Tuesday, August 4, 2015

WOYWW 322: the one where she shows her entire desk

I'm joining Julia at Stamping Ground for the weekly voyeur snoop at others' desks.

Some of you may have read I've been working on a massive purge and clean-up.  Already my desk is no longer clean, because I've already spilled some Staz-on ink on the protective rosin paper.

Seems I still have a few things to put away after I used them.  I even left money on the table.  Of course, I know you really came to see the rocking horse, but I've shown this one before.  It required a bit of repair.

Seems the "youngest" member of the family (AKA Squiggles) knocked it over and the hand and arm came off.  I've tried to glue it back in place, as you might be able to see in this photo.  Now that it's dry, I might try to match the black, or I might just pretend it doesn't show.

Short and sweet like Julia prefers it.  It's necessary because I'm attending a play tonight.  No photos allowed inside, but I'll still take my camera.  Please leave your number if you've come from Julia's. 

37 thoughtful remarks:

Bridget Larsen said... 1

I always love the view inside your house no matter what room it is in, it has a very cosy feel about it and inviting and warm and caring. Poor rocking horse. Love that brown cupboard in the corner as well, whats in it?
Bridget #1

HeARTworks said... 2

Hi Elizabeth! I wish I could say the same, that I'm cleaning up and organizing, but I always have an excuse not to!!! This time I am painting for an art exhibit! Good excuse? You tell me! Ha ha!!! Happy WOYWW from 6, patsy

Helen said... 3

Well it all looks very tidy to me... enjoy your night at the play.

Helen said... 4

sorry, forgot Helen 3

Monica said... 5

You make me laugh. You have NO idea what , messy is!

I am writing this on iPad and the font is so small I can barely see itand the dam keyboard is HUGE.

BACK following my fabulous wee in NC at a retreat and starting to recover with what has seemed
Ike a bath in poison ivy.

Judys Lace Creations said... 6

Gosh it must be feeling good to do that clean up and tidying. I agree, your home always looks comfy and welcoming.

MrsC.x said... 7

its lovely and tidy very cosy and welcoming

happy woyww
Charlie :) #9
or find me here https://craftroomdiary.wordpress.com/2015/08/05/woyww-august-5th-2015/

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 8

Looks like a good job done to me, now you have more room to mess up so that's got to be good, well that's how my mind works I guess Lol! Happy woyww, Angela x 19

Annie said... 9

Your creative space is looking very tidy to me. I love your Micky Mouse rocking horse....shame it had an accident. I hope you enjoy the play.
Annie x # 18

Lunch Lady Jan said... 10

Oh, I love a good clean out and tidy up...very cathartic! Your room and desk is looking great...that spot will soon be covered up by crafting, so who cares about it, lol! Have fun at the play later :-)
Hugs, LLJ 14 xxxx

Barb said... 11

Well done with the tidy up. You didn't even need to do it as you have so much workspace! I love the rocking horse. He looks a super vintage piece. Enjoy your evening out. Barb #20

Diana Taylor said... 12

I love your studio space - so inviting and 'arty'! I rather like stains on the table covering and general painty marks - it makes a work space feel productive, and that you could really go to town with the messy stuff without worrying. The rocking horse is cute and I can't see any damage - although that could be old eyes!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana #26

Julia Dunnit said... 13

Oh my that looks good....space and order! I've just taken down a Venetian blind and I vow never again..you clearly have a few...don't you get sick of dusting them?!!! I know its not your desk, but I love being able to see that big peacock chair on the porch!

Debbie Rock said... 14

Thanks for popping by my blog earlier ... was lovely having you visit! I love a good clear out but then can almost guarantee wanting what I just got rid of or passed on to my crafting niece-in-law! No matter how much I get rid of I never seem to have enough space for everything! Happy WOYWW'ing ... love from Debbie xXx

shazsilverwolf said... 15

Hi Elizabeth, hugs to Bleubeard. Love the small wooden chest of drawers in the first pic, what a gorgeous piece of furniture. Good that you managed to fix the rocking horse. Thanks for the visit, pleased you liked the card. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #4 xx

Jill said... 16

That's a very nice work space you have there, it looks well organised to me.
Enjoy your play
Jill #32

Sue Jones said... 17

Looks lovely to me too. Have a lovely week and enjoy the play . Soojay 24

Robyn Oliver said... 18

Hi Elizabeth...well it looks like you're doing really well with the clean out, your desk is sooo tidy. Enjoy your week Cheers RobynO#22

froebelsternchen said... 19

I always love to see your house and your studio...
I just moved to my big room now and feel so well there. I have also space enough to put the sewing machine on a separately table..oh I feel like I am in paradise!
Great rocking horse E... fab that you could renovate it.. I did a little renovation with a little crucifix yesterday -it was in our house as we bought it .. glued it with white glue and brought the metallic shine again with goldfingerpaste.. so proud of my work...lol!
Happy night play!

