Monday, January 18, 2021

T Stands For MORE Gratitude


I apologize.  This is hopefully my last LONG T Tuesday post for awhile.  Before we begin, I want to share a belated

birthday remembrance of Martin Luther King Jr..  Today (January 18) is a Federal Holiday in the States.

Now for my gratitude.

Here are all the wonderful cards and gifts I have received since Christmas.   I know how Lisca wants to see the postage stamps, so I've included each with the rest of the gift.  If you want to learn about each one, you can search the USPS website.

This first card (and a Christmas letter) came from my shopaholic friend Kathy.  She informed me her husband is in the hospital.  I must give her a call to see if there is anything I can do for her.  I knew something had to be wrong, because she normally creates these over-the-top cards and tip-ins.  Thank you, dear Kathy.

Who do we know who lives in or near Minneapolis?  BTW, I adore that Celebrate stamp, which I'm sure is new this year.
Why Marvin, of course.  We all know the loveable furbaby who belongs to Halle and her family.  I'm getting pretty good at that smudge tool, too!  Thank you for the New Year's card, dear friend.

This next gift comes from the east coast.

It's from my dear friend Patty S. who many of you remember used to join us for T, but has since moved over to Instagram, where I cannot join, since I don't own a cell phone.  Per her note,

she has been making these gorgeous eco-prints since May.

She also sent this gorgeous Citra-Solv Nat. Geo. page.  It's a beauty.  Hers is SO much better than any I've ever made.  Most of mine were created with Turpentine, though.

Finally, Patty included a lovely ornament she made from Queen Anne's Lace she grew in her garden.  I cannot thank Patty enough for the wonderful goodies, all handmade with love, she sent me.

This next card also came from the east coast.

It's not a Christmas card, but one from my dear friend RO!

She's always so thoughtful and I cannot thank her enough for her friendship.  I know I owe her a handmade card, too.  I love these thick tags, too.  Thank you again, RO!

I bet lots of you know who sent this.  Squiggles was over the moon with happiness that he had been included, too.  Gotta LOVE that rocking horse stamp.

As I was preparing to open this envelope, I realized it was only held together using this gorgeous sticker of a cat.  Now I'm SURE you know who sent it.

This incredible card is filled with cardinals and a Christmas candle.  

Yes, it's from my dear friend CJ.  I love it, and Squiggles thanks you from the bottom of his fat little heart for being included.  I thank you, too.

Next up is a gift from Spain.  I won't keep you guessing.  This package is from Caty who many of you visit during T Tuesday.

The description of the contents is an understatement.  It's like calling the Queen Mary a rowboat.

It's obvious I couldn't get all the goodies she sent in a single photo.  Everything just kept coming and coming.

I was jumping for joy when I saw the rocking horse.  She signed the little gift card with her name and date, so I will never, ever forget who gave it to me.  Not that I would, anyway.

In my haste, i almost forgot to show the gorgeous card Caty sent.  It's a mixed media tree, and I love it, too.

There are tons of other goodies, too, including lots of double sided decorative papers, tags, mandala drawings, a set of clear stamps, and washi tapes.

There's ribbons and collage fodder, colored sheet music,

And enough goodies to get me through the next few months.  You are too, too kind, Caty.  I thank you more than you will ever know, dear.

Last, but not least, I received this soon after I shared all the other gifts from two weeks ago.  It had broken open in shipment, but I somehow doubt anything is missing.

Yes, these are two dies for a cutting machine.  One is for little houses and one is for pipes.  Pipes interest me a lot.  I wonder if they were originally intended for steampunk designs.  Regardless, I love them both.

There's also several decorative papers I can use as backgrounds, and three napkins.  You can never have too many napkins.  Do you see the turquoise and white envelope below the decorative papers? 

Everything in the remainder of the photos was in this envelope.

I am thrilled.

Everything from collage fodder to book pages, to geometric shapes, to faux stamps, to tags, to a button were included.

There was even a sew on patch and some circles I'm not sure what I'll do with.

The thing that got me the most excited was, as I told Erika, those two milk tops from the old style glass milk jugs.  I have wanted one since forever and now I have two.

Last among the gifts from Erika is this adorable New Year's card.

It took me forever to corral all my goodies.  I haven't put anything away yet, because I knew I was running behind trying to get this post finished on time.  Before I do that, though, I have to decide what I'm going to drink today.

I'm sure by now, most of you know the rules.  Please show your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and most assuredly not just this year. 


31 thoughtful remarks:

Eileen Bergen said... 1

Ooo, you lucky lady! But all well-deserved. You're always doing for others. I'm sorry mine hasn't arrived yet, but it was just a hand painted card. You have lots of new toys to play with. Enjoy!!

Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

kathyinozarks said... 2

You have been blessed with some very special happy mail thanks for sharing with us-enjoy it all hugs

Sharon Madson said... 3

What fun, fun goodies! And so many! I love happy mail! :) Happy T Day!

Susan Kane said... 4

Your friends certainly refilled your cache. What you do with this collection will be awesome to see.

Mae Travels said... 5

Martin Luther King day is indeed important now more than every. I hope we soon get closer to his dream.

