Monday, January 25, 2021

T Stands For Expensive Eggnog


I'm once again at my dining room table, and as promised last T time,

I am keeping it short and sweet this week.  My friend Scott picked up this eggnog.  It was a dollar more than the last I got and contained less eggnog.  I've never tried this "limited edition" brand before, so I'm going to shake it well and serve it for T.

Most of you know the rules by now.  Please show your own drink related post.  It can be gifts you received, photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, mail art, junk mail, catalogs, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Bleubeard would like to remind you that old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday and most assuredly not just this year.  


I would also be remiss if I didn't remind you to be digging up your Second on the 2nd post, which will be next Tuesday.  Sadly that means we will have to use Inlinkz for linking our posts.  If your Second on the 2nd post is the same as your T Tuesday post, you will need to link both places.

UPDATE: Since so many of you asked, the eggnog was good, but not that good.  And because my last three T posts took an entire page to create and read, I was trying to make it easier for everyone to visit this week.  Nothing wrong, just giving all my readers, visitors, players, and lurkers a break from my normally long posts.  Now go hunt down your Second on the 2nd, please.

30 thoughtful remarks:

Sharon Madson said... 1

I have never seen you post a post this short! LOL. I wonder if the eggnog is good. I hope to do a post later and link up to tea. Have a great week.

Eileen Bergen said... 2

I'm not a fan of eggnog, but I hope you enjoy yours - despite the cost. These are strange times and we should find enjoyment where we can. Thanks for giving us this place to meet and connect. It's one of my weekly joys. Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

Mae Travels said... 3

Price variations are all over the place -- disruptions in production, shipping, and demand are all causing all kinds of unpredictability. Imports are even more disrupted. The fact that most people are now unwilling or unable to go from store to store to get better prices, or even to usefully compare prices in various stores is probably hurting too. All we can do is hope that we get back to some sort of normal soon!

be safe... mae at

Elephant's Child said... 4

I hope it is delicious and more than worth the price.

Let's Art Journal said... 5

I'd love to try that eggnog! I hope that it tastes even more delicious with it being a special edition 😁. Enjoy and Happy T Tuesday! Hugs, Jo x

Lisca said... 6

Well, what's the verdict? Is it worth the extra dollar?
Happy T.Day,

Halle said... 7

I love eggnog!! I have never seen that brand before though.
Happy T day!

Christine said... 8

Elizabeth thanks for trying to find Bernie. Here is the solution:
'if you enlarge the picture, see the red beach towel with a girl sitting on it? Look just below her foot. He is between a guy with blonde hair and dark guy with blue striped shorts.'

Rita said... 9

Now we all want to know if it was better! LOL! :)

Linda Kunsman said... 10

Hope you and al is we considering this very brief posting. Love that vintage glass! I do hope the eggnog was good.
And I completely concur with Mae's comment!
Happy T day!

aussie aNNie said... 11

Gosh a short post, hope you are okay or just enjoying your eggnog, my mum had beautiful glasses like this one, so pretty...hugs. [did you get my message re Monte..]
Oh NO robot is out again today...gee wizz...

My name is Erika. said... 12

And how was that eggnog? This is really a short post. Have a great T day my friend. Hugs-Erika

Kate Yetter said... 13

Yum! Eggnog sounds delicious. I haven't tried any yet this year because it is so high in calorie but it would make a yummy splurge.
Happy Tea Day,

Valerie-Jael said... 14

Thanks for linking! Enjoy your eggnog! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

Iris Flavia said... 15

Now that was a "quickie", LOL, just suiting my entry, kinda. And what a name, promised land!
Shake it, Baby! And well, too 😂

CJ Kennedy said... 16

What's the verdict? Worth the extra dollar or no difference from the cheaper brands?

Karen said... 17

So was it worth the extra money? richer and creamier? I spike mine, so I don't need the added expense :) Happy T day!

DVArtist said... 18

Hey, Sorry the eggnog was not to your expectation. At least you were able to try something new. Scott seems like a good guy. Have a great day today.

Divers and Sundry said... 19

You can have all the eggnog ;)

Happy T Tuesday!

LA Paylor said... 20

happy t-day!

Cloudia said... 21

Thank you for hosting! Enjoy your posts long and short!

pearshapedcrafting said... 22

I have never tried Egg Nog but love the bottle you got this time! Hugs, Chrisx

Jeanie said... 23

I haven't had egg not in quite awhile -- that looks really good!

Lowcarb team member said... 24

I haven't had eggnog for a long time ...
Pleased to read your update "the eggnog was good, but not that good"

Sending my good wishes.

All the best Jan

Sandra Cox said... 25

Glad the eggnog was good. Too bad it wasn't that good:)

Kokopelli said... 26

Hi Elizabeth, this week I'm late visiting T Day! *LOL* Thanks for hosting again. I never tried eggnog. It's not really a thing here in Germany. Might have to look for a recipe. Glad the eggnog was at leaast good. :) Have a great day!

Tom said... 27

...I never had eggnog, am I missing something?

Eileen Bergen said... 28

P.S. Thank you for the "update." Eileen xx

nwilliams6 said... 29

Fun to try different eggnogs! I skipped them this year except I did sneak a shot of hubby's coveted Pennsylvania Dutch spiked eggnog - lol. Fun picure. Hugz

Kate Yetter said... 30

Eggnog just seems to be one of those expensive treats. Sorry this didn't meet your expectations.
Happy Tea Day,