Monday, May 21, 2018

Catch Up T

Today I'm playing catch up.

Back in early April, my friend Theresa visited me.  One day we went to Buffet City, which was her choice.   I love the place, too, so I was tickled to go.  I took lots of photos inside of the many food stations, but got nothing of our drinks.  I had water (as usual) and Theresa had a soft drink.

Last Tuesday afternoon, I received this incredible gift from Kathy at Hummingbird Woodland Studio.   On the far left is one sheet of her corn husk paper, which was wrapped separately.  Also wrapped separately were her two papers made from grasses.  Look at those beauties and look at the edges.  We'll return to those edges in a moment.

But first, Kathy also sent me some incredible collage fodder.  I was almost tempted to use some when I first opened the package, but had to wait until I photographed everything.  So much variety and fun things to go through and use in my 365 somethings and other art.

Now let's look at those incredible edges again, as well as the beautiful texture in those pages

then compare them to my handmade paper made from paper pulp.  Although my pages are 8.5 inches X 11 inches, the edges are much more ragged than Kathy's.  And no, I didn't clean this area up like I should have before I took the photo.  Note the blue "grabber" in the lower right side of the photo.  It's the only way I can reach items on the top shelves, even standing on a stool.  Yes, I'm that short!

EDIT: Eileen asked how tall I am.  I'm 4'11", so as I told Eileen, her mother is a giant in my world!

And finally, here's a glass of water with lemon at a restaurant.

Now it's your turn to share a drink related post.  Your post may include photos, a place you visited, movies, postcards, books, sketches, mixed media, drawings, paintings, tags, scrapbooking, or other art that is digital, hybrid, or traditional, as long as it in some way relates back to a drink, any drink.  Please share your direct link below and Bleubeard and I, along with the rest of the T gang will be by to visit.

33 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Lovely gift from Kathy. Hope you enjoyed your water! Valerie

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 2

I'm blown away by your collection of handmade papers and how well organized they are, Elizabeth. Now you have me wondering how short you are. Less than 5'3"? My mother was 5' 2 3/4" and she wouldn't let anyone forget that 3/4 inch!

What a precious gift from Kathy. Her papers look beautiful. I would hesitate to use them ;-)

Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen

Meggymay said... 3

Your gifts from Kathy look lovely, I'm sure you will be looking at them all for a while until you start to use them.
Your shelf unit looks so neat and tidy and everything in place, I am so the opposite. In fact if I tidy up I cannot seem to find what I am looking for.
The iced water looks so refreshing, especially as we are now having warmer weather.
Happy T day wishes Elizabeth.
Yvonne xx

Lisca said... 4

That is indeed beautifully made paper. Anyone who has ever attempted to make paper will see that.
What a wonderful gift! Bless her!
I too am very imressed with your super organised cabinet. My shelves are a mess, and I don't like other pwople to come into my craft room because of that, but at least itis organised chaos as I do know where things are.
I am a shortie too. 5 ft 2. And now I am older I might even have shrunk. I haven't been measured in a long time. I have special little stools (very stable ones) that I use to stand on to get into my cabinets.
Your water looks very refreshing, but I will pass on that one as it is still a bit cold here. We have light the fire again tonight and it has been raining a lot. Very unseasonal weather.
Wishing you and Bluebeard a Happy T-Day,

Linda Kunsman said... 5

that is a wonderful collection of hand made papers, and your gift from Kathy is such a lovely addition! You are quite organized. I like Theresa's fun color in her hair- I would love to try just a strip of bright pink somewhere myself:) Happy T day!

CJ Kennedy said... 6

Love your paper storage. Wow! Your papers look awesome as do the papers you were gifted. I love your blue grabber. I have one, too. I used to use one my mother used. She called it Suzie. Suzie lost the suction cups so I got a new Suzie. Happy T Day

pearshapedcrafting said... 7

Those papers definitely look special! I love your organised paper stash! I used to have a grabber in our old house - don't need it now as everything is (mostly) within reach! I fear I may have overdone my post today - but I think you will see why!! Hugs, Chrisx

Halle said... 8

It was fun to see a photo of Theresa. Although I do occasionally see posts from her on FB.
Lovely gift and you know I love you're HMP.
Happy T day!

Barbara said... 9
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Barbara said... 10

Sorry Elizabeth, I forgot how to spell so I deleted my first comment. Lol.
What an awesome collection of handmade papers! They are so special, and the deckle edges are to be desired. Really beautiful!
Kathy’s are also very special, so “purist” made with plant materials.

My name is Erika. said... 11

Wow- you do have a nice supply of paper. ANd a nice set of shelves too to store them. I am jealous of those. And some nice paper too! Can't wait to see what you make out of it. I bet you had a fun visit with your friend Theresa. She has pretty hair. :) Hope you have a great T day and get some good paper play in. Hugs-Erika

kathyinozarks said... 12

Wow I am in awe of your handmade paper collection-love the cabinet you found for them. I think all the texture you can get makes the handmade papers special. So happy you liked everything-anxious to see what you make with them.
hugs happy T day Kathy

Rita said... 13

Love the wooden shelves for your papers!! Looks like you made a lot of handmade paper--wow! Looks very organized to me.

I used to be 5'1 3/4" but with the degenerative spine I am now 5'1". I have stools all over but no grabbers. ;)

Helen said... 14

that paper is beautiful (so is your own!)

