Many of you know I don't have the opportunity to visit every Wednesday like I used to. However, I have never missed a single anniversary, and don't intend to this one, either. Therefore, I'm linking to the Queen of Deskers herself, Julia at Stamping Ground. I know Julia likes to keep things short and sweet, but I have more to show than just a single photo today.

And now, a note about my postcard. I checked with everyone I could think of, and got the same response everywhere. The lady at Hallmark even admitted she hasn't seen ANY postcards for about four years. I checked with all the museums in town and only one had a postcard. I got excited until I learned it only showed some of the artifacts from the museum, like vases, bowls, and silver. Nothing that would point to Wichita, or even Kansas. Therefore, I give you

I will show my ATC when the recipient receives it. I am fairly certain I will be sending to someone across the pond.
Please join me at Julia's
where this Wednesday 12th anniversary celebration should be monumental. I suspect everyone knows to please leave your number if you are coming from Julia's.
46 thoughtful remarks:
SO good to see you on the anniversary Elizabeth and see the newest rocking horses. I have looked everywhere for your address from the last time you were my PIF but can't find it. Please could you email me at sarah(dot)trentham247(at)btinternet(dot)com. I am really hoping that it arrives first time this year and will be getting proof of posting - I hope the second tag I snet you last time turned up at least. I have actually made an ATC this year and will be getting a local pc tomorrow as theres are some available locally. Stay safe and happy 12th anniversary WOYWW. Sarah #9
Hi Elizabeth, good to see you for this year's anniversary! I couldn't find postcards either, we are not a tourist town and so don't produce any, I checked everywhere I could get to.. Never mind. I didn't think to sort out my WOYWW "merchandise" for another year to share although several are close to hand!! Helen #11
I sadly cannot join. My table is very small, so I have all utensils... under the swing and in a board! I only get out what I need and put it back then.
Love your cards, will... when shops open!.... look out if I find some.
Love to see your workspace. Postcards here are few and far between as well.
Your Wichita skyline is stunning.
Your desk is looking good. Mine is still just MESS! Here you can buy postcards in all of the shops and at the post office. Have a fun day, hugs, Valerie
Hi Elizabeth,
Happy WOYWW anniversary, like you I don't get to blog every week, but couldn't miss an important date.
Your crafty space looks awfully organised and tidy, much better than mine.
I think postcards are a thing of the past, which is a great shame, they are a brilliant historical record for us, of 20th century, our children's children won't have the same records of the world in 21st century, except of course, it is all there on Google.
Thanks for sharing
Chris #13
you art is splendidly IMPRESSIVE my friend!
So lovely to see you on the desks today Elizabeth - Happy 12th!! It’s always good to see some more rocking horses and these didn’t disappoint! I really love the Wichita skyline, great image!
Have fun today, Happy 12th WOYWW!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx
PS Great to see that WOYWWendy is still going strong, lol!
I’m kicking myself now for not wearing my WOYWW badges and I’m loving your sewing machine cover.
It’s been lovely looking round your crafts space Elizabeth. Happy anniversary
Lynn xx 21
Hi - lovely to see you joining in with WOYWW, the place we first met, and to see Wendy again. Seems a while since I last saw her.
I really enjoyed seeing the landscapes in lieu of a postcard - strange that postcards are dying out unless you get the funny ones from the seaside. Or maybe they are not considered pc these days and they are not on sale either.
ah well, postcards or not I can still wish you and Bleubeard (and Squiggles) a Happy Day and Year ahead.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx
So lovely to see you back again. Your rocking horses are lovely and doesn't your desk area look neat! I had a struggle with postcards as well - in the end I found a normal card with a local photograph on it. Happy 12th WOYWW Anniversary. Take care and stay safe, With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)
Your massive clear out seems to have been very successful! I need one too! What a tidy desk and I love your rocking horse cards! I will always associate rocking horses with you, Elizabeth! Who would have thought postcards have now disappeared! I guess everyone's gone digital now and people don't send postcards anymore, they just Instagram it - so sad! We should absolutely bring back postcards! I didn't even look for them, I just made my own. Happy anniversary - nice seeing you again and thanks for your visit! xx zsuzsa #17
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your kind comments earlier. Even Folkestone, normally a seaside resort, had a dearth of postcards and like you I gave up and printed my own.
I love your Wichita skyline
Take care and happy WOYWW anniversary
Lynnecrafts 3
Thanks everso much for popping by my blog earlier and for your very kind comments. I am rarely pleased with any of my work but I do actualy quite like the violins and I did go through a bit of a moon phase so I am happy you liked them too.
