Sunday, November 6, 2016

Craft Barn's Alpha/Dictionary Letter: U

Today I'm joining Craft Barn's latest Alpha/Dictionary Letter challenge, which this fortnight is U.

There were several words I had considered before finally focusing on Unforgettable.

The inspiration for my choice came from this word I found in a magazine.

Here is the definition that came from my Merriam-Webster pocket dictionary.  It's been awhile since I've sewn on any challenge entry, and I thought this page actually needed something.

I began by sewing the word to an image I found in a 1975 fashion magazine.  I then sewed the sub-assembly to a sheet of scrapbook paper.  Next I added the dictionary definition, then the letter U.  All that was sewn to a sheet of deli paper that I painted and was drying while I created the sub-assembly. Finally, the deli paper and sewn assembly were glued to the substrate, which is my dedicated altered book I used for this project.

This is Day 6 of AEDM.  Thanks for also joining me at Craft Barn, where we now have a mere four letters left this year.

24 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Beautiful page, great idea with 'unforgettable'. The sewing really adds something to it. Have a wonderful day, have fun. Hugs, Valerie

kaybee said... 2

My first thought when I saw your entry was Nat King Cole's Unforgettable! Love your composition - a bit of 60s psychedelic background, and the stitching just finishes it off and brings everything together. :D

chrissie said... 3

A terrific composition and I love the sewing on it

Chrissie xx

Sami said... 4

The song also came to mind when I saw the title on your artwork.

Krisha said... 5

Unforgettable page *grin*! It really is and a great idea for the letter U.
Now I'll be humming "Unforgettable" the rest of the day....but that's ok,I like that song.

Elaine said... 6

Yep I'm now singing that song too! A great word to choose and I love your background and sewing!

froebelsternchen said... 7

A wonderful collage - The colours speak to me and the sewing is such a fabulous ectra to the project! Great!
oxo Susi

Scrapmate said... 8

I love the way you have put this together with the funky 60s paper and the image. The sewing unites all the different parts beautifully.

pearshapedcrafting said... 9

Now I am singing the song!! I love this and really must uncover my sewing machine! A brilliant choice for 'U'!! Hugs, Chrisx

Julia said... 10

I love the sewing effect, how clever you are! A perfect choice of images to illustrate the word and very clever to use the 60's style. The song is in my head and your page is great!

NatureFootstep said... 11

a hard one for me I think. Not sure what to make of it :) Interesting that way.

Zue said... 12

I like this page. I immediately started singing the Nat King Cole song.
The stitching just raises it up.
Good work!
Sue x

Arty Beginnings said... 13

Love your picture - always interested when people add some stitching to their art, I haven't been brave enough to try this yet as I'm afraid that I will break the needle on my sewing machine, I'm guessing that maybe you need a special strong needle for sewing through paper? Will have to make that a 2017 project to look into. Rachel x

Zue said... 14

I think you would really like Cornwall....the rugged coastline is a bit spectacular and the sea glistens like crazy.
It's been very inspirational to writers such as Mary Wesley and Daphne du Maurier.
Put it on your list!

sally said... 15

Ooh I do love that spiral kind of seventies feel paper you've used here :-) reminds me of some fabric I used to have!


P.S got that umbellifer page made !

Claudia W | ImagesByCW said... 16

Sewing on paper? That's the first time I hear somebody doing that. Looks great, though I can hardly imagine this. Did you sew by hand? Very neat.
I do love the picture - psychedelic!

Meggymay said... 17

I have a song buzzing in my head after reading the post.
Its a great page and the sewing is a wonderful addition, it drws me to looking at the row of lovely ladies.
Yvonne xx

My name is Erika. said... 18

Unforgettable is a great word. And that's a great 1970's image. I have some of that wild paper too. Also perfect for the 1970's. Hope all has been well. Hugs-Erika

Craftyfield said... 19

I'm going to have that song in my head for the rest of the day now...
Great choice of word and illustration.
I wanted to say if your clear stamps don't stick very well after washing I'd guess they are not photo polymer but the cheaper acrylic/silicone types. On the plus side they clean off very well from all types of inks including Archival (haven't tested Stazon because I don't have any, on account that polymer stamps don't like Stazon cleaner). I might be tempted to try a regular glue stick if these stamps fell off the block (wash the glue off after stamping though!)

Mickie said... 20

Well done! Such a difficult word to illustrate. thank you for entering the Craft Barn Alpha Challenge xx

gardenpinks said... 21

A fabulous arty piece and love that psychedelic paper. A difficult word to portray but you have done it superbly and love the stitching too x

Crafty Claire said... 22

A fabulous page. I love the image and it works brilliantly with the swirly 70s background xx

Lesley said... 23

Great page and word choice and the swirly background paper seems to suit the magazine image so well, plus of course the added touch of sewing! xx

maggie said... 24

Like Rachel I've also not been able to bring myself to use my sewing machine on paper.I love your stitching and it brings everything together so well. I must investigate deli paper as I've seen it often used on projects but have no idea what it is.