I am offering a bit of advice as I join
Chris from
PearShapedCrafting, this month's host at
Art Journal Journey with her theme of
101 Ways to Stay Warm.

I'm also providing a bit of nostalgia with this really lovely drawing I found in a calendar.

My advice for staying warm? Rake leaves and debris into a pile, then start a bonfire in that pile.

Does the colored baby wipe look familiar?

I was so impressed with how the smoke rose above the flames.

For this two page spread, I began by laying down white and lavender acrylic craft paint using a credit card. On the right, I laid down the baby wipe, then added the focal image I cut from a calendar. Computer generated text was swiped with lavender pigment ink, then layered over the rest of the baby wipe.
This is Day 18 of
AEDM and I created a two page spread in my Challenges altered book. I'm also linking to
Art Journal Journey. Hope to see you at both places. I am most grateful that you visited today.
20 thoughtful remarks:
Lovely page, work and a bonfire are definitely good for keeping warm. Pity I just have three or 4 fallen leaves on my balcony! Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie
Very lovely page this ;O))
This really is a fabulous way to keep warm - I had to content myself with just raking leaves from our caravan lawn the other week! No bonfires allowed! At least the neighbours won't complain about the smoke - it Looks like a clear Autumn day in your scene! Love how you used the baby wipe! A great AJJ spread! Have a great weekend! Hugs,Chrisx
I agree, that's a great way to keep warm AND to burn some calories Elizabeth! I like the way the fire looks as it creeps up the tree, and the colors on that baby wipe are pretty fantabulous! Another beautiful pic to start my day before I head out for coupon deals. Hugs...and Happy Saturday! RO
We didn't have a bonfire this year and seeing this post makes me a little sad about that! They're always such fun. You captured the feel perfectly!
I love how you used your beautiful colored baby wipe here and those painting is really lovely and fits our theme just perfect!
Beautiful pages - a lovely created spread Elizabeth!
I would be afraid to burn down my house - so I better just rake the leaves to get warm and put them into the organic waste collection bin -lol!
Happy Saturday !
Thank you for another fabulous idea and entry linked to Chris' theme!
oxo Susi
The image with the bonfire is beautiful Elizabeth. A lovely bonfire outdoors seems like a great idea in winter.
Love the colors and that illustration brings back Fall memories from when I was a child. I love the smell of burning leaves. Sadly, leaf burning is no longer allowed here. In my town, we do have a burning season which runs from Jan 1 until April or May 1. And you have to get a daily permit from the Fire Chief if it's safe to burn that day. Enjoy your Saturday!
This is fascinating how you map out the process you are using to modify and alter the book into such a striking and distinctive new-old object. Great choice of colors as well. Especially all the purples...
I loved this-and it brought back old memories when I was a child My grandparents lived on a working farm and every fall she would invite the family in to clean up all the leaves and limbs-then we would have a huge fire-and she had made long sticks for us kids to roast our hot dogs on so fun
Raking that many leaves will warm me up without the bonfire lol That's a lot of leaves!
Great pages! I love how you applied the baby wipe and acrylic paint, it looks just like a piece of wool blanket 😁. The autumnal picture is perfect too, the pages look like they are emitting warmth with the lovely bonfire and the beautiful background colours that you created 😁. Have a wonderful weekend! J 😊
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, you are too kind! Yes all the houses have garages but most people park their cars on their drives and use their garages to store bikes, deck chairs, BBQs, lawn mowers etc 😁. I think this is due to the fact our garages are smaller than those in America and having more than one garage is uncommon whereas lots of households have more than one car. Also our properties are smaller so garages are used for storage and we don't get extremes in weather so it isn't really necessary to put your car into a garage for protection 😁. In fact we only know of one person who puts their car in their garage ..lol 😉. Happy Saturday! J 😊
I love this spread. That bonfire image is great. I do wonder though if it would be safe or easy to get a girl that age to rake leaves into the fire, but she must be a smart and good girl to do that. (Either that or she is a pyromaniac.Hee-hee). I love the texture the colored baby wipe gives the page too. I bet I can guess where that came from. But mopping up does you give some gorgeously colored dried up wipes. Enjoy your weekend. Hugs-Erika
It is a fabulous page, I love the bonfire idea . Raking the garden is a good way to keep warm
We are not allowed garden fires, so its the compost heap or recycling yard for our garden debris.
Yvonne xx
Love how you used the baby wipe-how well it blended in with that beautiful image! Much as I love the smell of burning wood and leaves I live in the city and that would be illegal...happy weekend!
Yes--lovely way to stay warm on a chilly day. LOVE the smell of burning wood and leaves! :)
I love the colors on your page! And certainly a way to keep busy and warm.
What a lovely use of fiber on this nostalgic page.
I do remember when it was legal to burn leaves right in your yard. We kids used to love the smell. But what we loved most was that we were allowed to run down the hill and jump in the leaf pile as long as we tidied it up again before our dad came with the matches - lol.
that was a huge fire. Not sure she will stay warm though :)
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