There's more to Rio than Christ the Redeemer, as I learned when I started sorting through my images of South America.

Today we're traveling

around Rio like a typical tourist.

Our first stop is the area between Lapa and Santa Teresa neighborhoods where we find the Escadaria Selaron steps. You can read about them above.

Of course, we can't avoid the beach scenes, no matter how hard we try.

For side 2,

while we're at the beach, we need to stop and spend time at the Copacabana Palace Hotel, which, after 92 years of service, still offers opulence and a 5 star rating.

Favelas are all over Brazil, but the most photographed ones seem to be in Rio. Known for their overcrowding, squalor, and crime, there is little that is romantic or enjoyable for the people who are forced, through economic circumstances, to live in these areas. Rocinha seems to be the most photographed, although I was surprised to see this in a travel brochure.

I found both the caption and the photo in a travel brochure, so cut both out. Seems there are many unique and distinct areas of Rio.

I keep thinking I should show the completed pages again after I've shown the detail photos,

so I will start doing that from now on.
Materials I used include a used file folder for the substrate, two abstract paintings I made during September last year for backgrounds, three doilies, a gifted painted die cut, and pictures taken from various travel brochures.
I hope something in these two pages has piqued your interest, because I learned a lot about the various areas and different faces of Rio. Thanks for traveling with me on this imaginary journey. I enjoyed playing your tour guide.
9 thoughtful remarks:
Love your pages about Rio, it is a wonderful place, with beautiful buildings and hotels, lots of friendly people, but also lots of poverty and crime. The 'Fachwerk' houses you saw on my blog are built using a traditional German method, similar to the Tudor half timbered buildings in England. They were built this way for hundreds of years. Hope you are well, and not working oo hard - are you finished at Sally's? Hugs, Valerie
I learned something today since I had never heard of those steps. It was interesting to read that they are ceramic and the colors correspond to the flag.
Thanks for your visit to my blog & your kind words about the exhibit. Yes, some of my flowers will be in it, but which or how many will be a surprise since the Nobel floral designer has the final say of display. I did make the take-away brooch gifts for the people who go to the opening, and an explanatory card about the process--but of course, this is not all about me--it is my friend's shining moment!
Thank you for another bit of fun arm chair traveling which is always fun and informative.
What a colorful place!
p.s. thanks for your nice comment earlier
oh my...if I had the resources, I would love to visit here! Gorgeous images...and I LOVE those steps!! wowser... well, hmmm. how Big is this 7 continents book? is it bursting by now? you've probably shown pictures of the outside of the book, but my memory isn't what it used to be... ;) Wonderful pages dear friend! ♥
I really love those colorful steps!! :)
Copacabana Palace is beatiful indeed and Santa Teresa is a sort of bohemian district here. We have favelas/slums everwhere. It is a paradox: beauty and poverty are part of our lives.Rocinha is famous and many foreigners visit it but I have never been there.Most of my students live in favelas/ slums. They are not enjoyable/ romantic, my friend. A student of mine said:" Teacher, I live in a favela but I don't belong there".I feel favelas are fascinating places for foreigners. I worked with a German who loved living there but I am sure most people would like to have their homes far from slums because they are violent places.Your post is lovely, my friend.
Elizabeth, you are always welcome!I think fantastic when I see somebody interested in my country.Most people still think Buenos Aires is our capital.It isn't. Poverty is another synonym for Latin America, my friend. Poverty generates violence and disrespect.I know it will take years until we learn how to fly. Dictatorship ended in 1985. Only 30 years ago.We still don't know what to do with our wings.Hard times, my friend! You are right about my heart. But it is what I chose for my life.I decided to teach people who need dreams, a hug and so many things you can't imagine.I hope some day my country could take care of us the way we deserve and it hurts to write that because we all need to be respected and protected.I thank you for inviting me to aprecciate your post. Rocinha is in brochures because it is a touristic spot but I think it symbolizes our incompetence. Thanks again, my friend. I love your tribute to place I was born and love.
A fantastic tribute to Rio! It's a beautiful city. I had a girlfriend from Rio .. she was married to a good friend of mine - she told me much about her hometown and that it was hard to live there.
Would be great to visit once!
I've visited Rio many years ago, but I've learned a lot from your tribute to Rio. Lovely Elizabeth!
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