Your clever friends definitely make beautiful cards. I'm a non-creative type, maybe don't fit in.

be safe... mae at

My name is Erika. said... 6

Wow Elizabeth! You've had some super mail! How fun is that. I have to say I want to know how Patty made such gorgeous papers. After seeing these, I want to go try some more now (too bad there are no leaves to try-smile). It's great you still hear from Patty too. I miss her fun tea cup photos for T. The big circles in your packet from me are filter papers you can play with inks or sprays and see what happens. Have fun playing with all your toys from everyone. You have lots of great inspiration. Have a super T day. Hugs-Erika

Rita said... 7

Ooooh! Lots of pretty cards and some goodies to play with, too. How nice! Happy Tuesday! :)

PerthDailyPhoto said... 8

Oh my gosh your Christmas mail was so much more delightful than mine Elizabeth, what a treat to see. I do hope your friend Kathy's husband is well and home again soon 💙

Kate Yetter said... 9

You received a lot of wonderful goodies. I am sure that you will have a lot of fun playing around with all these lovely things.
Happy Tea day,

CJ Kennedy said... 10

Lucky you! Gorgeous cards and all the toys! Looking forward to seeing what you make with all the goodies. Happy T Day and thank you for making Tuesdays the best day of the week!

Elephant's Child said... 11

Wow. I love these cards and am sure that they are a small reflection of just how much and how highly you are thought of. I do hope Kathy's husband is well and home again.

Cloudia said... 12

You are a goodwill generator, dear!

Iris Flavia said... 13

Oh, you have me smile here VERY BIG! Such cute, thoughtful gifts, and in these crazy times, too, how wonderful! The rocking horse is really cute, aw, well, all is!
I still have a package with Christmas gummy-bears for a friend in Perth. Code orange, I cannot send it :-( Darn Corinna.

Valerie-Jael said... 14

You sure got some wonderful goodies and cards, enjoy, have fun playing with them! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

Sami said... 15

Wonderful gifts, cards, stamps...all beautiful Elizabeth!
Hope your friend's husband is feeling better.

Karen said... 16

So much love and creative goodness to enjoy ~ Blessings on your week ahead!

Nancy said... 17

Your cup runneth over! So many thoughtful gifts. This will keep you busy for a long time.

Jackie McGuinness said... 18

What lovely presents you received. Slooooowly feeling my arty mojo coming back, very slowly. But lots od ideas.

Divers and Sundry said... 19

I love Patty S' eco-prints! I'm not on Instagram either, intimidated as I am by other folks' photo skills.

Happy T Tuesday!

Linda Kunsman said... 20

What a treasure trove- of gifts, yes, but also the very thoughtful friends! You have so many new goodies to create with now and I know we'll be seeing them pop up in your art for months to come:)
I received similar from Patty. I absolutely LOVE her eco dyed papers and have told her that no one else's I've seen on IG have compared to hers. She has a real gift for making these papers.
Thank you for sharing all the love you've been given, and happy T day!

Let's Art Journal said... 21

Wow, so many amazing cards and goodies! That is so very kind and thoughtful, it must be so lovely to receive and open all that beautiful happy mail - your are so very blessed 😁. Enjoy and wishing you a very Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

Oh Elizabeth! such well deserved gifts - I think you are going to be busy and all set for some lovely playtimes! Have fun and stay safe, Hugs, Chrisxx

Lisca said... 23

What wonderful goodies! So many things to play with and use. Of course my eye fell on Caty's rocking horse. And then I read that the really coveted thing was the milk bottle top that Erika sent. I didn't recognize them as bottle tops. In fact I have never seen anything like it. How very special! Erika's New Year's card is beautiful too.
You totally deserve all the gifts and attention.
I didn't know it was Martin Luther King day. I hope one day his dream will come true.
Happy T-Day,

Kokopelli said... 24

Oh wow, so many lovely goodies! You're a lucky girl to receive som many wonderful cards and gifts! Enjoy! And thaks again for hosting T Day. Love to be here! :)

nanskidrewski said... 25

Great presses! Enjoy and happy T day

Lowcarb team member said... 26

You had such lovely mail, thank you for sharing it here.

All the best Jan

Birgit said... 27

How loved you are with all these beautiful cards and that gift you got! How special for her to send this to you and I bet she loves what you create for her. The lady with the pussy cat sticker has exquisite penmanship and could teach us a thing or 2. I love the writing of your name and address with the holly leaves part of it.

Sandra Cox said... 28

I love your cards and envelopes.
Dear friends are the best aren't they?
Take special care. Have a wondrous evening.

DVArtist said... 29

Awe you are so loved. What wonderful gifts. Have a very nice evening.

RO said... 30

In a word - WOW! It's always so wonderful to see the artwork that's created from around the world, and to have it show up on your doorstep must be a true treat! The wonderful things you receive from so many just speaks volumes of your kindness, sense of humor and support. Thanks for sharing such beautiful pieces. As I look at my handwriting, I'm painfully reminded of how I used to write like a human(lol), but I rush so much now that I never know what's going to happen at the end.(lol) Sending lots of hugs and hoping that you're feeling okay. RO

Elderberry-Rob said... 31

What a lovely post, you have some great friends across the miles and interesting post. I love letter writing/cards, it's a dying art these days.