I do wish I had remembered your love of rocking horses! During our three lockdowns I did a little giveaway project each week where I made something and did a giveaway on FB and my little great-nephew would pick a name from his hat ... one of the projects was a steampunk rocking horse (it is on my blog somewhere recently if you'd like to see it) ... had I remembered about you and rocking horses I would have very happily sent you one.
I have had a similar problem with postcards! Not being able to get out and to somewhere that might actually have any I had to resort to making my own ... not ideal but will hopefully serve the purpose.
Take care, keep safe and Happy 12th WOYWW Anniversary. Love from Debbie xXx
Hi Elizabeth, lovely to see you on the desks today, and especially lovely to see Wendy and the rocking horses again. I love your Wichita sky line and now have the Wichita Lineman running through my head - it's not a place I've ever heard mention of outside of the song! That's my ear worm for the next few days I reckon!!
Happy 12th Anniversary,
Diana xx #18
Really nice workspace. The rotating art and Wendy are so fun. Cool city skyline. Have a creative day!
Happy Anniversary!
Loved looking around your workspace with all your woyww articles.
Great rocking horses and great Wichita images!
Happy Woyww!
Susan #31
Thank you for stopping by. I had to laugh abit on your comment. Our Postal Service here is not the best. The international stamps !!! They have had a Poinsettia for 4 yrs and she offered it again...I laughed and said NO, only at Christmas (I should buy a few for that as then they won't have any) but she said well we just got in the Succulents. I use 3/4 Postal places. I trust only 1 for mailing. In my exchange have no USA gals. Wondering how many there are?
I love that photo you shared of the Wichita skyline. I plan to ask our City Clerk about Post Cards for our 125th Celebration next year. Just curious do you know any families with last name of Reiling? Froehlich? home town folk living there. I pop in on your blog every now and then. So stay safe and Happy 12th Anniversary
Hi Elizabeth. Good to see you today. Good to see the rocking horses, too. Your skyline pictures are great - sorry finding a postcard was so difficult for you, though. Your room looks amazing - oh, so tidy!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #25
Your office cleanup is really impressive. I hope you can still find everything you need.
About postcards: for many years I bought and sent them on every trip, but when I started blogging, I figured that posting was a better way to share what I had done, and I gave up on postcards. Until recently, I hadn't really noticed that postcards were becoming less and less available, though the National Parks have continued to offer some in their gift shops (pre pandemic obviously, but not that long ago). I am partial to the cards that reproduce travel posters from the early to mid-20th century.
be safe... mae at
What a pleasure it is to see you Elizabeth - it's nice to get a rocking horse fix!! No postcards to be had here (well I suppose I could have sent a London one) so I made my own. I love your skyline, and its good to see WOYWW Wendy - how's she holding up? Thanks for the earlier visit, love n hugs, Cindy #17 xx
How fabulous is WOYWW Wendy?! I think I'd probably have a good natter to her! Anyway, happy anniversary! Lisa-Jane, #2
I've had a really manic morning with sewing so am late in the day joining in the celebrations. Thanks so much for your love and friendship for all these years my friend.
Annie x # 19
Hi Elizabeth it's great to see you here again and to see Wendy again too. Your workplace is looking very tidy today but I'm sure you'll soon mess it up again if you haven't already Lol! Pleased you like my peg too. Have a lovely creative WOYWW Anniversary. Hugs, Angela x25x
I don't even have a desk lol Y'all's group is amazing!
Happy 12th anniversary! Thanks for inviting me and visiting my place. Here’s to 12 more!
Robyn #6
Happy WOYWW Anniversary. Love your alter ego! Angela #23
Great post. I love your art and your work place is so organized and clean. Happy 12 to you and have a wonderful day.
happy day Elizabeth; don't know if this thought helps... have you ever looked on EBAY for the postcards you are searching for ??
with whitefish wavez two ewe bleu & squiggles ☺☺☺♥♥♥
Happy Anniversary Elizabeth, Oh I have seen postcards some times in book stores near the check-outs but, they are more state themed then local varieties. (for future hunting) I love how much flat space you have in your studio to spread out in that is great. ~Stacy #35
Happy Anniversary! And I love seeing peoples' work spaces (but I'm always too embarrassed to show mine!) I love your little alter ego. But I've been wondering what the last W stands for Whats On Your Worktable... but that's only WOYW. Wendy?
Your play space is looking great and clean. I like your sewing machine cover. And nice postcard, well wishful thinking postcard. I like the skyline. Hope it was a nice Wednesday. Hugs-Erika
Lovely to see you back, Elizabeth, and please give Bleubeard a cuddle from me - he has no need to be jealous of our 2, however cute they may be! Nice to see your space and the lovely rocking horse cards, and the bold city skyline pictures too - very striking. Thank you for your visit - so glad you like the completed kitty throw! My hubby is thrilled with it and is having fun exploring all the different kitties.
