Tuesday, February 25, 2014

WOYWW #247: The one where it's turned cold again

Julia is our beloved head Desker and Queen of What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday.  She is also the one who sets the "rules" and keeps us on track.  Before I show my desk this week, I want to share something I wrote a few T(ea) Stands For Tuesday(s) ago.  It reiterates what Julia shared this week in a previous post.
I would like to begin by saying a few words about WORD VERIFICATION.  Even if you don't link to T today, I try to visit, at least if you leave a comment.  However, you have NO idea how long it takes to leave those silly word verifications.  They take time I don't have, especially since I have such a slow internet connection.
Here are a few things I would like to suggest:
1) Remove "anonymous" from your choices of how people can leave comments.  That will get rid of most of the spam.
2) Use comment moderation, where you, the blog owner must approve the message before it is shown
3) NEVER use comment moderation AND word verification.  You must approve the message, why put anyone through that added annoyance?
Thanks for understanding  and changing your blog comments if you are one of those offenders.
~~~Quoted from February 3, 2014  T Stands For Tuesday post.
Now let's go snooping.
It's too cold to be in my craft room today.  It's also quite windy, as I noticed right after I took the photo and saw one of my wicker chairs on my front porch had blown over.  No crafting, no sewing, just wishing for warmer climes.

Of course, many came to see the rocking horse, and this is a favorite of mine.  It's stuffed and came from a friend who visited South Korea and brought it to me.

Please leave your number if you are visiting from Julia's.  BTW, I cannot find where to leave comments on some, but not all, G+ blogs.  That holds true even when I use Julia's links.  I could use any input you can give me. 

63 thoughtful remarks:

Robyn said... 1

Hey #1.
Nice and tidy today! and a bit of a rocker too!
thanks for visiting.
robyn 4

505whimsygirl said... 2

hi Elizabeth. the rocking horse is very cool. luckily we had a few days without the wind so I was able to spray paint outside. its once again getting cold here but we still haven't gotten any snow.

I know I'm on Google+ but I don't understand what that means as far as people leaving comments. I know you have left comments before so I'm wondering was that a hassle for you to do or was it straightforward?

Kay. (5?)

Unknown said... 3

#1 Congrats. Very tidy room, the rocking horse is cute, not so sure about the head position though..Have a great week and happy crafting
DeDe #14

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said... 4

Beautiful! I never knew that rocking horses could come from so many cultures, until I started seeing the ones in your blogposts. Blessings!

Nikki said... 5

Umm That horse has been rocked one to many times cause that head looks messed up. Your space looks very tidy too
Hugs Nikki 17
Still running the candy too

Unknown said... 6

The nasty old polar vortex is back here in the Ozarks too! I don't like it one bit. My crafty corner is in my master bedroom, so it is warm in here...but at night when it's cold I just don't feel like doing much either! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #7

trisha too said... 7

Oh yes, word verification, the bane of blogger comment-leavers worldwide.


Isn't the weather ridiculous? It teases us with a nice day or two, then WHAM!!!!

Speaking of worldwide, nice rocker there, and from the other side of the globe!

#20ish this week with
Jedi mind tricks

April said... 8

What a cute rocking horse. What is on your ceiling? lol April #21

RosA said... 9

Hi Elizabeth, I like snow in so far as you can ski on it :) but I'm not sure I would like to live with it inconveniencing me 24/7 :)
Re. those Shiva Paintstiks. Before I started using them I read various handy hints about "carefully" removing the outer skin by various fool proof and safe methods. They all made it sound like a big deal so when it came time to start using them I was a bit wary. However, all I ended up doing was to just start "writing" with the tip as though I was actually writing. Nothing happens at first but after a few seconds the outer "skin" just wears off and comes away. It was so easy. Hope that helps. (Maybe our sort of slightly humid climate makes a difference?) I am loving my set of Paint Stiks which are iridescent. (Sandra de brought them back from the USA for me. They are not easy to come by here and when you do they are very expensive.)
RosA # 19

peggy aplSEEDS said... 10

Thank you, Elizabeth, for your visit and your lovely comment. It warms my heart to have blog friends like you. Your rocking horse today is so cute. It looks like he is feeling the wind! And my, you are such an expert WOYWW linker, congats on being #1 this week!

