It's Friday, which means it's time to join Annie (at A Stitch in Time) along with the wonderful ladies at Friday Smiles. Back when I had no phone or internet for nine days, my friend Scott took me to his place so I could check my blog and call the phone company in an attempt to light a fire under them.

While there, he showed me trees in his back yard filled with swallowtails. Can you see them? They are orange and black.

At first, I tried to capture them

by chasing them with my camera.

Although I took over 70 photos, most looked like this!

Scott suggested instead of chasing them,

I should focus on a specific area of the tree and let them come into camera range.

Although my hand got tired and I got some photos that didn't have any swallowtails,

for the most part,

I was quite pleased with the way these turned out.

enjoy taking nature shots. That's why I thought you might enjoy these photos I took the day I managed to get AT&T to write a ticket to repair my phone and internet. As an aside, since I have switched from copper wire cables to fiber optics, my internet has been stable and I've had absolutely NO problems with it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Now let's head over to Annie's because she knows how to put a smile on everyone's faces. And whatever you do, please
don't forget to start your weekend off right with a few Friday Smiles
of your own. And remember, if you would like to play along, Annie would love to have you join us.
19 thoughtful remarks:
Thank you, it´s indeed a joy to see all the lush green and blue sky whilst here you only have naked trees and grey since days.
I find it really difficult to photograph insects and butterflies. Birds are much easier I find.I suppose it's what we get used to- leaning their behaviour and how they react to a close presence and/or movement. Thank you for the very kind words on my blog.
Scott was right and your shots worked. It makes you realise how many hours, days,weeks, months, years it can take to record nature programmes doesn’t it.
Have a lovely day and weekend
Lynn xx
Great shots! I've never seen that many butterflies gather in the wild only at a butterfly garden or the butterfly garden at the Museum of Science. And never that many of one species. What a magical day that must have been!
It looks lovely where you are unlike here where it's been rather dull and we've had snow too. The butterflies are so lovely and not easy to photograph. When we can, which is not now obviously! we go to a butterfly garden (it's inside a large greenhouse type thing) and I like to photograph them but they don't seem to want to keep still very long! So well done you. Sending hugs, Angela xXx
Wow, how amazing to see all those swallowtails! They are such a beautiful butterfly, I saw them for the first time when we visited America last and I was in awe of their size and the way they glide through the air 😁. Thanks so much for sharing your lovely photos and for the memories and smiles! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x
Wow, how beautiful are those butterflies! I have never seen these in real life. Lucky you.The tree/bush they were on is beautiful too. Evergreen with what looks like flowers or seed things.
I know butterflies are difficult to photograph. I have tried a few times myself. (without success). Scott was right though wasn't he.
Congratulations on changing to fiber optics.
Thank you for the smiles you put on my face this morning.
Enjoy your weekend,
I love the photos Elizabeth. I can imagine your frustration but you got some excellent shots in the end. It looks as though they enjoy feasting on the ivy flowers. When we had a holiday in Thailand I spent hours trying to photograph the butterflies, but with very little success. We get very few here, but I am not sure why. Anyway, I enjoyed seeing yours. Kate x
Hi Elizabeth: I don't see any swallowtails but I see lots of Monarchs. They are doubtless on their epic annual migration to their wintering grounds in Mexico. Rain let me know that you were trying to access my blog but were blocked by some security device. I am not quite sure why. I am harmless!
Beautiful monarchs. They must absolutely love those blossoms.
They are beautiful, Elizabeth! Congratulations for finding a way to capture them. Not easy.
Elizabeth; THANX for sharing; the photos; all of them, are so awesome; the swallowtail even more so.. is this a yearly sighting for your area; Scott has a good "eye" to see them like he did ....way cool !!! ☺☺♥♥
Your butterfly photos came out wonderful! On one trip to Central America we saw Blue Morphos but they were IMPOSSIBLE to capture on film. You were very skilled, and maybe lucky too.
best... mae at
Good idea, Scott! Some of the photos are exquisite. What a treat to see something so magnificent in your own yard. Well done, Elizabeth. Happy weekend!
These look like Monarchs to me. Nice shots, regardless. They are hard to photograph. :)
That is one amazing sight. I squinted to make out a couple in the first pictures but can really notice them once you followed Scott's advice. What cool photos and even cooler things to see in real life. Thanks for sharing. I have never seen anything like this.
So many gorgeous monarchs all in one place! What a treat! Do you know what kind of tree that is? We should be planting a lot more of them :)
I'm not sure what's happened since Friday. I read all the Friday smile posts on my iPad but I just haven't got back to my lap top to leave comments til today....I've been making pants, finishing off a fox and footing a ladder for my hubby to fit a new outside light so I'm guessing I've just got distracted....sorry.
What stunning lucky are you. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Annie x
Wow those are great shots. The butterflies are amazing. Have a great day.
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