Shoshi #29
Guess where there are lots and lots of postcards? Walmarts, at the front, by the cigarette area usually, by the checkout counter on the edge! Keychains, shotglasses, postcards! Your work area is wonderful! Shows just how creative you are, always.
wow what a great clean up well done, your post is always interesting and love visiting..xx
Hi Elizabeth - I do believe you visited me back before I took a hiatus in 2013 - so it is good to see you again. Loving all your WOYWW paraphenalia - happy 12th anniversary. Thanks for popping by my space - I am so far still not getting any crafty stuff done - but its nice to see others are. See you at next WOYWW Cheers Maurs xxx #26
Dear Elizabeth, none of this would be the same without you. I love that your WOYWW items still give you pleasure, and despite being Uber impressed at the clean up, my eyes were drawn to those peacock chairs through the window. Now, do you call it a porch, or a veranda? I just did a spell check on veranda, am pretty sure that in the empire days of Raj they added an ‘h’ to the end. Of course I can’t evidence it, i probably read it like that in a novel. Or just made it up. Crikey, English is hard enough without a useless silent h! Ooeeer, what a digression, sorry! I LOVE your postcard interpretation, the skyline idea is really nice. Am so sorry that you had to work so hard to eventually not find a postcard, I’m still staggered by how few we’ve been able to source between us, another element relaxed by instant communication I’s lovely to see you. Xxxx
Thank s for calling by my blog and for your lovely comments - good to see you here to celebrate our 12th anniversary. We too had difficulty finding suitable post cards - I suppose folk just don't bother with them any more. I love all your little WOYWW items - especially Wendy! xx Jo
Elizabeth, thanks so much for stopping by my desk with your lovely comments! The Zoom meeting seems so far away now, but I SOOOOO enjoyed it and hope we get to do it again since we gals over here in the US don't get to gather with those lovely crafters across the pond!! Love your clean desk, mind could use a good dusting and cleaning for sure!! Your alter ego is the cutest! Happy 12th and many blessings, Felicia #34
Happy 12th anniversary Elizabeth. So nice to catch up with you again, and great to see Wendy in all her glory! I, too, don't make it every week, but was pretty determined to be here today. Sadly, no time to join in with the ATCs, but I am enjoying seeing the sneak previews! Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I appreciate your comment on my crochet blanket. I wish I had taken this up years ago! I'm loving crochet, especially baby blankets. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #20
Hello Elizabeth, what a lovely surprise it was to see your comment on my blog. I am very late visiting. Hope all is well with you. Take care. Happy Anniversary Anne x 30
Happy 12th Anniversary! Lovely to see you here and thank you for your visit. I loved making that craftroom in a box it was such fun, it was quite a few years back now!...Hope you are well! If you want to swap ATC's I'm game! Stay safe! Keep Crafting!
((Lyn)) #5
oh loving your updates this week. Those tiles on the school building are so detailed and pretty. the garden update was interesting, not heard of growing tomatoes in straw (I would probably get strange looks at my allotment!). We tend to get terrible tomato blight here so never great crops BUT a friend in the states told me how to do fried green tomatoes so last year I picked them all green before the blight hit, WOW, loved fried green tomatoes and green tomato chutney so I am growing more this year JUST TO PICK GREEN!!!!
On my desk you mentioned my felted animal, its a goat that I was given by someone at a festival a few years ago (think its a boiled egg cover) and I cover my glue with him! No idea why, just because I think it fits over it nicely!
Hope your having a lovely weekend
HI Elizabeth! Happy 12th Anniversary! Sorry I'm so late, the days just get away from me somehow. Thank you for your visit to mine, and for all the congrats about the new Grandbaby. She is so cute, and already giving her Mama all sorts of trouble (well, she's a Taurus!) What a great clean-up! Everything looks so neat and tidy. Happy belated birthday! How nice to have so many WOYWW remembrances! I guess they don't make postcards anymore, everyone just sends photos and texts! Oh well, I managed to find mine on Google, but its pretty old I think!
Have a wonderful week, Lindart #36
Oh bless - the struggle to find a postcard is real! I was stunned to be able to easily get hold of some for my town of residence - not that there's much here, you understand. Camborne is not the most exciting of places although there's a whole heap of history!
It's lovely to see you still on here occasionally, armed to the teeth with a whole cavalry of rocking horses...
Much love
So interesting to see all your WOYWW items, love the sewing machine cover. Happy 12th WOYWW! Better late than never! Elle #12
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