Monday, June 22, 2020

T Stands For La Chinita

Before we begin, would anyone care to exchange ATCs again this year for our 7th Anniversary?  Since the mail seems to be flowing better in Europe now, it might be something to look forward to.  If I'm correct, and I hope I am, our anniversary is July 14th this year.  Please give me your thoughts in your comments.  If there's enough interest, we'll have an exchange.  Now for my scheduled post.

I was culling through some of my old photos I hadn't shown and stumbled onto a visit to the new La Chinita.

This is the "old" La Chinita.

The last time we were there, we learned they would soon be moving to a new location.

In case you didn't remember, the old restaurant was across the street from this bug that fascinated me.  Yes, it rotated depending upon the wind.

This is the "new" La Chinita.  Not terribly impressive.  In fact Sally, my foodie friend was driving that day and we drove by it twice until we finally saw this tiny sign on the fence.

Let's step inside because it's bitterly cold outside.  After all, it's nearly Christmas.

Our drinks of choice are always water, unless the drink comes with the meal.

While we waited on the meal to arrive, I took in the new art and murals.

If you were here for Monday Murals, you saw this mural that is practically hidden by the plant and Christmas lights.

More drawings that definitely

had a Spanish influence. 

Again, if you were here for Monday Murals, you saw this mural that I first thought was the same one that had been at the old restaurant.

Subtle differences, but not the same mural.  I suspect the same artist painted both, though.

A beautiful painting and vignette contrasts with the humor of the restroom sign.

This is the new menu.

So is this.

I always order chili rellenos

when they are on any Mexican menu.

This is the old menu.  You can see the prices have been raised, but not by much.  I really hope this restaurant makes it through the lock down, because it's one of my favorites in Wichita.

Sally also had her favorite, which is flautas.

True to form, I got the chili rellenos.

I guess I'm trying to relive this meal, because it will be a LONG time before I eat in a restaurant again, or even order take out.

By now, I'm sure you know the drill.  It's time to share your drink related post this week.  It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, magazine images, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Regardless, please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post, not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday. 

32 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

I love how happy Sally looks, I think she was enjoying her food! I like the fun wind-bug on the old restaurant. I went for a coffee toda and I was pleased to see the prices hadn't gone up as they have some places. I will be back tomorrow to link up! Happy T Day, Valerie

Eileen Bergen said... 2

The Mayan themed murals at La Chinita are very impressive. The serenade paintings are lovely.

I'm not sure about the ATC swap (because of my health problems). I am interested though.

Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen xx

Jeanie said... 3

Their menu looks very good -- if I ever get to your state, I think we should meet there!

Mae Travels said... 4

I WANT GOOD MEXICAN FOOD! And I'm willing to shout about it. Your restaurant looks awesome, murals and all.

be well... mae at

CJ Kennedy said... 5

That bug sculpture is so cool. Oh, to be able to go out to eat at restaurants again. We've done no contact take out a few times. Order and pay online, drive to the restaurant, pop the trunk, and a server will bring out your order and put it in the trunk. That looks like such a nice restaurant and everyone looks happy. I hope they financially make it through the pandemic, too. Happy T Day.

kathyinozarks said... 6

Looks like a wonderful spot to eat out. we love this kind of food too. Hopefully it will be safe soon so you and your friend can go out to eat again.
Loved the murals and sculpture-Happy T

My name is Erika. said... 7

This is making me so hungry and drooling for Mexican food. I haven't had any for a long time with this stay at home isolation. And I remember that cool bug too. It is as fascinating the second time around as the first. And I would do an ATC switch if you decide to do it. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika

Linda Kunsman said... 8

My eyes would be drawn to that giant bug for sure- so interesting!
So nice to be able to relive (and just about taste) such good food, yet a bit sad that so much has changed ...and who knows for how long.
I love the newer painted mural - prettier and brighter!
I'd be interested in an ATC exchange;)
Happy T day!

aussie aNNie said... 9

What a feast here and that big bug would be awesome to see in real life.
How about a pic of you next

Kate Yetter said... 10

I enjoyed re-visiting this restaurant with you. That interesting bug always catches my eye. And Mexican food always sounds yummy.

I am interested in the ATC swap.

Happy Tea Day,

RO said... 11

Sally always looks so happy - I love it! There's a Mexican Restaurant right around the corner from me that is only doing takeout. Some of their food is pretty yummy. Like you, it's probably be some time before I eat out. Looks like they give a pretty big meal to take home for leftovers at your spot. Hope you're doing well. Hugs, RO

Iris Flavia said... 12

Oh, apart from the bug it all looks soooo yummy!
But "Smoke-Free restaurant" must´ve been a very old sign, huh?
I can´t even remember when you were allowed to smoke in restaurants! Ewww. Or in the car! My parents both smoked, windows closed in winter, oh, my, how did we survive?! ;-)

Anne (cornucopia) said... 13

I'll be back later to leave comments for you and everyone.

