Monday, March 16, 2020

An Early Happy St. Patrick's Day

I'd like to begin by letting everyone know I can't seem to stay on the internet.  I tried to visit all my friends, followers, and those who religiously visit my blog, but I am unable to when I keep getting kicked off the net.  It took me until after 1:00 p.m. Sunday to link to Sami's murals.  It's very frustrating and seems to happen when it rains a lot, as it has the past few days here.  As much as I would LOVE to change to the other internet provider in my area, I can't afford the nearly twice the price I'd have to pay.  Please be aware, I'll catch up as I can. 

Since I had no time to create new art, I am bringing back a few pieces I've made in the past.  Whether you are Irish or not, it's fun to celebrate the day.  After all, who doesn't love a party with lots of blarney?

The sentiment is an Irish Proverb:
A good friend is like
a four-leaf clover,
hard to find
and lucky to have.
The background is 91% Isopropyl alcohol and green staz-on reinker.  The text was found in an old geography book.

Who knew the Irish could be so philosophical?  As you can read, these are all Irish Proverbs.

A dress for St. Patrick's Day was part of my year of Project Dress Up, the dresses that hang in my craft room.

Here's an ATC I created for all who choose to be Irish today.  Or who choose to wear the green.

Thanks beyond belief for stopping by.  I'm slowly trying to get around to visiting all who have so religiously visited me while I keep getting kicked off the internet.  BTW, I rebooted three times in order to create this post. It's far more frustrating than you can possibly imagine.

15 thoughtful remarks:

Helen said...

I am sorry you're having such trouble with your internet access, it is so frustrating. Well done getting your St patrick's day post published!

aussie aNNie said...

Internet oh not more troubles...keep crafting as I can still pop in and see your goodies like this post.x

My name is Erika. said...

Sorry to hear about your internet. It seems like they need a repair person who actually can fix the whole system. It's got to be frustrating. But it is good to see all your fun St. Patrick's day art. This year so many activities won't be going on with the virus, at least around here. What a scary time, isn't it? I hope you get this and other than your internet, all is well. Take care so you don't get sick. Hugs-Erika

CJ Kennedy said...

Sorry for your Internet woes. Thank you for brightening the ether with your lovely, green St. Patrick's Day post. You're a four leaf clover 🍀

DVArtist said...

Ohhh So sorry about your internet. I was thinking that with the schools closing and more people staying home the internet will be over loaded. I know in my state of Oregon Charter and Infinity are ramping up and giving students free internet. Anyway, I love your St Patrick's day post. I really like the green dress. Have a good Monday.

Sami said...

Sorry about your internet woes, hope it gets sorted out soon.
Nice St Patrick pages. I think it's going to be a very quiet st Patrick's day all over the world.

Divers and Sundry said...

No Irish in my background, but it never stopped me from celebrating the day :)

Internet access problems are sooo frustrating! I hope yours gets solved on a more permanent basis soon.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

from meself and all me ancestors before me; a long lineage of Irish to be sure; this post rocks as do these pieces !!! ♣♣♣♣♣ well done Elizabeth !! ♥♥

Karen said...

Hello! great St. Patty's day art ~ stay well & I hope your internet works better for you soon ~ in the meantime...keep crafting on!

froebelsternchen said...

I am so sorry to read you have so much trouble with the internet Elizabeth! Fingers crossed for you that it comes to normal soon again for you!
Gorgeous green St. Patrick's Day pages! I love them all !


Meggymay said...

I really love the friendship quote you added to your first page Elizabeth, they are a fantastic selection of pages to celebrate St Patrick's day.
Sorry to read about your internet problems, there could be more internet issues with us here in remote places as the Government is now encouraging those who are able to work from home.
There is not enough cover to begin with in some areas
Yvonne xx

kathyinozarks said...

I am sorry your internet is so frustrating-does it do any good to talk to the repair dept? Loved your post today-very fun Happy St Patricks Day

Eileen Bergen said...

Sorry you're having so much trouble with our internet, Elizabeth. I hope the bad weather (and internet outages) end soon!

I love all your Irish/green pages. I think the dress is my favorite, but the Irish proverbs are wonderful too. Some I'd never heard before.

Wishing you the luck of the Irish, a Happy St. Patrick's Day and Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

Jeanie said...

I love your reruns, Elizabeth. They are new to me! Here's hoping you get the internet situation resolved soon. You've had quite a tech year, haven't you? Good luck!

Words and Pictures said...

Gorgeous greens - love all the lucky shamrocks (we're going to need as many lucky clovers as possible to get us through these next weeks and months). As you might guess, my favourite is the page full of words - so many delightful proverbs and sayings.
Alison x