Saturday, August 8, 2015

Journal 52, Week 32: Perspective

I'm following along with Chelle at Journal 52 as she announces Week 32's prompt is Perspective.  Many who know me, know I can't draw.  But I was willing to give it a try.

I know what perspective looks like when I see it.  I know what it should look like, whether it's from a single point or four.  I know about linear perspective.  I just can't draw it!

Since I was a math major in a previous life, I started with a couple of triangles.    From there I added the words "The highway to perspective."  It's actually a play on words based on the movie "Road to Perdition."

It looked rather plain (in this plane) so I added the bars to give it a bit more perspective.  I intentionally made the upright bars asymmetrical.

I started at a disadvantage this week, because this side was already painted, as was the other side I used last week when I had to create a collage in 10 minutes.  I really couldn't think of anything to do with this background, so decided my highway led to perspective.

I realize this looks more like a "Friday Funny" than a Journal 52 entry, but Chelle should know better than to ask me to draw!  I do collage and mixed media, not sharpie and a ruler!  I hope you found some humor in it, because I find it rather pathetic.  All smirks comments generously welcome and greatly appreciated.

14 thoughtful remarks:

Valerie-Jael said... 1

Well done with getting your perspective done, it is always very hard to do, but you have managed it - good work! Hugs, Valerie

pearshapedcrafting said... 2

Well, not being a mathematician I would struggle with this! Just stop being so self critical and realise that this is a unique and thoughtful entry!! (ooh does that sound bossy - sorry!!) Having some time with Grandchildren next week so commenting will be sporadic!! I will be able to look though - and I think I have some scheduled posts (only think..nothing is certain!!) Here till Monday though for my Choose to Change session! Hugs, Chrisx

froebelsternchen said... 3

You did a perfect job here... I also don't like to draw perpective .. for me this is all so boring and mathematical ... but it is necessary for good painting and drawing to know about it....maybe I will try this once ..but not
You are my challenge queen of all!

Viktoria Berg said... 4

I see nothing wrong with your perspective. The text is all very Star-Wars-intro-like, very dramatic!

Teresa Arsenault said... 5

Elizabeth, I have a terrible time drawing or painting perspective too. I think you did pretty good. In any event, the word "perspective" keeps coming in front of me lately so I need to mull that over.

Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting.


Dianne said... 6

I think it's brilliant! loving the diagram 'feel' that it has...and the 'bars' on the side set off the road nicely. Reminded me of telephone poles... I don't think I've seen the movie, but I like the use of the phrase too!

TwinkleToes2day said... 7

I love that you continually strive to complete a task whether in your zone or not. I hope you are proud of being an inspiration. :D

Vicki Miller said... 8

You'll get the hang of it. thanks for your lovely comments

Divers and Sundry said... 9

I remember learning perspective in elementary school by drawing RR tracks receding into the distance. :)

johanna said... 10

oh, i think that´s one of the reasons i´m not a drawer... too many things to consider, too many rules... but it is always enjoyable to read your Posts, elizabeth, love your sense of Humor!

My name is Erika. said... 11

I love this page! I think the simplicity makes it....if you had put more on there I think it would have ruined it.

Nan G said... 12

No smirks here,'s a fab perspective! The simplicity makes it! Hugs to you and the Boys from me and the Girls. Mmwwah

Halle said... 13

Perfect!!! Perspective done well is always very pleasing to the eye. When it's "off" it makes me a bit twitchy. :)

~*~Patty S said... 14

Great interpretation of perspective and that green sure looks great with the black lettering and drawing!
p.s. boy am I ever behind in visiting everyone!
Time seems to be spinning past me and lots of other people I talk to too.