t's Sunday, which means it's time once again to join Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals. Even though it's still Sunday in my world, I believe Sami's mural link will go live at 11:01 a.m. my time today, because we in the States will be on Daylight Savings Time by the time Sami links today.

If you enjoy murals from around the world, please don't forget to visit Monday Murals at Sami's Colourful World. And, if you live in the States, don't forget to set your clocks forward, hopefully you did that before you headed to bed last night.
And for those of you who live in the States (because we know how to write our months and days)
21 thoughtful remarks:
Love the mural. We are still on daylight saving time and will be until Easter. I will be very glad to see the end of it.
That's a beautiful panel! I'm still in bed, 'enjoying' tea, broth and water. But I am slowly feeling better. Take care, hugs, Valerie
I only have muffin in the freezer, but a π - maker we have, too, sadly shops are closed here on Sundays... Enjoy one for me, please, do?
Beautiful mural of the Virgin Mary and Child. And a Happy Pi Day to you, too.🥧
Happy Pi Day! I hope you are over whatever problems you have been suffering with the last few days.
best... mae at maefood.blogspot.com
I love the mural Elizabeth
and happy Pi day to you
Nice mural. Maybe it we could even call it a mosaic as it is tile. And Happy pi day too. I think the way we write dates is like the metric verses English system of measurement. The same with the 12 hour clock. Well, maybe not just us but certainly a lot of the world does it different. Hope you have a great day!
Nice mural Elizabeth, it does look like the Virgin Mary and Jesus.
Enjoy Pi Day too :)
Beautiful depiction of Mary, Queen of Heaven, and the Infant Jesus. Many homes here have similar tile murals on their inside and outside walls, and the Virgin of Guadalupe is a popular one to have. Such a pretty mural; I'm glad you got a closeup! Have a wonderful Sunday!
Happy Pi day.
...it nice that the mural is done on tiles. it will last for years! I always forget about pi day, thanks for the reminder.
The detail is beautiful.
Nice. Looks like Portugal. But help Catholic children? Why? Help all children!
An apt mural for a church.
Gorgeous mural!
I never think of Pi day, I'm not a big fan of pies. Is that sacrilegious?
That mosaic panel is lovely and _perfect_ given the name of the church.
A very nice tiled panel matching the name of the church. It is a copy of a well known old Byzantine icon of Mary
That's a beautiful mural! xx
What a beautiful mural, very special.
All the best Jan
You went on a hunt for the mural - what fun!
It's an interesting choice that the church put this Madonna & Child on a brick wall - was it painted on, or vinyled? I tried to see if I could spot brick lines, but I'm not sure.
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