Vicki Miller said... 11

Thanks for stopping by and leaving good wishes. I went by nikki's google page and when I go there it opens up a comment box for me under her post, this just happens automatically for me, so I don't know how it looks for you, sorry

Helen said... 12

Hope you get some warmth soon so you can get back in and craft! Thanks for stopping by already - I'll share the journal page properly once it's finished! Helen 16

Belinda Basson said... 13

Love your horse today. Hope it gets warmer for you soon. #33

Nikki said... 14

For my dying pens I have just been putting a dot of the re inker on a piece of acetate and dipping the marker brush part in them it seems to work so far and the colour fades away so you can get that brushed effect going to try it with some water too. The Washi Tape is so I know that's a dead marker :)

BJ said... 15

My - that's some rocky rocker. Shame it is too cold for crafting. We still haven't have any snow but loads of rain and it has been quite mild and sunny the past two days but I guess another weather front from the Atlantic is on its way.... I'm stuck at home with a poorly son at the moment and tend to play my harp of an evening rather than craft. Have found I can curl up on the sofa with it instead of perching and popping in on a stool. Have named it Angharad - A Welsh name meaning "Much Loved". BJ#31

Robyn Oliver said... 16

Hi Elizabeth, too bad the weather keeps you away from your craft - you'll just have to settle somewhere warm with some inspirational mags. Cheers and hope your week improves RobynO#37

sara j said... 17

No fun when it's too cold to craft....here's hoping it warms up soon. The rocking horse is very cool. He would fit in well in my little collection. Here's to warmer weather ahead for you! Sara j #43

Judys Lace Creations said... 18

I'm replying to Kay (aka Whimsygirl), when you have Google+ on your blog, only those with Google+ can leave comments- otherwise they have to use the "Contact Form" at the side.The blog owner has to add it .Oh it's such a pain.That's why I have this new blog which has no Google +.

Cute rocking horse.Elizabeth.
Judy #9

Claire said... 19

No 1 spot - right where you belong :)
Sorry it's too cold in your craft room, but he's some wild rocking horse!
Have a happy WOYWW :)
no. 35

Gill Edwards said... 20

Oh i do hope it warms up soon where you are Elizabeth. Bluebeard has the right idea with all that fur eh.
Keep warm
Gill xx

Eliza said... 21

Can I send you some warm weather we have it really beautiful ATM and I am happy to share with you. Also on a sharing note I agree with all the above that word verification thingy is a pain in the butt just choose to moderate if you have too. I quite often get the nuisance post and I delete it and send them a nasty trogan LOL in return for the time LOL

Happy crafting if you can.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 52

Lunch Lady Jan said... 22

Wrap up warm...and Bleubeard too! Our wild weather seems to have abated for the moment..we suffered some storm damage here but nothing too major. In fact, I was walking around my village yesterday, admiring the hedgerow banks of snowdrops...there are loads of them this year. Maybe they liked the harsh weather....I didn't...but they are flowering better than ever. Nature is amazing :-)
Hugs, LLJ 44 xx

Julia Dunnit said... 23

South Korea huh, how fascinating..I saw little rearing horses with their heads back as toys in Tunisia, but not on rockers. Interesting how different cultures portray stuff, huh! Ugh to the weather, I think a windy cold day is just about the limit..the days are getting longer here, I hope you can see some signs of change too!

Annie said... 24

Love this little horse and hope the weather warms up for you soon.
Annie x # 53

Anonymous said... 25

Happy WOYWW. I am with you on verification. I struggle to read a lot of the words/numbers, and often give up. It is sunny and dry here today, but yet more rain forecast for tonight. I hope Spring gets here soon. Congratulations on the No.1 spot. Ali x. #48.

Jackie said... 26

Elizabeth please look after yourself and Bluebeard as you have very cold weather again! Soon it will be spring and you can spend time in your craft room.... We have had strong winds of 60+ miles an hour where I live and it has blown most of our neighbours and our fence panels down and roof titles off! ...... So take care
Jackie 32

Antonia said... 27

Love your wee rocking horse so cute, I hope the weather improve s soon so you can get back to crafting
Toni #61

Neet said... 28

Love your little rocker who is throwing his head back and shouting "Neigh" to the world. Bet he is even better to look at (and hold) irl seeing as he is fabric.
Thanks for the info on no word verificiation I so agree and I have terrible trouble with Wordpress too but guess that can't be changed. My grouse? Numbers - they make such a difference.
Have a nice day and stay in warm and cuddled up with Bleubeard, keep him warm.
Hugs, Neet 66 xxxx

Diana Taylor said... 29

Ooh that rocking horse is so cute! And what a lovely neat and tidy work space you have - that's just how I like to work - very little clutter!

Unknown said... 30

Love the rocking horse and your words on the word verification issue. It's so annoying - thanks for sharing your tips with us. xo

PS We are now in the polar vortex again :(

Glenda said... 31

Sorry it's too cold in your craft room to play. We are much colder here in Tennessee as well. Another couple of cold days and then warmer temps again. We do this a lot on the road to Spring. Love the little rocking horse. I see why it is one of your favorites.
Glenda #76

The House of Bears said... 32

Hello there, having spent half the morning commenting on all of last weeks woyww blogs we've just realised we were on the wrong thread!

You rocking horse is fab, he looks ready to gallop (rock.) off into the distance.

