Friday, September 11, 2020

Friday Smiles 388: 9/11

It's Friday and time to join Annie (at A Stitch in Time) along with the wonderful ladies at Friday Smiles.

Today I'm remembering the attacks of September 11, 2001.  It's amazing it's been 19 years since this happened, but as long as I have a blog, I will NOT forget.  It seems that not just the United States mourned this loss, but it affected serious cartoonists around the world as well.


I realize Friday Smiles is for humor and smiles, while 9/11 is serious.  Many of us around the world take the date seriously.  I hope you found or find something to smile about today, even if it's just hugging your loved ones and letting them know you are glad they are alive.

It's time to head over to Annie's because she knows how to put a smile on everyone's faces.  And whatever you do, please don't forget to start your weekend off right with a few Friday Smiles of your own.  And remember, if you would like to play along, Annie would love to have you join us.   Finally, please remember this date so it doesn't fade from our memories.

18 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said...

That was indeed a very sad day for the world and one which none of us that experienced it cannot forget. Thanks for sharing, Valerie

Helen said...

a sad date indeed, and one no-one should forget. No hugging here as we are being given more restrictions with rising numbers of Covid again.

Annie said...

I'm sure none of us could forget that day Elizabeth.
Annie x

Lisca said...

Certainly a day to remember. A very sad remembrance.
Again the firefighters are battling, this time with bush fires. I'm glad that in those cartoons, many of them honour the firefighters.
I wish we could go back to hugging. We get together with friends, but it is no hugs, no kiss, no touching, not even a handshake. we only get close to each other for a few seconds to take a photo.
I wish I could hug my mum, but she is far away. And if I lived close, I'd break the rules and hug her!
Strange times we live in now. It will be interesting to see how things develop now the children have gone back to school. Children always catch anything that goes around in the line of colds and sniffles. That is how they get their immunity.
Have a lovely weekend,

My name is Erika. said...

I think that is a nice way to remember the day. There is so much going on now with Covid, riots, wildfires, etc. that I think it is easy to forget about this day. Cartoons are a nice way to show remembrance. I can’t believe it has been 19 years. Hope your internet is working and you have a wonderful Friday. Hugs Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

A nice tribute.

Sami said...

I can hardly believe it's been 19 years already! Another sad day for the whole world. I'm glad some of the cartoons honour the firefighters and policemen.
Have a nice weekend Elizabeth.

Mae Travels said...

Thank you for reminding us of the impact and continuing importance of that date. In many ways, the terrorists did what they set out to do: creating division and hatred among peoples of the world, and paranoia in the US. I wish we could overcome the evil they accomplished.

be well... mae at

Barbara said...

Very powerful remembrance. Thank you.

DVArtist said...

It is amazing that so much time has passes since this happened. The cartoons are revealing and quite good. We don't forget here either.

Lynn Holland said...

It’s certainly a time none of us will forget. As is now.
Stay safe
Lynn xx

Divers and Sundry said...

We must always remember.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It's important not to forget this important date even though it was a terrible time but nineteen year ago, I can hardly believe it. Take care my friend and have a happy weekend. Hugs, Angela xXX

Birgit said...

There are events that will always stay with us and remind us where we were when it happened and this is one of them. There are others-The tsunami that hit Indonesia, Lady Diana's death,The Berlin Wall, JFK assassination, Martin Luther King, The Pearl Harbour Attack. I was not around for the last 3 but that does not mean I do not realize the huge importance. This must be taught in schools and it must be taught with the passion that is due. For all the people who were directly affected by 911, the horror is still near but you still carry on and that is bravery as well. I do love these cartoons and think they are perfect.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

I'd never seen the eagle cartoon; thanx for sharing ~ ♥♥

nanskidrewski said...

Thank you for sharing this. It is a day I will never forget. Xo

Mia said...

The whole world will never forget that day, Elizabeth. Today in greek tv I watched the movie for the 9/11 with Nicolas Keitz. I think the "Scream" cartoonist describes perfect that day. Hugs, my friend.

Iris Flavia said...

The last one is my fav.
We do need Hope so much. I´ve never yet been in your country but having seen my colleagues´ faces, not getting any contact to their loved ones being in NY on that day, then the pictures on TV, the madness. The sadness. The rage. And also the ignorance. Here.
And what we have now. Bring your ownn water-bottle on a flight? Nope. Ingo´s hands NEED handcream - he has too organize a small tube.
Take off your shoes before entering a plane, up with arms, people touching you in personal spaces to make sure - after X-ray - you do not smuggle anything in... ETC.
Trust is gone for good, it seems. HOPE?