Before anything else, I personally want to express my deepest sympathies for the people in Manchester who suffered from this horrible
tragedy terrorist attack. We in America have you in our hearts and prayers.

It's been over eight months since I joined the gang at WOYWW. For the longest time, my computer was in such bad shape, I simply couldn't get it to stop buffering. And I feel I need to reciprocate if I'm going to play. But today I simply couldn't miss the fun of the annual 8th anniversary party.

So here is WOYWWendy photobombing the envelopes I have ready.

The top envelope goes to our desker Queen,
Julia our gracious and ever giving host, and the lower envelope goes to my PIF (pay it forward) partner. I'll finish adding the addresses after I publish this. I know that many of you always come to see the rocking horses, so here they are in stamp form today.

Speaking of stamping, now you know why I don't! That ink is NOT fun to get off my fingers and finger nails. And this is my clean hand!
If you are coming from
Julia's, please leave your number so I can get back to you quickly. And have an absolutely marvelous 8th WOYWW anniversary. Who would have thought this phenomenon would have lasted this long? Well, I for one.
53 thoughtful remarks:
Lovely envelopes. I nearly always have dirty/colourful finger, but my nails are not so long, they always break off :( Have a fun day, I need to do some housework, sigh. Hugs, Valerie
This is cute and I love stamping but I know what you mean about ink stained fingers. Yesterday, my fingers were full of ink and glitter....quite the combo
Your stamped rocking horses are great, shame about your fingers! I am sure they will scrub clean soon. Helen #?
just seen you pipped me to no 1 but that means you're above me and get the atc - can you send me your address and I'll get it off to you. email me - at helenlindfield (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk I don't use the email in my profile.
oh yes... you're right.. it's too early!
Happy WOYWW 8th Anniversary. It's been a fun time. I like the little rag doll with the WOYWW lettering. Of course your adorable rocking horses. You have a great week.
Well, Hi there Elizabeth - it's lovely to see you on the desks again! Whenever I tried stamping at Julia's, I think there was more ink on me than the cards so I'm in the same boat as you. Good to see some rocking horses back on WOYWW!
Hugs, LLJ 10 xx
What a lovely surprise to see you in pole position on WOYWW this morning. How lovely of you to join in with us today.
Thank you for including us in the north of England in your thoughts on this tragic third day of the bombing. We are a resilient bunch up here - tough northerners - and we won't be beat. Had to admire Trump in his speech where he refused to call them Monsters but rather called them Losers.
Lovely to have the rocking horses in view again.
Love to you, Bleubeard and Squiggles with a special tickle for "the man"
Lots of Love and thank you for visiting me
Neet xx
Good morning my friend and a very happy 8th year anniversary. What a wonderful group we are part of.
Thanks for all your visits and for all your lovely comments.
Annie x #19
Morning Elizabeth, good to have you here for the Anniversary. Great to see you are still sharing your rocking horses with us. Hope you can beat your computer into submission again.
Thanks for visiting my page, we do enjoy spending time on our boat, but there are drawbacks. Where I took those pictures we had absolutely no phone signal or internet, so it was touch and go whether I would even be able to join WOYWW this week, but five miles along the canal we have a good signal, but mooring last night was not easy.
Chris #3
Happy WOYWW 8th anniversary.
Lovely rocking horses envelopes.
Have a great day Elizabeth.
Lovely to see you back! Hope your PC probs are all cured now .... I had to buy a new laptop but I love it so it was worth it.
Love the rocking horses ..... on envelopes as well, may have to pinch that idea ..... stamping on envelopes. Love it.
Have a good week
Christine #25 at the mo
Hi Elizabeth, great to keep in touch isn't it, no matter how long in between. As for the fingers, I got a scrubbie from the Tim Holtz workshop I went to in 2013 and it is amazing at getting stuff off your fingers/skin.
Thanks for visiting me BJ#22
So lovely to see you, I hope your computer is behaving itself now! I love the rocking horse envelopes, that is such a sweet stamp. I have given up ever having clean hands, but I do wonder why a lot of water soluble inks don't come of fingers!
