Saturday, February 9, 2019

Two more restaurant visits

By now, many of you know my foodie friend Sally and I went out to eat a lot in the months of October, November, and December.  I have SO many of these places we went, I need to get them out of my storage file and onto my blog.  Therefore, today I'm going to share two more places we ate during these three months.

It appears I only took one photo from Cholita's, so, since we had been there several times before, I found a photo of their menu from when we had been there in the past. I'm not sure when we were there, but I remember it was bitterly cold, hence the lack of photos.

I got the single Chile Relleno and Sally got Flautas.  This place normally adds mole sauce, so I always ask them to leave it off.  Beans, rice, and three warm tortillas come with mine. 

It's fairly obvious this photo was taken sometime in December, at least after Thanksgiving.

This is another place both Sally and I have been before.

Yes, we went to Todd Brian's again.  I told Sally about my half price meal from the last time I was there alone, so, since we were downtown for a reason that has completely slipped my mind, we decided to stop in.  Not sure I've ever shown their drink menu before, but of course, all these photos are always designed for T Tuesday.

I chose fried catfish which gave me two sides and Sally chose cajun meatloaf. 

Sally got wonderfully prepared mashed potatoes and corn for her sides.  I got the worst fish ever and sweet potato fries and a baked potato for my sides.  Obviously, I am a slow eater, and even nearly forgot to take photos before Sally was nearly finished with her meal. I took all the fish and part of my fries home.  Bleubeard was only too happy to down the fish, but Squiggles was as finicky about it as I was.

Thanks for joining me again when my foodie friend Sally and I visited two more restaurants during October, November, and December of 2018.  My storage file is feeling lighter already, since I never delete the storage photos until they are on my blog.

14 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

You and Sally were really living it up! I am not a fan of catfish, so can understand you not eating yours, but glad Bleubeard liked it. Now I'm thinking of mashed potatoes and sweet potato fries, yummy! Have a good day, Valerie

froebelsternchen said... 2

You got me hungry now with Cholita's and Todd Brian's!
Even though your fish was not good - all looked tempting in the photos! Happy Saturday my dear Co.-Admin!
Big hugs, Susi

RO said... 3

It's apparent that I need to be hanging out with you guys because there seems to be plenty of delightful reasons to find cheeseburgers.(lol) I really love that you take pictures of the menus so we can really see the different foods available. Sorry the fish didn't work, but glad Bleubeard received an unexpected treat. Happy Saturday and hope you're able to get in some rest today. Hugs...RO

My name is Erika. said... 4

I have never had catfish. It is not something you ever see on the menus up here in this part of the country, and for some reason I have never tried it elsewhere. Too bad yours wasn't any good. I am going have to try it sometime though. As I said yesterday, I am enjoying all these Tuesdays and these meals. They're making me hungry. Smile. Hope it's a good Saturday. Hugs-Erika

Divers and Sundry said... 5

What a shame about the catfish :( I love fried catfish and Mexican food, so these restaurants look perfect. I wonder if the catfish place was just having a bad day or if they don't know how to do catfish right.

CJ Kennedy said... 6

I'm not a fan of Mexican food as I don't like hot and spicy. I've never had catfish. I've never had any freshwater fish. I suppose being from New England I'm spoiled by the abundance of seafood. I think Ink would have been alongside Bleubeard to enjoy the catfish. Problem was Ink was allergic to fish even though he loved it. Enjoy your day.

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 7

Well, at last somebody got to enjoy the awful fish - lol.

Thank you Elizabeth for the comment you left me about the use it up, fill it up challenge. You were correct. It was Chris and the challenge is on Instagram – which I’ve never used. So I’m off on another adventure trying to figure it out. Eileen xx

Jeanie said... 8

Sounds like a mixed bag. I sure do hate awful fish. WWorst thing EVER!

Anne (cornucopia) said... 9

I'm thoroughly enjoying you sharing your dining experiences for those past few months. It is such fun seeing the photos and reading your commentary to accompany them. But I don't think I've heard you mention Squiggles before: who is that? Another cat? It's somewhat cold again where I am in CT. We had a few unseasonably warm days, then, as the weather person said, it was back to reality.

Sami said... 10

Nothing worse that eating out and the we don't enjoy the food. At least Bluebeard got to have a different snack.
Have a lovely weekend Elizabeth :)

Meggymay said... 11

Two more interesting destinations for your meals out. The second one sounds like you got a bad deal on the food you were given. I loved how Bluebeard enjoyed the fish but Squiggles seemed to be a bit more particular with the quality like yourself. I have to say I have never eaten Catfish and after reading this post I would never want to try it.
Yvonne xx

pearshapedcrafting said... 12

You certainly did get out for a variety of food! Sorry your fish wasnt good but hurray for Bleubeard! Chrisxx

Rita said... 13

Nothing worse than bad fish one of the cats won't even eat--LOL!
You guys do find a lot of interesting places to eat, though. :)

aussie aNNie said... 14

As it is my lunch time here this food looks scrumptiously delish.xx