Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Update on my veggie garden and flower bed

Please check my other blog and this post to see what I wrote.  However, I do want to share these photos that had me laughing.

Some of you were here when I showed where I got wood from my neighbor's trailer.

I actually was planning to show my unfortunate veggie garden, but got caught up with making art and showing how I actually recycle from my friends and neighbors trash.

Imagine my surprise on Tuesday when I walked outside and saw the trailer was gone.  Had I not taken a photo of the trailer early Saturday morning, you would never have believed from where the wood came.

I even tried to stand in the same spot to show where it had been.  My neighbor must have cut the strip of grass in between our two houses, too because I didn't do it on Saturday.

On Saturday after mowing, I tried to place all the bricks around the now defunct veggie garden.  I also cut the blackberry bushes back a bit, too.

Two of the four hay bales are now in the garden.  I allowed this area to go last year, since I chose not to plant anything there. It needs to be cleaned up, and made presentable.  You can see something is growing in my metal compost container, too.

Thanks for joining me today as I updated you on the status of my front flower "bed" and my now defunct veggie garden.  I am truly grateful for your visit.  I hope to take a day off soon and just catch up with everyone.

7 thoughtful remarks:

Cath Wilson said...

Wonderful tulips, Elisabeth - such glorious colours. I'm not an orange lover, but these look like 'Toasted Marmalade' which I love...I think it has a little more pink in it. Mine were all colours of peach and pink and were absolutely delightful, eventually fading to a very pale flesh colour.
You have your work cut out in the garden... I'll be interested in what you do with it. Bet you're glad you no longer have the trailer as the view from your window, even if you will miss being able to raid it, lol. I have this image of you sneaking out at night, in dressing gown and pjs, rooting through the rubbish, lol. Sorry - I'm giggling now! I'm always amazed when I see wooden houses - I forget about them until I see them again. It's something we so rarely see over here and yet I have two friends who live in them - further south, where the weather is a little kinder.
So glad you got your blog back :-)
Cath x

Nancy said...

I'm sure you're relived to be back on your blog. Those tulips are so pretty. There are so many varieties and colors of tulips- the sure sign of spring.

Birgit said...

Look at all your flowers popping up! I love seeing the new growth of spring. I wonder if your neighbour saw you take pictures so he decided to get rid of the evidence:)

peggy gatto said...

Looking wonderful!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

your garden is amazing Elizbeth !!! hope the boys are doing well :) ♥♥

Dianne said...

YAY! Glad you're back 'home!' so nice to see your flower bed ;) I mostly have puddles right now. everything is very soggy. I realize your source of recycling materials is gone, but I think I would prefer the new view of empty grass, myself... good luck with your gardening! hugs from Ohio :)

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your garden is looking very good at the moment - and lots of promise for the next few weeks! I wonder if your neighbour saw you take the photo and thought you were going to report it! The blackberry bush looks as though it will produce something decent later on!!! Hugs, Chrisx