Since I have a few hours between Monday Murals and T Time, I though I should show my trip to Sam's a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks for joining me at Sam's discount store (think WalMart with membership requirements). I had to laugh at what I saw. I hope you did, too. See you later today for T Tuesday.
16 thoughtful remarks:
Pumpkin Pie Yoghurt Pretzels?! Never heard of that, Elizabeth, let alone Yoghurt Pretzels! (We call them Bretzel, but I think it´s the same).
Creative it sure is :-)
Yes, it reminded me of WalMart indeed. Sadly the store was here in Germany only shortly.
Looks like you had fun! Valerie
Happy start of the new week dear Elizabeth!
We do Costco and it is the same. Christmas seems to arrive shortly after Labor Day. Another couple of days and I think the Christmas radio stations start up, and my daughter noticed that Hallmark has started their 24 hrs non-stop holiday movies already. Eeeks. Happy new week my friend. Hugs-Erika
No wonder people get depressed at Christmas. Because of the retailers, it lasts 6 months out of the year.
It seems a lovely place to be!!!!!!! Kisses, Elizabeth!!!!!!
I want the pretzels.
I'll pass on the pumpkin-flavored treats, but I don't mind seeing all the holiday decorations. I'm looking forward to more candles :)
Wow, I wouldn't mind shopping at Sam's! Those Pumpkin Spice Yoghurt Prezels sound amazing, so yummy 😀. I'm off to see whether we can buy them here in the UK, probably not 😉. Wishing you a happy new week! Hugs, Jo x
I hate seeing Christmas up before Halloween, except in the craft section. I don't know WHY they feel compelled to do it!
I went to our new local wal mart-and I couldn't believe all the christmas aisles set up already-and this is a small wal mart store. I love most anything pumpkin but they have gotten kinda crazy with it haha
Yogurt pretzels sound like an excellent thing... I'm not sure I need the pumpkin spice though! It looks like you could go crazy with the decorations in Sam's.
Alison x
Looks like there's a bit of a tussle going on between Christmas and Halloween here Elizabeth 😉
OOhh We don´t find pretzels here in Spain!! But I´m sure they are delicious.
There so many things for Christmas at Sam´s!
I wish you a very nice Tuesday, and send biig hugs,
Christmas seems to get earlier each year as far as shops are concerned- some shops here already decorated!!! Hugs, Chrisx
Takes me back to my visits to Sam's when my friend was alive in America. We used to go for a very expensive lunch - hot dog and a soda! LOL
Thanks, Hugs, Neet xx
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