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said... 20

Hope you enjoyed the play. Decluttering/organising is my main purpose this week too, while we await exam results. Thanks for commenting on my Scavenger Hunt post the other day. I'm gradually making my way round to see everyone else on Rinda's linky.

Fiona #33

Viktoria Berg said... 21

It is endlessly fascinating to me what people have in their bags, in their closets, and in their studies. Love a peek, as long as I´m invited!

Caterina Giglio said... 22

Hope the play was wonderful and you enjoyed yourself completely... and your desk is always so neat and clean... mine are always in a tumble... x

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said... 23

I have a small collection of Mickey Mouse items on the windowsill by my desk, so I'm naturally drawn to this rocking horse of yours. Have fun at the play tonight. Happy WOYWW! #42

Glenda said... 24

What a great view of your space this morning. Love the rocking horse! Glenda #34

Princess Judy Palmer said... 25

You have lots of room to spread out (and make bigger messes, which of course is half the fun). It's looking good. Judy #49

Belinda Basson said... 26

ThT desk is far too tidy as you have seen from your visit to mine already that things are in danger of sliding to the floor all by themselves! I think you should just pretend the arm is fine... Can hardly see the mend from this side of the ocean!

Krisha said... 27

Well done E! Since life descended on me I've not had much time and the "mess" is really starting to make me antsy! Things are starting to calm down a little, Hannah is beginning to feel better and only one more week ( 2days) of the GDs craft camp and then things will surely get back to normal.......I hope!

Mickey is looking good with the patch from this angle, but I know how much your rockers mean to you.

Just being nosey, and trying to do a little wondering around Blogland this morning....while doing laundry and some cleaning....ugh! So I don't have a WOYWW #......but you know where to find me....LOL

Unknown said... 28

Seems lately the closest anything comes to clean and tidy is just thinking about it. LOL! Love the vintage rocking horse! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #45

peggy aplSEEDS said... 29

I want to be like you when I grow up, Elizabeth, so neat and tidy! My battle with clutter seems to be never ending, but then I am trying to fit everything into my desk area. When my son gets married next year, I plan to take over his room. I wonder, will things be in order or will I accumulate more?!
Good job on fixing the rocking horse!
Happy WOYWW and thanks so much for dropping by (Glad you were successful in leaving a message)!
Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

RosA said... 30

Hi Elizabeth
I love that you have windows on two sides of your room! You can't have too much natural light. I have to have lights on all the time.
Thanks for your kind comment re those dies.
I don't know why that Wordpress blog has suddenly become a problem, because I thought I was able to comment previously. Very odd.

Unknown said... 31

Thanks for your sweet visit! I had posted yesterday, then got pulled away from it all and am just now making it back to my rounds. Oh how I love Mickey and Minnie. I recently found a special certificate from when I was little, that declared I was an official member of the Mickey Mouse Club. We lived not too far from Disneyland back then. Your craft room is so lovely and homey, but I know how a good cleanup can get your creative juices flowing! Have a good week. Sandy Leigh #42

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said... 32

I always love your horses. Hope you enjoyed the play. Sorry I am so late getting around. Peg R 53

Elizabeth said... 33

Hope you enjoyed the play last night. I love live theatre, so much better than watching a play on TV. Tidying up is all very well but it doesn't stay that way for long ... you wouldn't be crafting if it did. Shame about the rocking horse but it still looks lovely despite Squiggles best efforts. Love the two windows you have in your craft room ... I think I'd like another window in mine, the extra light would be wonderful :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #37

Twiglet said... 34

It's lovely to see your little rocking horses each week - every one so different - all little characters no doubt! x Jo

Lizzie said... 35

Yay, we get to see your whole work area! What a sweet little brown drawer unit, next to your sewing machine.
I hope the staz-on ink hasn't soaked through and spoiled your desk...
Poor rocking horse - how lucky that you have made such a good repair!
Have a happy weekend (as it's now Friday)!

Lizzie #51

Unknown said... 36

Your comment about the rolls gave me a laugh! It looks like you are making great progress on purging. I have moved on to the rest of my house. Attacking the attic next week.

Neet said... 37

Thanks for the "big" view - nice to see and get an idea of someone's space.
Sorry to hear your RH got broken but now you cannot tell so that is good.
Sending love to you and you know who get his tickle.
Neet xx (sorry I am so late - nearly next time's time) xx