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said... 15

Oh my just look at all that Handmade paper I feel the need to stroke it!!
Good choice with the water and a slice of Lemon, it's a favourite of mine if ice ice cold. My Mom is 5ft although I think she maybe a little under now but she is every inch as sweet.
Hugs for T Day Tracey xx

kathyinozarks said... 16

Good morning, oh wow I did not notice that he was using teflon-no way I won't even cook with teflon. I didn't care for the shape of his pan either I would want a deeper pan.I am thinking the alum mordant would still work better.wonder if the rit dye helped out with the printing. I also noticed he was using fresh plants and most eco dyers I have read that live in Europe mostly use fall leaves they say you get more color that way as the pigments move to the roots.
No I have not seen your eco fabrics-I would love to. My first blouse was perfect and I wear it sometimes. I have the bug too for some eco printing also some sun painting which I have not done for awhile either.

RO said... 17

You always get these really neat gifts from people all over the world, and they clearly get you. I love seeing what you'll get next! Theresa's hair color is so fun! The handmade paper is so creative and different. I could see using that in my Planner. Lately, I've been drinking sparkling water, and I love using lots of lemon too! Hugs...and Happy Tuesday! RO

jinxxxygirl said... 18

Wow you are so organized!! Such a wonderful gift from Kathy! I can't wait to see what you make from it. Your lemon water looks very cold and refreshing.. Its been warm and humid here... not a fan of humidity.. I'm ready for

My mom was 5'3 my dad 6' .. I have a 6' oldest brother, a 5'9 middle brother and i came in at 5'7...My husband tells me i'm short...He's 6' .. I tell him i'm average... He says yeah averagely short... lol Happy T day! Hugs! deb

Caty said... 19

What a so lovely gift from you friend Elizabeth !! these handmade papers are very beautiful, love your shelf with yours papers and paints, good organization!! I also like water with lemon.
Wish you a very nice day, hugss, Caty

kathyinozarks said... 20

I was reading through allot of your eco dye posts-I don't know if you get notified of comments. I think we were eco dyeing at about the same time lol its been 4 or 5 years now for me. I love that you added some rust into it too a very fun craft-this fall I will collect some leaves again and I did buy a big bag of eucalyputs leaves to try hopefully they are the right ones for color

Darla said... 21

What a great stack of handmade papers. Your gift makes a great addition. I posted but can't link so once again asking if you will do it for me. Sorry to be a pest but hate missing tea tuesdays

Jeanie said... 22

Oh, Elizabeth. What a totally fabulous gift and a generous one too. The textures are fabulous -- you are going to have such fun with this and I can't wait to see what you do with it!

Your paper selection blew me away! WOW! And beautifully organized, too. I love seeing artist areas -- this is a gem.

Finally, a big thank you! Your comment on my last post about my crazy weeks just made me smile big time. You do write the best comments! Thank you for taking the time to do that -- so appreciated!

Eileen The Artful Crafter said... 23

Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for answering my idle question about your height. Mother was a giant in my world too ;-) Her best friend was your height and they used to joke that the best things come in small packages.

Let's Art Journal said... 24

Wow, what fabulous gifts from Kathy! Your paper stash is so impressive and I'm in awe of how you keep it all in perfect colour coorination - amazing 😁. I would need the grabber too or my hubby who comes in very handy for getting things down for me 😉. I know what you mean about Eileen's mum being a giant as I'm only just 5 foot 😉. Happy T Tuesday! J 😊 x

Sami said... 25

You've got quite a huge collection of fancy papers for your collages Elizabeth.

Kate Yetter said... 26

Beautiful collection of papers, Elizabeth. I love how you have them all organized. I love seeing the colors and textures. It must feel like you are shopping when you go in to look for a piece of paper. And a lovely gift from Kathy!
I can commiserate. I happen to be on the shorter side of life as well ;)
Happy Tea day,

froebelsternchen said... 27

I'm in awe of your fantastic collection of handmade papers and how well organized they are. O.k. you are small but powerful dear Elizabeth! What a precious gift from Kathy- the perfect addition to your collection. Her papers look so beautiful.
Happy T-Day my friend!
Hugs, Susi

Dianne said... 28

fabulous texture and color on the papers Kathy sent! but don't sell yourself short, I love your handmade papers as well! i confess, I may still have some pieces hoarded somewhere... ;) that shot of your shelves filled with paper is swoon-worthy! ♥
p.s. I hadn't remembered your height... at 5'2" I am used to being the shortest one in the room! and is this Theresa a friend from back in the days of the Altered Book Yahoo Group? just wondered... ♥

Dianne said... 29

P.S. tell Theresa I love her pink hair!! ♥

Sharon Madson said... 30

I am back! I have been rather busy, but maybe now I will be back in the swing again! Lovely handmade paper, and you have a lot of it! Great storage!

Sandra Cox said... 31

How nice of Kathy to send you a fun package.
I'm glad you and Theresa had a good time. I love her hair.
Have a pleasant evening.

Lowcarb team member said... 32

Such a beautiful collection of papers ...
That water with the lemon looks refreshing.

All the best Jan

Divers and Sundry said... 33

I'm even shorter than you are, but I'm shorter than everybody lol

Ice water with lemon is often my choice. So refreshing!