Those of you who took my altered book classes (see my right sidebar) might remember my Houses altered book which I designated as a techniques book I used at various times in my class.
I've drug it out again and have created a page I call "The Lemon Tree I See Through My Window," which is the theme that Corrine has chosen for this month's
Art Journal Journey.

I was looking through a few of the books I got from my friend Sally, and found this child's drawing of a house. Of course, I had to smear the paint from the tree onto the house, but I was so impressed with this seven year old child's drawing, I had to use it. I began by adding one of the file folders I had painted last week to my altered book, then added the tree, which was very similar to the background colors. Then I cut the house from the book and measured where the windows should go, as well as how far over I should place the house.

I had these two pieces from a drink label that were clear, so decided they looked like windows. I added tree limbs, then placed the "windows" over the limb, so it appeared I was looking out the window.

Granted, my tree is not as good as the child's house, but if I hadn't smeared paint from my arm on the house, it would have been marginally

Both windows show the lemons that are supposed to represent the lemons on the tree. Talk about childish. I swear it played out a whole lot better in my head than on paper. The background is a bit eerie because it almost looks like a fire behind the house.
Some of you may have read my dear internet friend
Darla's house in the mountains was destroyed by the fires that have ravaged northern California (in the US). I almost decided not to post this after I saw how much the background reminded me of what so many in CA have lost this past week. I know for a fact that the other
Art Journal Journey entries are far more interesting than this, but it's all I have to offer since I'm so busy helping my friend Sally get her home in order.
Materials include the used file folder I painted and stenciled previously, paint for the tree, the house I got from a book, and two clear labels from lemon water.
To update you with what I'm calling the "Sally saga," yesterday

I was in charge of loading the car, because Sally has no concept of how to load anything other than haphazardly. It was important that we get it right, because we had three places to drop recyclables off. Goodwill was the first place, and the helpers had already unloaded some of the bags before I thought to take a photo of the loaded car.

All Goodwill recyclables were packed in bags for once. This was our smallest load ever, and was load 11 to Goodwill. Yes,
ELEVEN!!! We normally put clean Goodwill donations in boxes, but I had to make sure the overzealous helpers didn't take something going elsewhere.

At least I didn't have to unload the bags, like I normally unload the boxes. I am careful about her brand new car, so I always lay down sheets and plastic that will keep anything and everything off the seats.

Next stop was Catholic Charities, where I took four huge boxes of beauty and bath products inside. It was lunch time, so instead of waiting for someone to help unload,

I did it myself as Sally sat in air conditioned comfort.

Our final stop was Household Hazardous Waste (HHW), where I had boxed everything into huge boxes and bags. HHW items were all placed in the back, and although you probably can't see it, there is a blue plastic tarp covering the back, and the items were wrapped in clear plastic in case some errant liquid or caustic product might spill.

You can see how full the cart is that the guy is pushing out of the way, while another guy is wheeling an empty cart to the car.

Thankfully, the guys unloaded everything, and made it an easy trip.
Then it was back to Sally's where we started on another closet. I'll be so glad when this project is finished OR when her friend shows up and I can stay home!
Thanks for looking, and thanks as always for your generous comments. I'd love to spend more time on the computer, visiting others and commenting, but I have a couple of major problems at my own home right now, one of which includes cleaning my laundry room after I spilled a brand new bottle of Era all over the
full shelves, the dryer, and Squiggles' litter box. Thankfully, Bleubeard's "digs" are in the pantry along with the microwave, while Squiggles shares his with the washer and dryer. And before you ask, they do NOT
like choose to share anything except their communal water bowl.
17 thoughtful remarks:
Your journal page is lovely, here is a certain childish simplicity to it which I like very much. Your ongoing adventures with Sally will be enough to fill a book once you are finished. You are doing a great job helping her to de-clutter her home and to make sure everything lands at the right place afterwards. Sorry to hear about that nasty spill at your place, things like that are so annoying! Your cats seem to have attitude! Have a good day, hugs, Valerie
Sorry to hear about Darla's house, how awful!
Love the photos in the Sally saga (you are such a good friend) and your lemon tree and house piece is fantastic! It made me smile, and it feels so happy! I can use that this morning!
Love the photos in your Sally saga (what a good friend you are being), and I love your lemon tree and house. It made me smile and is such a warm and happy piece.
First I can tell you that you are for sure the best organizer Sally can wish for! Sorry to hear about Darla - that is horrible! Good luck with cleaning up in your house and most important to tell you is that your page makes me really happy! What a lovely house did you find and it looks great in the way you brought it to the page!!!
So happy that you made a page for ""Through my window"" even if you have no time ... ♥♥♥
You are an angel !
I'm involved in a clearing out of sorts here at my own home, though my "donate" bags haven't gone anywhere yet. They line the walls and stairs. My husband is a good sport. ;) It's hard work, and I admire the help you're offering your friend. I'll look forward to hearing if she's able to maintain it since she didn't achieve it herself. I'm not sure I could keep a space clear if it was someone else who had cleared it.
Wow, a lot of stuff to donate, at least it's all going to good causes. Sorry about your friend Darla's house. Fire and any unpreventable disasters are always devastating!
Since I seem to live with a hoarder (DH) who thinks I just like to throw his stuff away ( sometimes I do....grin), maybe I could hire you to come and convince him to get rid of 98% of the junk around here......that would be right after WE had some play time.....LOL
I like the child's drawing on your journal page.....speaks to my inner child. The pictures of the ice (?) cubes, with the lemons in them, made perfect windows, and your tree looks JUST FINE!! You should not be so hard on yourself and your is, after all, ART, not a contest.......*grin*
I adore your lemon tree page! so creative to have the lemons in the windows! very fun...and I'm with you...the child's house drawing is quite good. ;) The Sally Saga is pretty amazing too. Have to admit 11 trips to Goodwill is a lot! I wonder if Sally realizes what a valuable service you are providing? She owes you LOTS of trips in her car, and lunches out!! ♥
awesome Idea with the lemontree page... the fires in california are theme in the News here, too, it is so cruel and heartbreaking. and i already said before what a good friend you are to Sally, she surely is so happy for your help! have a wonderful Weekend, elizabeth, i hope you will get a Little rest!
I really like your journal page with the lemons in the window--very clever. I am just so sad for Darla and others who have lost their homes. I can't even imagine.
Well, you are building up some muscles with all that hauling--so glad you at least had help to unload.
I had no idea that cats were so finicky or territorial and that they don't share, but then I have never owned a cat.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
You are such an awesome friend. If you ever come to my neck of the woods, please pop in for coffee and a tidy. Rubber gloves, apron and boxes all provided along with a never ending coffee cup, lol.
I love your lemon tree page, it is great abstract art, to me :D Enjoy your weekend :D
Talented seven year old. I like the page. :)
That was so much work at Sally's--and then to have a huge spill at your house!! Bummer! What a mess! I think I would have had to sit down and shed a tear or two before I started cleaning. I hope things go very smoothly now.
Love the page and that child's house us wonderful ♡♡♡. I'm in the process of decluttering the living room. We are having new flooring put down and the rooms have to be emptied. ..Lots of stuff going right out the door :)
You are so good to Sally, am not sure I could bite my tongue and let her dit comfortably while I unloaded! Sorry about the spill, not familiar with them product but am gonna guess at a fabric milk, it goes everywhere. In fact, I swear the droplets bounce! Best thing, at least it won't go off and smell bad before you get to it!
I love your little house it is fun. I am trying to declutter but hubby isn't so I am on a losing battle
What a wonderful drawing to work off of. Your backround reminds me of an Autumn scene with golds and rusts - no fire vision for me...xox
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