Today I am sharing this journal entry with Elle from Empire of the Cat, our host this month at Art Journal Journey.

The next thing was to sew the recycled paper bag I deconstructed to a sheet of 110 lb cardstock. I used two different colors of variegated threads to hold the background in place. I then cut and glued the individual letters to the background. Finally, I computer generated the word Erase using my laser printer, which is nearly out of toner. It gave the appearance that something was about to be erased. I cut and colored the words using blue watercolor. All the letters and words were attached using a glue stick.
you ever so much for joining me today in my attempt to Erase Hate. Bleubeard and I also hope
to see you at Art Journal Journey.
22 thoughtful remarks:
A very clever project and post, Elizabeth. It will take forever to erase HATE.
But we must stand up and start, do.
I LOVE your aspirational page - and which we could erase hate and unkindness. Permanently.
So true, hate is spreading more and more and becoming socially acceptable for many, and his should really be stopped. We need to stand up and speak out against it. Valerie
Yes! Hate speech is definitely a poisonous element in the political disaster that's been happening here, and isn't at all finished. The permissive and inflammatory behavior of the previous president definitely contributed to the behavior of the worst of our society. What starts with speech moves on to action.
best... mae at
So timely Elizabeth, this is a great page, and must have taken ages to do all of that sewing and cutting. It would make a great poster too. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx
I am unable to express adequately how deeply I appreciate this firm rejection of hatred. I hope that everyone who sees this post rededicates themselves to the rejection of all forms of hatred wherever they encounter it.
Speaks for itself!
This is a great page and an important one. I wish we could eradicate Hate because Hate comes from fear, ignorance, arrogance and just plain nastiness. You made a very eloquent page.
This page isn't really all that simple if you think of your message. That comes across loud and strong, and it is so needed in these times. You are always so good at the word play too. What a fabulous idea for Art Journal Journey this month Elizabeth. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika
A timely subject, clearly expressed. Thank you!
A wonderful page and good reminder that we can all take steps to stand up and speak out.
If only we could erase hate. Wonderful page for sure.
Erase hate. What a purrfect message, dear Elizabeth.
What a strong message and a very creative way to express it. I like it!!!
Awesome page. Love it.
YES...erase the hate. I love the variegated thread you used.
...there's a lot o hate to erase in this country.
Wouldn't it be grand if we could erase hate from the world? The only way for hate to be erased is for those who are hate-filled have a change of heart. Unfortunately, you can legislate people to love one another. Hatred is nearly as old as the world. The heart of man must change. That being said, erasing hate is a lovely sentiment and I wish it were that simple. :)
If only we could erase hate from the world, what a remarkable place it would be. I like this piece a lot, Elizabeth -- it's definitely a powerful statement.
This is a great and important page. The hatred must stop all over the world!!!
Very interesting direction you took here, Elizabeth. The language of hate.... Powerful. Seems there is more of this today than ever, but maybe it is the fact that there is more ways it can be expressed now and more media focus on it than ever. Makes me sick just thinking of all the wasted lives, time, and energy it consumes. The hate speakers never seem to realize they ruin their own lives as well. So sad.
GREAT page! Hugz
A powerful page and a topic that effects so many people, why can folk not stop and think before they speak out and perhaps reflect on how they would feel if the same remarks were directed to them.
Stay safe
Yvonne xx
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