I'm sharing two different things today. First, I'm sure you can tell, I'm here for Annie's Friday Smiles. There will be no photos from the Museum of World Treasures because we have a new host at Art Journal Journey. I'll begin with a few funnies I found when cleaning out my office last year, then introduce our new host for March at Art Journal Journey.
Everyone seems to enjoy church bloopers, so here are a few more:
The eighth graders will be presenting Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in the church basement on Friday at 7 p.m. The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.
Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person(s) you want remembered.
Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch.
Mrs. Johnson will be entering the hospital this week for testes.
Our next song is "Angels We Have Heard Get High."
Don't let worry kill you; let the church help.
Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our church and community.
Thursday at 5:00 PM there will be a meeting of the Little Mother's Club. All ladies wishing to become "Little Mothers" will meet with the Pastor in his study.
Tuesday at 4:00 P.M. there will be an ice cream social. All ladies giving milk will please come early.
This afternoon there will be a meeting in the South and North ends of the church. Children will be baptized at both ends.
The rosebud on the altar this morning is to announce the birth of David Alan Belzer, the sin of Rev. and Mrs. Julius Belzer.
Now it's time to meet our new host at Art Journal Journey for the month of March. It is the extremely talented Jo from Let's Art Journal. Her theme this month is Hello Springtime. This can include spring flowers, nature, or even the change in seasons, since spring indicates change. Jo often shares words and pictures that represent what is going on in her life at the time. I'm always amazed at how she can share a journal page that corresponds to something happening in her life at the time she creates the journal entry.

Now it's time to join Jo, Susi, Bleubeard, and me at Art Journal Journey. We want to see your journal pages, altered book spreads, loose large pages, canvases, scrapbook pages, and digital art. However, we cannot accept cards, tags, or ATCs. Unfortunately, they will be deleted.
Also, don't forget to visit Annie at A Stitch in Time, with her weekly Friday Smiles. She would love for you to visit her and share your own smile, too!
20 thoughtful remarks:
She is a natural and you are the best ever art teacher! This turned out UNIQUE and simply wonderful and with the added quote it looks HEAVENLY!!!
I hope they left you with the the big rest of the good paper ...lol!
A wonderful first entry for Jo's theme. THANK YOU! ♥♥♥ I am thrilled about it and I will now, after I wrote here, enjoy the funnies of this week! Thank you !
Happy March, happy AJJ - happy weekend my lovely friend and Co.-Admin!
Hugs, Susi
Your funnies really had me laughing out loud this morning...just imagine all the breast feeding mummies being used for making the icecream.....I wonder if they freeze it in situ? ;-)
What a talented young artist you've been helping Elizabeth. It's always lovely to help them then see them go the extra mile usung their own creativity....wonderful.
Annie x
It's wonderful to start the weekend off with a funny or two.
What fabulous movement in those flowers they really are beautiful and a fabulous found quote, never a truer word for Spring... it needs to be sprung.
Wishing you a super weekend Elizabeth, I know I have probably missed many of your posts over the past couple of weeks so I apologise for that but it's good to be here today on the 1st day of March.
Hugs Tracey xx
Wow, how amazing that this was made using shaving foam! It must have been fun creating this paper with her and showing her this technique and the resulting flowers are so so pretty 😁. I love how you used the paper with the doily and fabulous quote - perfect! Thanks so much for having me as guest host this month over at AJJ and for your kind words! Happy March, Friday and weekend dear Bleubeard & Elizabeth! J 😊 x
What a wonderful teacher you are. That paper is gorgeous and the embellishments just make it WOW!. Loved the church funnies, too.
Great flowers! She's a natural, isn't she! And now shaving cream is something else I hafta buy lol
Such a very cool idea! I have marbled papers with shaving cream but never have thought about intentionally trying to make shapes. That girl is going places with her art! And I love the page you made with it too!
Amazing page, Elizabeth. She is great but you helped her so much. Kisses, my friend.
Well, you are an excellent teacher! A new-to-her technique and she has done a great job! Well done both of you. The result is stunning.
I did laugh a lot at your funnies. Sometimes a spelling mistake, or a wrong wording can make a situation so comic. It proves that proofreaders are very necessary. I giggled at the 'Little mums' and the milk giving ladies. They are all good! I will them out to my husband over dinner.
Have a lovely weekend,
I laughed at your funnies. And your friend's daughter has great talent. The flower page is beautiful.
Wonderful page! Valerie
This should be a fun theme! And fun funnies, too!
Thanks for your visit. I need to check to see if my back up was only one day. It seemed to take forever just to LOAD the back-up (it downloaded relatively fast.)
The funnies certainly are funny - set my wicked imagination going though!! How lovely your page looks and how great you got to help out this talented young friend! Hugs, Chrisx ps You can see I am on a catchup!!
Hi Elizabeth, I'm still giggling to myself after reading your funnies!
A lovely post, I really enjoyed reading about your friends daughter and the experiment with the shaving foam. This turned out so well, the flowers are so pretty and you've used a lovely quote.
Thanks for the recent comments, I do appreciate them.
Avril xx
this art piece is really really REALLY great !!! an amazing job by your friend's daughter, Elizabeth......and the funnies are hysterical this week...thanx for sharing !! ☺☺♥♥
Those funnies get better each week, these ones certainly appealed to my sense of humour.
I love the beautiful flowers created with the shaving foam technique, they look so delicate and springlike. It sounds like you all had a good day.
Yvonne xx
Love your funnies Elizabeth !! :) And Love this so so Gorgeous Art page, the flowers are wonderful, the colours and the quote fabulous. So beautiful rose!! and the doily gives the page an unique design ! Great Art !
I wish you a very happy weekend, and send big hugs
Take care ! Caty
Love the jokes. Pretty page--so delicate. :)
I am still here Elizabeth but I was enjoying the funnies so much that I've read them all out to hubby and he loves them too. Sorry for being so late and hoping your weather is not too bad. Take care and happy weekend, Angela, Maisie and Stan xXx
Hi Elizabeth. I am even later than you visiting, but we all have lives aside from blogging, and sometimes it has to come first.
As you know, I am not really into Art Journals, but this page is really pretty and a lovely story about its creation too. I used to enjoy the shaving cream technique with my little ones in my nursery, though the results were somewhat messier than this!
I see you are having fonts problems like me, but I have to say, yours has no changes in the view I see, so maybe mine was alright for everyone else too.
More funnies to make me smile again this week. You seem to have an unending supply of them!
Hope the storm does not leave you cut off for too long. Stay safe. Kate x
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