Monday, January 20, 2020

T Stands For Bring Back Summer

I want to thank everyone who left kind and encouraging messages while I was sick.  You are all too kind.  I owe several of you e-mails, too, but that will have to wait until we have T this week.  I'm moving, but really slowly.  I also get tired quickly, so it may take till late tomorrow to visit everyone.

When I saw I hadn't shared this post, I knew CJ would be happy to see the heat.

Yes, it was incredibly hot, that day.   Sally and I were on our way to Valley Center (a small town a few miles north of Wichita) when I saw a sign that chimineas were on clearance. 

I felt I might need a new one because mine was showing signs of cracking.

Of course, I saw the sign as we were whizzing by the site.

Sally was a real trooper, though and turned around so we I could explore the sale.   I'd hate to have to bring all those things that were on their porch in at night.

I never did get a shot of the chimineas, because, even on clearance they were outside my price range.  For the sizes they had, the cheapest was well over $100.00 (USD).  I could buy one in Wichita for less than that even if it wasn't on sale.

Inside was cool and comfortable, even if I couldn't remember the name of the store.

While I took a couple of photos, Sally purchased a bird feeder that was supposed to keep squirrels away.  She paid a lot for it and it broke the first time a squirrel jumped on it.  I suggested we return it, but Sally didn't want the confrontation.

However, after we left the store with the soon-to-be defunct bird feeder, we reached our destination, which was Big Larry's Burgers.

While I decided what I wanted, I took a photo of the menu.  Glad I did, because as it urns out, I didn't show our waters we got.

Sally got a double hamburger and I got a black bean burger.  We really both DID get water, but there is no evidence of it in the photo.

Now it's your turn.  I'm sure by now you know the "rules," but in case you don't, please show something drink related. It can be photos, a place you visited, movies, tea cups, coffee mugs, tea or coffee service, postcards, books, magazines, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, ATCs, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.   Please link only your T post and not your blog in general.  Old photos are acceptable because they may be taken any time, not just on Tuesday, and not just this year. And I promise to visit everyone this time and I will TRY to catch up, too.

27 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Oh dear, I'm hungry this evening and could murder a burger, but it's too late....sorry about Sally's squirrel-proof feeder, bad that it broke so quickly. I love looking round stores like that, I sometimes go to one near here with my neighbour. Happy T Day, Valerie

Divers and Sundry said... 2

Such a shame about the chiminea prices and Sally's bird feeder. I'm thinking it wouldn't be the first one returned and that there'd be no confrontation that soon after a purchase. They might even have a recommendation given that the one she chose didn't work.

The burger choices look delicious. Mushroom Swiss! Yummm! Happy T Day!

Eileen Bergen said... 3

I have a chiminea saga, but I hope it's not too long to share in a comment. My brother(T) and dear s-i-l, J(now deceased), visited us in Mexico almost 20 years ago. Chimineas are charming, effective and - back then they were dirt cheap. But T & J couldn't haul one back on an airplane. Jill wanted one so badly, that we said, "Buy it! We'll find a way to get it to you in WI."

When we found friends who were driving up to OK, they said "No problema." So the chiminea travelled by car from Mexico to OK. Our friends' relatives in OK contacted T & J in WI. T & J loved taking "road trips" together. So they set off on a road trip from WI to OK. They not only picked up their chiminea but immediately hit it off with the relatives of our friends. They ended up staying for dinner and spending the night. Great road trip!

The punch line is that when T & J got back to WI with the precious chiminea, Jill said to my brother, "Hon, now we need a patio to put it on."

True story. I hope it makes you smile.

Happy T-day! Eileen xx

Lisca said... 4

I do hope you are feeling a bit better. (You must be or you wouldn't be posting)
An interesting shop. But from the articles on show, I have not deducted what a chiminea is. In Spanish the word means chimney. I assume you don't need a new chimney. I will look it up in a minute.
What a shame about the bird feeder, especially as it was expensive. I know she should have taken it back, but I'm a bit like Sally, (not like to make a fuss), so I fully understand her reluctance.
The burgers look indeed ginormous.
Happy T-Day,

kathyinozarks said... 5

Oh that's a bummer about Sally's feeder sometimes it is more hassle than its worth to take something back. those burgers look really good-and large too. neat they had bean burgers too.
Happy to see you are feeling good enough to be online for a bit-don't overdo please-hugs Kathy

pearshapedcrafting said... 6

Good to see you here Elizabeth although do take care to get plenty of rest still! Shame about the chimineas being so expensive - did you ever replace your old one?
Shame too about sally's bird feeder, maybe it was faulty! The food looks yummy though! Happy T Day! Hugs, Chris

Linda Kunsman said... 7

So sorry to hear you have been so sick dear Elizabeth. May you continue to feel much better each day.
How I agree with your post title 'Bring back summer'!!
And I am with you for the black bean burger:) Happy T day!

