but the weather this past year has been unusual. Good luck with the hosta. It oughta do well now that it's in the shade.
I always enjoy your gardening posts. Thanks for sharing these photos :)
Your basil looks great! Mine is not doing well this year AT ALL!!! What the heck is going on? I ove all the herbs in your container garden, but I'm sorry that the dill broke and your rosemary is looking so sad. I hope your hosta will survive - yes, they don't like much sun. The cantaloupe plant is enormous, I hope you'll get a good harvest.
Glad not too much damage to your garden from the storm and that you can easily replace the lawnmower part with a screwdriver, once it arrives...
The funnies were just great Elizabeth :) :)
Always enjoy seeing the endeavours of fellow gardeners Elizabeth, I really should grow more herbs for use in cooking, it just seems easier, although not as satisfying, to buy them 🌱 The signboard messages made me smile big 😀
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