I'm trying to get used to loading in HTML mode, but it's hard. I wish Blogger would fix itself, because I don't think it's my computer, especially since Jeanie said she was having trouble, too.
I have hundreds of photos on my hard drive I need to show on my blog, but they take so long to watermark and number. Instead of doing that, I'm just going to put these out on my blog in case you want to see more of my city. Feel free to use any that appeal to you, although I doubt you will want them. Once they are on my blog, I can safely add them to Scott's off site storage.
Please be aware, I MOSTLY tried to only show houses that were in the craftsman style similar to my own as well as the Big and Little Arkansas Rivers (pronounced Ar Kan Zas), and downtown.
These were all taken between late March and mid-June. Although I had hoped to show them back in May or June, I simply ran out of time to do so, and still make art, which is the real focus of this blog.
17 thoughtful remarks:
wow that was a lot of drive by shooting! sorry you're having such trouble with your uploads, I haven't noticed any problems (fingers crossed it stays that way!!)
Oh my, you must have needed ages to take all those photos and to upload them. I like the green and leafy neighbourhoods, and the photos along the river, which looks rather full at the moment. You have lots of different churches, too. The photos always look better without watermarks, which I never use. Hope your Blogger problems soon get less, I haven't had any problems like that yet.
Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie
Thank you for showing so much of where you live and I love the style of houses and all the trees a greenery. It is so different from the housing estate where I and I can't imagine living in anywhere as big as most of the houses.
Every time they build houses in our area they are even smaller so that they are affordable and lots can be fitted into small spaces.I guess that is because there is so much more space per person where you live than there is where I live. Always interesting to see this sort of post as well as your art.
Love Chrissie xx
I love the style of the houses in your area - so different to our houses here.
Thank you very much for taking me with you to this roadtrip ! I am sorry about your blogger upload troubles - hope that get fixed soon for you!
Happy Friday Elizabeth!
oxo Susi
Fantastic tour! I do love the house style with porches, something we don't have in the UK. I've always fancied a house like that. Lovely green leafiness too.
Thanks for the glimpse into your neighborhood. I love the Craftsman style of home. I also noticed an English Tudor and a Queen Ann Victorian. Your city offers quite a mix of styles, old and new. Loved seeing the change in the foliage over the seasons.
many beautiful houses along your roads and city looks nice around your town
Wow. You sure have a lot of craftsman style buildings in Wichita. Around here you see one here or there. I guess the old Yankee sensibilities weren't very open to the Craftsman style back in the day when it was popular. They must make the landscape look so different than here with the old New England colonials. I enjoyed your views on your drive bys. Its like taking a trip without leaving home. :) Happy weekend. hugs-Erika
I love how the houses though they share the same basic architecture are all so different. Different colors. Different plants and trees. I also like the juxtaposition of the quaint houses with the large modern city. My favorite building was the castle with the turret. That would be a cool place to live.
A castle! I know that's a castle!
Our home doesn't have a porch, but I have a soft spot for homes with front porches. It's such a leisurely, neighborly feature :)
Wow that must have taken you ages to sort out and upload your photos Elizabeth... I'm not having any problems with blogger at present.. I wonder, does it make an difference depending on what browser you use (I don't really understand these techie things that much) - I hope it sorts itself out soon.
Your photos were great - I love the style of your houses - they always look so friendly and inviting, I loved the castle looking one too but wasn't sure if it was a home or a commercial premises as it had a sign outside I think.
I'm sorry I wasn't able to join in as much as I'd liked last month as I was trying to make tutorial notes re a scrapbooking site I've belonged to since 2011 which is closing down.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend.. Gill xx
It's fun to see where you live and territory that's new to me so I'm really glad you posted these!
I'm having better luck this week. Maybe it was an off-couple of a days for blogger. I'm working in compose.
I did a whole Shutterfly book called Drive By Shootings, all pix like these from wherever I've been. Mostly landscapy. I think I drove my friend crazy when we were in France because the window was down half the time! I love doing that too!
bleu N squiggles....whoa !!!! how kewl iz that....R total lee awesum lee mega kewl pal St Francis haza street named afturr him !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥
Thank you for sharing the photos Elizabeth, you have taken us on a grand tour of your neighbourhood. It was good to see the styles of the housing.
I liked the shots of the river as well.
Yvonne xx
Ha! Ha! Since you are in shooting mode I shall tell you that I will blow these up when I get back to my computer! My phone is not doing them justice! Hugs, Chrisx
Whew ! I made it!! Wow! Elizabeth! That was alot of driveby shooting AND uploading! Thank you! I enjoyed seeing around your town... I did that in CA when in Sacramento we drove around the streets called the Fabulous 40's.. The houses there are all so unique... and i saved the photos so i could use some of them for references to draw some houses... After this i may need to show some..lol Love that house that looked like a castle... and front porches... I've always wanted a house with a wrap around front porch...I think it was a mistake to do away with porches in our modern architecture .... Its how people get to know their neighbors... Hugs! deb
WoW! I am amazed at the diversity of building types in your neighbourhood! I can't say I like those with the wire fences around them but I suppose if folk have children or pets then as a safe option! Chrisx
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