Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Record Time

I'm once again joining Art Journal Journey with another timepiece.  It's not really in record time, though.

An image of a stopwatch I fussy cut that was left over from when I made my Time altered book (AB) became the starting point for this spread in my experimental AB.  It's the same AB I worked in and showed on Tuesday.

For the left side, I began with an old calendar "to do" page.  I spritzed some of my handmade shimmering mists through a small doily, but the mists didn't show too well.  Next, I sewed a larger doily to the calendar, then sewed the tissue paper so it would fit on the right side of the page.

My AB is too large for my scanner, both in length and width.  I tried to capture all areas, but may not have shown this at its best.

One of the things that makes English so hard for others to comprehend is, there is often more than one meaning for a given word, depending upon how it's pronounced.  You can interpret this page in REC-ord time or you could re-CORD time depending on how you choose to view it.    I've left it open for you to decide, since I tried to use elements that are related to both meanings.

Materials used include an old calendar "to do" page, two doilies, one for the spread, and one as a mask, handmade spray mists, thread, decorative tissue paper, computer generated words, green ink pen, and a magazine image.

I hope you'll join me and lots of other artists this month at Art Journal Journey.  And I hope you share how you interpreted "record time," too.

16 thoughtful remarks:

Divers and Sundry said... 1

And here I was thinking about vinyl discs for "record time" ;)

I hope you realize that everything you post now makes me wonder how the idea could be adapted for ATCs, those tiny little things :)

Viktoria Berg said... 2

I like this. For me, it captures the way our lives are more and more herded in by time management techniques, which seem to have become second nature to us. I catch myself constantly thinking about the next thing I have to do, instead of being in the now. Drawing helps, of course, and "stealing" time to do it. I am reluctant to plan time to draw, as I feel that will only make it another thing I should have done.

froebelsternchen said... 3

What a meanful spread - I like your collage style so much -
Fabulous that you like this month's them so much E.!
Great to see your interpretations of the theme!
Thank you for joining us at AJJ my friend ... so often!

Valerie-Jael said... 4

Hi Elizabeth (and Bleubeard, of course), thanks for making another lovely collage for Art Journal Journey. The play on words is good, too. I somehow get the feeling that you like this theme! (I do, too!) Hope to see more of your work soon, Valerie

crafty creations said... 5

Brilliant piece of artwork Elizabeth

Dianne said... 6

Hi dear E! loving your Time 'altered' piece, and also the peak at your work desk! you are so right about the multiple meanings in English for those fluent in the language, but maybe not for those trying to learn it. :)

I wondered if you would have 'time' to stop by my blog and give me your opinion of the new template. I think I like it, but I also think I won't be able to figure out how to change it back if I decide I don't like the new layout! *sigh* it's been years, though, so I probably needed the 'upgrade.' let me know what you think....

Meggymay said... 7

A fantastic collage, how we take for granted the meaning of words. So pleased you are enjoying the AJJ theme.

TwinkleToes2day said... 8

A fabulous page recording time. I love the doily stencilled areas and the doily itself. I like doilys very much but rarely use them as I forget about them. I also like your stitching. {{Hugs}}

~*~Patty S said... 9

Funny E before I got to your fine explanation of record and record ;-) I was saying it both ways in my head.
These pages are wonderful!
Not sure what it is about paper doilies that always delights me...OK they are paper LOL. I just have a thing for them. It makes a great frame on your page. Also really like the way you used the red stripe paper on these great collaged TIME pages.

Darla said... 10

Fun time pages and I enjoyed your play with the two meanings of the one written word. How large are your pages that they don't fit a scanner?


Krisha said... 11

I really like the double meaning of your time pages.

You come up with the best ideas!!!

pearshapedcrafting said... 12

I do believe this is one of my favourites of the pages you have been making lately! Must say at first I thought RECord time but after having a proper look I think reCORD time is best!! Either way it is a great spread! Chrisx

My name is Erika. said... 13

Great collage page. I like the idea of the stopwatch and your page title! Nice thinking.

johanna said... 14

oh, some pun:) i didn´t get started for the time theme in record time as well, but we have record temperatures here. my brain is melting. in record time;)

Halle said... 15

Are all of these going in your time AB? or is that one already full? If not you are making quick progress!

Anonymous said... 16

We either are slow and never make time to get where we are going on time or we are go,go and no time for self.

Good page.