My name is Erika. said... 8

Oh summer. Warms days, not 10 centers...drool. I enjoyed visiting and remembering about summer! Those are good days and hopefully winter will be short. (probably not here, it never is.) Have a great T day Elizabeth. Hugs-Erika

Krisha said... 9

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Enjoyed the photos of your summer outing.
Happy T-day

Helen said... 10

Glad you are recovering, take it easy!

Iris Flavia said... 11

Oh, yes, bring back summer!!!
Funny, my Brother told me they look for a Chimenea, too.
A shame about the bird feeder! And, oh, weee... I nearly had our Peanut inside here the other day! (But they are sooo cute!)

Hmmmm, I´d like a burger now, also :-)
Glad you´re on the way up again. Being sick sure always does suck.

J said... 12

Elizabeth I’m so sorry to hear you’ve not been well either, pleased to hear you are feeling better!
Nice to see the summer as we have had constant rain overnight! Thunder and lightening too.
We have a chimenea although we don’t use it very often nowadays as it’s quite big and uses charcoal, much easier to spark up the gas BBQ!
Take care, Jan x

Anne (cornucopia) said... 13

I'm glad to see you were well enough to make the T-Day post Elizabeth. I've been worried about you. I'll be back later to leave comments for you and everyone else.

Halle said... 14

Sorry that you were so sick. That's awful. I'm glad you shared that really cool store with us though. I could spend hours in there...
Happy T day!

Mia said... 15

I am glad you feel better now, Elizabeth.
I am in love with the photos you share with us. It is a lovely way to see your beautiful place. Kisses!

CJ Kennedy said... 16

Since it's 9 oF. this morning, yes, I'm glad to see some heat. Fun store. Too bad their stuff was overpriced. At least the hamburgers look worth the price
😋 Happy T Day

Nancy said... 17

Hope you continue to regain your health. It seems quite a few people started 2020 a bit under the weather. What a fun place to browse and poke around in. Those squirrels are so crafty, aren't they? Buyers are always seeking a squirrel-proof feeder, but not many are effective.

Sami said... 18

Sorry, I didn't realize you were sick Elizabeth, I thought you might be having internet problems, as you hadn't posted for a few days.
Glad you had someone look after you and are feeling better.
Sally's bird feeder really didn't last long, she should have returned it. You have to expect things to last a couple of years at least!

Divers and Sundry said... 19

I can't get Jan S' https://www.craftyscorpio.blogspot/ site to load. I'll try again later...

Let's Art Journal said... 20

What a fabulous shop, it was lovely looking at everything with you and I think I would have had to buy one of those signs or maybe even a sunflower 😀. Your black bean burger looks yummy too! So glad that you are feeling a bit better and sending you get well wishes! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

Anne (cornucopia) said... 21

I'm glad you're feeling a little better Elizabeth. Try to take it easy and rest, until you're back to 100%. That shop looked like it had a lot of fun stuff to see, but the prices didn't sound good. What a shame Sally's bird feeder broke the first time a squirrel went on it. That burger place looked and sounded good. And warmth is something welcome right now: it's very cold here in Connecticut. :-( Happy T-Day! (Teddy said to tell you he loves the comments you leave for me, mentioning him too. He was very worried when he found out you were sick.)

Sandra Cox said... 22

I am so sorry to hear you've been sick, dear Elizabeth. I hope each day finds you better.

RO said... 23

Minus the heat, this is the kind of place I love to hang out at, and add to it the burger joint, and I'd be doing the happy dance! I had no clue you've been feeling sick, and to be by yourself makes me feel really bad. I've been working on other things, and super behind in visiting. I'm glad you're feeling much better. Hugs, RO

Words and Pictures said... 24

So sorry to hear you've been so unwell - and I've just caught sight of the first paragraph of the previous post - so bravo to Scott for taking care of you, and of course he's right - we'd be far more let down if you didn't look after yourself properly, so you mustn't even think of apologising for not being around for a while!

Even if you didn't find a chiminea to buy, it looks like a really fun store to wander around. Shame about the non-squirrel bird feeder... squirrels are just too clever for it, by the sound of things.

Hope you will feel properly better soon - look after yourself well. We'll still be here when you get back.
Alison x

Caty said... 25

OOh sure the burguers are delicious !! So happy you feel better Elizabeth. Sorry for the chimenea and the birds´feeder. I wish you could buy others, better of course.
Happy T- day !!
I wish you a very nice Thursday, and send big hugs,

Susan Kane said... 26

What a fun place. The burgers were obscenely wonderful.

Jeanie said... 27

This looks like a fun place to go! (You're right about the price on that -- it is high. Maybe typical. But more than I could do.) Lunch looks good!