Today I'm going for a quickie. A repurposed quickie, that is.

My foodie friend Sally recycles everything. However, she
hates (a strong word knowing how gentle Sally is) these little plastic tabs. When I asked if she had any, she said she hated them so much, she immediately threw them away and replaced them with twist ties. Not in the recycle bin, but the trash!

I, on the other hand, have found the perfect use for them. To keep your various tapes easy to unwind, you have a couple of choices. You can roll a bit of the tape back on itself, then when you need the tape, you have to remove the part that no longer sticks. OR, you could grab a few of these plastic tabs, stick one on the sticky side of the tape, and return it to its designated storage location ready for when it is needed.

Once you have placed a plastic tab on the tape roll, you won't ever have to fumble to find and loosen the end again!

They work on any size and type of tape not secured with a tape holder.
I warned you this was a quickie. The hardest part will be finding enough of those tabs if you have a lot of various types of tape.
This is Day 12 of 22 and I repurposed some plastic tabs found on bread, potatoes, etc. Thank you so much for joining Bleubeard and me today. We are truly grateful you took time to stop by and support this project.
17 thoughtful remarks:
I can understand Sally, I hate those clips, too, my fingers can't manage them. Mine end in the plastic garbage, though. But this is a good use for them, it's always hard to find the ends of tapes! I'm off to the clinic in half an hour, so I'll say bye for now! Hugs, Valerie
I use those pesky clips in just the same way. Great minds...
Another great recycling idea, Elizabeth. You are so right - I turn the tape back on itself then have to cut it off - not any more.
Love from Sheila
I use the plastic bread clips to mark the end of rolls of tape, too. We are brilliant! 😺
In Germany you don´t get them.
I always take one or two home as treasures from Perth!
Next time (hahaha) more!
I also use them for tapes, but I have lots more than I need.
That is pure genius. I'm like Sally because I don't think they work as well, and what a way to add more plastic into the environment once they're done. I am going to start using mine from now on. Thanks for this quickie post Elizabeth. Hugs-Erika
Very cool idea! Especially for packing tape, which always causes me trouble. :)
That is REALLY smart Elizabeth!!!
Neat idea! The end-of-tape perplex solved!
best... mae at
I'm with Sally, or was till I saw your terrific idea! Consider it copied next time I get some of those silly tabs!
So smart! love that idea!
Those little plastic bread tags aren't even recyclable :( I'm with Sally. I hate them, too. Great idea for reuse. Thanks!
I saw this on FB what a great idea.
A great idea! xx
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