One of my British friends found this on Facebook and sent it to me. I am sharing it with all of you today, because this is how I feel.

I hope you stand with them, too. This senseless act has hurt so many people. I keep seeing more and more people who have lost someone, or have someone missing. I have internet friends who live there (or near there), and I am just mortified by this senseless act. Leave it to ISIS to have their way.
Thanks to all who visit today. I appreciate it.
9 thoughtful remarks:
Yes, it was a very bad thing to happen. And we don't know where the next target will be, we need to stand together. Hugs, Valerie
Your thoughts are most appreciated Elizabeth. My DIL works in an office facing the Arena and she said there was a strange silence on Tuesday. My youngest son who works in another area of Manchester says he is aware of a strong feeling of 'Standing Together' It just seems that we live in a World of threats and I fear for the kind of place our grandchildren are going to be living in unless this all stops!
Big hugs, Chrisx Ps Some times things happen to make us snap out of a low - as I typed Big hugs it came up as Bigwigs!!! xx
So terrible - beyond belief!
My thoughts are with the victims, rescue workers, relatives and people in the area.
I'm so glad you posted this. There can't be too many Manchester reminders. I can't understand the mentality of someone who would slaughter innocents. Though they're currently being called 'Losers'. I can only think of them as monsters.
I am praying that MI6, the CIA and other spy organizations have people that can just go right on in and somehow assassinate these murderous nuts. It is senseless
I do indeed stand with Manchester. Although I personally know of no one from this horrible event, I know that all grief and loss -- especially so unexpectedly and so senselessly -- is terrible and this is a challenge for Britain. But I've been so impressed with the courage and strength of the Manconians, I believe I heard them called. We must all remember and try to live with courage in the face of fear and resilience.
I'm with you. It was senseless and what did it accomplish? I feel so sad for all those families. The world is too small for this senseless violence. Nice post! Hugs-Erika
So sad! Tragic. Hate is a horrible thing.
It's tragic. And so very sad that humans can't seem to learn from history. My heart goes out to the people of Manchester, the injured, and those who lost loved one. Thanks for posting this, Elizabeth.
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