Happy WOYWW Anniversary, and thank you for stopping by,
Diana x #24
Bless you dear heart. Great blog again today x
What lovely stamped images. I love inky hands, but I realise it's not for everyone. Happy Anniversary, hope the computer behaves itself. Sarah #27
Hello and how lovely to see you joining in. Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog.( Last week I had a comment about the photographs - (Your photos aren't the best,) put me off a bit! I didn't think there was any need to say such a thing, your kind comments made me feel better.) happy 8th WOYWW Anne x #27 - at the moment!
Happy 8th Birthday WOYWW - and wonderful to see you back. Those rocking horse designs are fab - and the ink colours you used. I also get my hands messy whatever I do (which is why using the Crayola Twistables is so fun - they are clean!). Ali x #30
Hi Elizabeth, and lots of scritches to Bleubeard. It's lovely to see you again, glad you are well.Love seeing your rocking horses again! I don't know if you have it over there, but there is a brand of soap called Imperial Leather we have here- it's been around for donkeys years- and it is exceptionally good at getting ink off your hands. :)
Have a lovely week, Love and hugs,Shaz #7 XxX
Hi Elizabeth!
Like you I haven't been around for a very long time - I have just recently rejoined the fun and I am happy to see you and your lovely rocking horses! Don't worry about the ink - It comes off with a bit of soap and rubbing!
Love and hugs,
So very good to 'see' you again Elizabeth ( and Wendy and Bleubeard) impressive set of nails, honestly if I wash my hair and condition it that seems to clean me of all ink including under my nails, I hate to think where the ink is going.... much love to you and yours and I hope to see you again from time to time when your PC lets you play, dxxx ( thank you for coming my way already)
YAY! You're back - AND number 1 too :)
That is a gorgeous stamp - almost as impressive as your nails!
To get ink easily off your fingers and nails too, use a face-wipe. Baby wipes are okay - but face-wipes really get those traces of ink stuck round your cuticles and creases :)
So sweet of you to mention Manchester - we are not only united in the UK, but are united around the world too- thank you x
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Bubbles #36
Happy WOYWW anniversary! Love the envelopes. Those inks do make your fingers messy, don't they? One of my kids asked me why my fingers were purple last week lol.
Have a great week
Sharon K #37
You credit me with too much. But never mind all that, how lovely to see you here again, and that Wendy has been gainfully employed! So sorry about the computer issues, it's enough to bring you to tears isn't it. A beautiful hot sunny day for this anniversary, I can't remember one like it to be honest, so am going to visit Mum and write envelopes! Xx
I always get messy hands when I stamp, paint, color, draw...doesn't matter. What's a little art supple on your hands? Glad to see you got your table cleaned off and you are having a little fun. You must exhausted from everything else going on. A little play must lightened the load a bit. :)
Hi Elizabeth. My word - you are having sticky, inky fun. Hope the fingers come clean ok!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5
Womderful fingers and lovely envelopes Elizabeth!
Love the multi coloured rocking horses. Hope you have had a good day. Messy fingers - that's all the fun of stamping. Anickoana # 15
Love the rocking horses and the dolly. Cheap baby wipes are good for removing ink from fingers and hands. You can also try Master's Brush Cleaner soap.
Love those envelopes! I use baby wipes mostly but sometimes resort to a scrubby! I once fixed my school printer by unclogging the ink with baby wipes and a ballpoint pen - the technician had condemned it so I just thought 'nothing ventured etc..!' I have nail envy BTW! Thanks for your kind comments - it has been a horrible couple of days - escaped to a garden outside Manchester today! Hugs, Chrisx
*waves* hey, Elizabeth! it's nice to see you :)
and try some of that hand sanitizer purell for taking some of the ink off your skin.
~Stacy #42
Stacey may be on to something with her hand sanitizing gel idea. I just use straight rubbing alcohol for inky problems, but the gel might work very well for you. BTW, you have some mighty nails!
Rose of Rose's Art Garden #50
Hey #1 Love your rainbow stampinging. Happy 8th!!
Robyn 13
I just photos of hands that have been making art. I love that photo so much! It says happiness to me.
