It's time once again to join Sami at Sami's Colourful World and her Monday Murals. Even though it's still Sunday in my world, please note that Sami's mural link goes live at 10:01 a.m. my time today.

If you enjoy murals from around the world, please don't forget to visit Monday Murals at Sami's Colourful World. If you look around, you might find one near you, too.
22 thoughtful remarks:
It is a beautiful thing and I suspect your friend will love it - and you, for searching for this lovely gift.
Most beautiful mural, I just love it and hope you are doing okay. xx
It´s beautiful. I wonder if the child lifts the woman up in thankfulness and strength or if it hides in fear?
Also being raised Catholic, this is a familiar image to me. It’s “Our Lady of Guadalupe”. There is a lot of detail on the web about this image. Here is the Wikipedia link:
A great find Elizabeth, I think your friend will enjoy it.
It would have taken a lot of work to paint those tiles.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.
PS: what appears to be a child under her dress is an Angel. This is from one particularly informative site that explains all of the symbolisms:
"Angel" The "angel" at the bottom of the image was seen by the Indians as an "intermediary god" carrying in a new era, the beginning of a new civilization. One era was at an end -- had died -- and a new one was beginning, was being born.
That blurb is from this site:
This is a pretty image of Our Lady and a bit different being done on tiles.
Our Most Beloved Virgin of Guadalupe, she is usually shown lifted by a seraph (see his wings) and with her blue cloak and glowing light surrounding her, as she appeared to Blessed Juan Diego, the peasant, in what is now Mexico. This is the image that appeared on his cloak, which was also filled with roses after she appeared to him, and each part of the image is a special message (like the sliver of moon under her feet). This is a very special image to many including those of us (Catholics) in New Mexico.
A beautiful icon of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Thanks to all that shared links that explained all the symbolism.
Somehow this reminds me of the name of the Catholic church in Lake Woebegone, Minnesota: "Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility."
be safe... mae at
Beautiful mural! Hugs, Valerie
Here is indeed a mosaic of circumstance to begin Lent. Although this young man who is trampled by the virgin is quite enigmatic!
It is interesting for sure Elizabeth! Is it an angel holding her up? Whatever -it's a great find! Hugs, Chrisx
...this is a lovely mural, I like that it's in tiles.Thanks for sharing.
I hope your eye and infection are improving. No more power losses either I hope. What a month you have had. I like this image. It reminds me a lot of New Mexico. I think it may be called the Virgin of Guadalupe, but I'm not certain. Have fun in your catch up blog mode. Hugs-Erika
That's an angel holding her up. Not sure what that means but it is very pretty.
I would also say it is Our Lady of Guadalupe.
So many of your commenters know her :) We have a large Hispanic population here, so I see representations of her here.
That's a gorgeous mural! xx
Yes, I think your friend will like this. Very thoughtful of you to share it. Have a great day and I hope your are doing well.
This is lovely, Elizabeth. A good find.
Thanks for all your visits. You didn't have to do that, you know. What a chore, recovering as you have been, which has to be rather miserable at times. then facing a bunch of blogs! But I am grateful for every single comment and hope you are getting back to "normal" now or soon.
Timely find-- just right for the lent season. :)
Have a good week, Elizabeth.
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