Meggymay said... 14

A super trip through your photos to that restaurant, remembering happier times eating out makes me think will there ever be... normal... again. The murals looked fantastic and must have helped to create a happy atmosphere while you were eating. The food of course looked delicious.
Stay safe.
Yvonne xx

Dianne said... 15

Oh how I miss going to our local Mexican Restaurant! It's probably open by now, but we're still being cautious and have only done take-out. I think we may be taking hubby's sister out for her birthday tonight, though. we'll see.

Love the Aztec/Mayan designs painted on the walls at this restaurant! i really like the art of that culture, the glyphs are fascinating. the food looks yummy, and it's making me hungry! lol. thanks for hosting us to tea and tacos!

Karen said... 16

I like guacamole when they make it by your table fresh and sizzling fajitas with a nice frozen margarita! YUM ~ I don't have a cool wind bug to see at our restaurant though. Great murals too :) I would be interested in exchanging ATC's that sounds like fun!

Karen said... 17

I like guacamole when they make it by your table fresh and sizzling fajitas with a nice frozen margarita! YUM ~ I don't have a cool wind bug to see at our restaurant though. Great murals too :) I would be interested in exchanging ATC's that sounds like fun!

DVArtist said... 18

Hey Give me Mexican food any day of the week. I remember you taking us here before and it is nice to revisit. This looks like a great place. Happy Tuesday to you.

Divers and Sundry said... 19

That looks so good! I'd hafta try several of those menu items :) It looks like a comfortable place to enjoy a meal. Those were the days *sigh*

Happy T Tuesday!

Sami said... 20

I like Mexican food.
Love the painting on the way to the restroom, and of course the mural.

Cindy McMath said... 21

At first i thought maybe you were out and about again! But then I read your post and saw that no, this is an older set of photos. I had my first meal in a restaurant about 2 weeks ago, and had my hair done about a week before that. I am still working full time from home though so definitely nowhere near back to “normal”. Take care!

Caty said... 22

Happy T-day Elizabeth !! I hope you have a great day and afternoon. This new Chinita is also very beautiful, love the actual mural, a little bit different, but great. Your meals are delicious, and I´m sure I´ll like these chili rellenos.
I´m afraid I couldn´t join you for the Atc swap this July, I´ve a lot of work at home these days, but i want to thank you very much for hosting this fabulous swap.
Have a great afternoon, and big hugs,

Halle said... 23

Now you are making me hungry for our local Mexican restaurant. They are still doing takeout at least.
That bug is very interesting...I'd love to see it in motion.
Happy T day!

Lisca said... 24

That looks like a great restaurant. I remember the previous visit. The new venue looks nice and clean with colourful murals and decorations.
Why the smoke-free sign? Are you allowed to smoke in restaurants? Not in Europe. Not since at least 20 years.
The menu card looks very interesting, but as I've never had Mexican food (other than what our Mexican friends sometimes cook for us) I have no idea what the items are, but it all looks very yummy. I think I like Mexican food. Sally obviously does too, as she is grinning from ear to ear!
I'm sorry I'm late. Well, better late than never.
Happy T-Day,

Let's Art Journal said... 25

I loved visiting the Mexican restaurant with you, such great murals and wow, the food looks amazing! After looking though the menu and seeing your delicious meal, I'm now so hungry 😉. I think I would have missed that sign too! Wishing you a wonderful week and a Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs Jo x

Anne (cornucopia) said... 26

I love the murals in the restaurant. The food looks delicious. Now I'm craving Mexican food. But I'm with you: it will be a long time before I get takeout or do dining in a restaurant. Happy T-Day!

pearshapedcrafting said... 27

Those were the days!!! I do hope that they can stay in business - the food and the menu look great!
My SIL have been out twice to their favourite restaurant inn Poitiers - an Asian buffet! She said it was a very different experience. They had to wear masks to go to the food counter and were given their own serving tongs for the time they were there! No shooting their own raw ingredients to be cooked by the chefs either and children were not allowed up to the buffet. A lot of tables had been removed!
Happy T day! Chrisx

Cloudia said... 28

Most enjoyable!

Barbara said... 29

Thanks for your visit and generous comment, Elizabeth! I can’t get into eating out myself, especially Mexican or Spanish food, but I have to say I’ve never seen anything like the high flying BUG! Now that is really neat! So artistic. Your altered books always get me interested in doing something like that. I tried one recently and pushed my hands a bit too hard, so I went back to painting. I do love the idea though!

Divers and Sundry said... 30

Yes to ATC anniversary :)

Words and Pictures said... 31

You seem to find amazing murals wherever you go! And that food looks completely delicious. Pretty hard to find good Mexican in the UK unless you're in one of the major cities, so I'll just have to enjoy yours by proxy.
Alison x

Lisca said... 32

I forgot to say, yes to the ATCs. It would be lovely to do some for the anniversary.