I admire C.J.'s garden updates. Seems hers are weekly. I'll try to do this once or twice a month. But for now, I want to start with the early to late July garden. Since it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow, I'll take my camera around my house and show the garden for August.

In early July, the primrose was just about gone, while I finally found some purple coneflowers (
Echinacea) in my yard. I am excited for them to start blooming.

Also in early July, I still had lots of day lilies that had not yet bloomed.

My hostas were looking good, although some were getting a bit more sunlight than others.

A robin joined me as I was getting ready to mow my yard.

I followed him awhile as he explored the flower bed and found things to eat in the grass.

Fast forward a couple of weeks and my hostas were now in full bloom.

My coneflowers were finally starting to bloom.

I was getting blooms from day lilies, although my neighbors still hadn't mowed their lawn.

I have day lilies everywhere in my garden. They pop up at this time of year.

Part of my rose bush is dying, while some is producing more blooms. I waited a bit too long to share these.

I may have to cut this rose bush back drastically next spring.

This hosta is doing well. It's a different type and I brought it in my checked baggage from New Jersey one year.

Fast forward to the end of July. A week ago last Tuesday or Wednesday to be exact. My surprise lilies (also known as peace lilies) are starting to emerge from the ground.

They are also everywhere in my yard. I really like how the front steps show in the dirty blown glass yard ornament. Reminder to self: clean glass.

I guess I have a "thing" for copper yard art.

And the hostas are still blooming.
Thanks for joining me in my July flower bed. I'm always glad when you drop by.
21 thoughtful remarks:
Your garden is looking good, and looks like a lot of hard work. Interesting to see that your robin is so different to the one here in Europe. I need to get some work done on my garden, perhaps I will manage it this weekend! Have a fun weekend, hugs, Valerie
Love your patio must be great to sit there and enjoy the view ;O))
I was going to say the same as Valerie-Jael about your robins - very different to ours. your garden was looking lush in July!
What a fine and healthy garden, and well kept too. Nice of you to share. Greetings!
Such a lovely garden and patio ! You put a lot of hard work in it!
Happy Saturday!
oxo Susi
I think we all noticed that the Robin is very different from the European ones -I can see why the Cardinal is your traditional Christmas bird! Your garden is looking so good - how lovely to be able to sit and look at it! By the way - your lovely ATC and amazing goodies arrived before we left for the caravan - huge, huge, Thanks! Hugs, Chrisx
I think we all noticed that the Robin is very different from the European ones -I can see why the Cardinal is your traditional Christmas bird! Your garden is looking so good - how lovely to be able to sit and look at it! By the way - your lovely ATC and amazing goodies arrived before we left for the caravan - huge, huge, Thanks! Hugs, Chrisx
I love echinecia! And your hostas look really terrific! Bravo! Reminds me to water the garden!
Your garden is really flourishing. Here, hostas seem to grow in shade or sun. Your cone flowers and day lilies are so pretty. I love how they give little punches of color. Your yard art is fun, too.
Your garden is looking so lush. (or it was in July) i think I need to do the same, although my garden isn't as full of flowers as it was in early July. I need to find some late blooming plants and add them. Maybe next year, no more garden purchases for me this year. I enjoyed my visit to the lush and the green. :) Happy Saturday. Hugs-Erika
I love your garden posts! Your garden is a nicely arranged, and I enjoy seeing how you have everything laid out. I have day lilies and coneflowers, too. The daylilies are gone here, and the coneflowers are fading since I don't cut them back but leave the seeds for the birds.
I share your love of copper pieces. I have one butterfly in a pot, but the end keeps corroding :( where it stays in the dirt.
It has been a wonderful tour of your garden, it is lovely to see the changes as the weeks pass by.
Yvonne xx
A lovely trip around your garden to see the terrific plants. Hosta seem to flower for ages and yours look the same as ours though we have to grow ours in pots to stop the snails eating them. The pots are covered with Vaseline on the outside so the snails can't climb up.
Thank you for sharing your garden Elizabeth
Love Chrissie xx
Like CJ's, your garden is beautiful Elizabeth.
Those roses are gorgeous. And look at that hosta!
My day-lilies have struggled this year. I think their roots got too wet this spring.
YOU, have a weekend as beautiful as you and your garden.
Seeing a garden always makes me so happy. Have a nice Sunday Elizabeth :)
I enjoyed looking round your garden again and it was lovely to see the robin and all your beautiful flowers and plants doing so well 😀. I adore you garden art too that purple blown glass ornament is amazing! Happy Saturday! J 😊
p.s. thanks for letting me know about the link on AJJ. It was working but I had some problems and had to re-publish the post which messed up the link, anyway I won't bore you with all the detail ... lol...it's all sorted now so thank you! 😀.
Everything looks so lush and green!! :)
Your garden is lush! Looking very green and in good condition. I like how you have taken us through but are the cats ok with the lilies? I once read they were dangerous for cats. Hope not as you have so many.
Love to both Bleubeard and Squiggles but you know ...
Hugs, Neet xx
ps love to you too
Your garden is so lush and green Elizabeth. Loved seeing the Robin paying your garden a visit.
I agree with Neet, lilies are deadly to cats. I don't even like when people give me lilies for the house vases.
Your garden looks lovely and so green . I've been missing in action because I have been out of town. My Dad decided to work outside in the heat wave we had a couple of weeks ago and collapsed. He refused to go to the doctor for a couple of days and by the time he got there his heart rate was down to 24 and would not respond to medications. So he had to have emergency surgery to install a pacemaker. Then his lungs proceeded to fill with fluids. SO it's been a rather rough time but he is finally on the mend and at home. He is 100% dependent on his pacemaker and for the time being had to be on oxygen. Hopefully as his lings mend he will not need the oxygen. While I was gone the hubby didn't think to water anything so many of my flowers are totally distressed and struggling. It' been a rough week and a half. But things are on the upswing :)
Lovely tour! I'm partial to the hostas and the tiger lilies. Fresh and pretty.
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