Hi Elizabeth, I use cheap baby wipes for my stamps.
Loving the rocking horse stamp.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Happy WOYWW, 8th Anniversary
Sue #21
You are first today! Wow! My hands are always inky, I wear it with pride! Happy WOYWW Anniversary! Lindart #51
Happy 8th WOYWW Anniversary and welcome back!
Very cool envies, my fingers look like that frequently but if I don't wash them quickly, my projects get smudged.
Hope you have a great week!
Carol N #38
Happy 8th Anniversary! Love the envelopes! I find that shampooing my hair the next morning takes almost all the ink off my hands. I also have the Ranger Scrubbie thing..and that works great!! (also helps get paint off my brayers, more firm stencils, and the sink when I'm done cleaning up!)
Have a great week!
-K #39..or #40...for now)
Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary! Good to see you back with us. Thanks for your kind comments - enjoy your crafting. x Jo
Hi Elizabeth. Of all the days to choose my friends came round and we've been out most of the day so I am trying to catch-up with the visits before bed. I absolutely love those images, gorgeous. It's interesting that you said that Masterboards or at least the title has not caught on in America as it was in an American magazine (Take Ten by Somerset Studio) that I first saw the term used. I will have to have a look for the magazine some time. Many thanks for the visit to mine. Happy woyww anniversary, Angela x17x
Look how long your nails are! I've got such stubs.
Love the rocking horses.
I am the same way -- I am a messy stamper and I always smudge! Ad some mail went out to you yesterday......
Happy 8th anniversary and I'm ghetto same ink,paint all over me every time
Send me your snail mail as I'm the last person on the list so I made you an Atc up that I hope you'll like
Hugs Nikki last place
I bet any mail worker who sees this envelope will smile! :)
Love your cutie rocking horses, so pretty. I had to laugh at your inky fingers. A sure sign of a crafter. I always have to scrub my hands before going to work to get them looking respectable.
Thank you for your lovely comments.
Hugs Lisax #26
Yes, you're right Elizabeth that IS a clean hand. Mine are never that clean when crafting, constantly wiping them today I was. And Ye s I just checked still a little stained, even though I've showered and hand washed dishes. My nails are nothing like yours and so no real worry there.
Lovely stamping fun though.
I adore that wee rocking horse image and hi to WOYWWendy nice to see her again ..and you!
Thanks for sharing your desky share, happy 8 th WOYWW!
Shaz in Oz.x 32
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Awesome and busy desk today. I have came and went over the 8 months but health and computer issues limited my activity too! I love stamping and if I am not inky I think something is wrong! Love the rocking horse stamp it has been a while since I have seen a rocking horse. I have Dala Horses here. Thanks for visiting my desk and leaving a comment. Hope to see more of you in the future! Vickie #55
My fingers always get messy when I'm in my craft room. My coworkers always know when I've been in there. LOL. Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting me earlier this week. Dorlene #49
Lovely to see you back Elizabeth. What is 8 months among friends. Inky fingers are my signature piece. haha
sandra de @27
welcome back, I feel the same, as I participate I must make sure I can visit as many people as possible. The wind is playing up for me to while crafting outside, but it is way too good weather to sit insideand here in Belgium you need to enjoy as long as it lasts. Happy belated WOYWW, Vicky
oops, caps lock first time around!
Hi, Elizabeth and belated WOYWW Anniversary. I had a lovely time away and it's great to be back and checking desks. I love the colours you have used and I know what you mean about ink... I hate inky fingers and if doing anything messy I need to wear latex gloves ..its the only way.. does that mean I'm not a real crafter??? .great to see you take part and I've been a very infrequent visitor/blogger myself but WOLYWW is always in my heart happy crafty hugs Andrea x
I didn't have acces to a computer last couple of days so I'm very, VERY late visiting desks and celebrating the 8th anniversary... anyway, here I am and it is so good to see you again! It's been indeed a long time ago... but I remember you and your rocking horses, ha! Thanks for visiting my blog last week- hooray, hooray and on to another year of 'desking' and crafting! Hug from Holland, Marit #29
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