The bears @#82

Queenie Jeannie said... 33

It's been rather lovely the past two days, and although the sun is STILL out (a miracle in winter here!!), it's much colder today. Still, I won't complain as I can always put on a sweater and still savor that sunshine! I hope you can get back to crafting soon!

HATE word verification AND Google+ !!! Ugh! What a pain both are.

Karen said... 34

Beautiful rocking horse!!! The weather can do what it likes outside, your crafting inside is the fun bit! Enjoy! ♥ Karen ♥ 82 x

Elizabeth said... 35

Hi Elizabeth (and Bleubeard), sorry to read that it's gotten cold again where you are ... just when it seems we are moving into spring here on Scotlands west coast. Hope the weather improves for you soon. Love this rocking horse ... the set of his head conveys such joy. Take care, keep warm, keep safe and have a great WOYWW. Elizabeth xx #72

HeARTworks said... 36

Wow! What a fascinating rocking horse! Or did it get squeezed in a box too long? :^)) Don't get me started on word verification! Don't know how many times I got frustrated writing a long comment only for it to disappear, and after I persevered through word verification! Aaaargh! patsy (you've visited already, thank you!)

Unknown said... 37

Hope spring comes to you soon, or at least some not so cold temps. Love the little rocker. I've had to use word verification for a couple weeks once due to getting porn comments! It did stop the problem but it was absolutely disgusting. Hope never to have to use it again. Hope you have a warmer day! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #81

elle said... 38

HA! I got an e-mail saying that spring was loading but there was an error so to try again! not funny!

Nan G said... 39

Congrats first partition this week! Love love the little rocker! So cool from the other side of the globe too! Not its google+ as much as it's the service provider that causes google+ to be a pain for leaving comments. Sometimes I can and some I can't. Stay warm my friend. The girls suggest snuggling with Mr. handsome. :) No number as yet. Hugs from Nan and the Girls

Nan G said... 40

Okay, I joined in this week at #92. Mmwwaaaah!

Krisha said... 41

Hi Elizabeth,
No # for me this week, didn't link up, BUSY day and won't have time to hop very much. Just want to stop real quick, since I saw that your #1 AGAIN! and say howdy!

Coffee mug is now empty so it must be time to get my day started in an other direction.
Have a great week, pat Bluebeard for me too!

Anonymous said... 42

Hopping up and down in anticipation of Julia posting should keep you nice and warm!! Me? I've booked a trip to Mexico!! Although we don't go until May (Silver Wedding Anniversary), thinking about it is keeping me warm! I was thinking about the amount of hours of work in the socks I make and on average I rarely get to do more than 3 hours a week. So although it takes me three weeks to knit a pair, it's not three weeks of knitting time, if you see what I mean! Congrats on the #1, stay warm!

Brenda 10

Felix the Crafty Cat said... 43

Hi there, I always think a tidy craft room is a sad place but if it's too cold.... you just have to pray it will warm up soon.
Happy Crafting, when you get the chance lol! Angela x

pearshapedcrafting said... 44

Love your little rocking horse, hope he won't be there for too long and you can get back in to use that mat! We seem to be in a bit of a lull here, quite calm day today. Chris75

Daniella said... 45

Second time here today, as I catch up with blog comments. I totally agree with you on all of the points you made. I usually suffer through the Word Verification, but I'm thinking of just not leaving a comment now. As you can see, catching up on blogging is hard enough. So to waste time on WV is a drag. And the G+ thing, I have no idea!
Your rocking horse is so sweet! It looks like wood~
xxDaniella#2 I'm not sure I should be proud of being #2?

Carole said... 46

What a shame to have such a great space and not be able to play. The rocking horse is darling. Be well and stay warm ~ Carole 101

Princess Judy Palmer said... 47

What a sweet rocking horse! He looks like he is running like the wind... Oops, is that considered a bad word right now? I hope the weather improves so you can play some. Judy #100

Deb said... 48

love that horse! stay warm, hope the weather warms up soon for you!
Have a great week!
Debxx #27

sandysewin said... 49

Yes, we're all quite ready for warmer weather I think. Cute rocking horse, that's a rather unusual pose.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #4

Jo Murray said... 50

Too tidy by far. Get working girl.

Karla B said... 51

Hello, my friend!You can add my blog. Thank you so much. Im honoured.I didn't ask you but I added yours some time ago!Your art has to be contemplated!

Rita said... 52

I am totally lost on google+ and just leave if I am sent over there. I am no help at all. ;)

Carol said... 53

Cute little rocker!!! The cold and wind are back again here too and I'm not happy. Fortunately I don't "Have" to go out for a few days but if I wanted to I would appreciate some nicer weather. Take care my friend and stay warm.

Stitching Lady said... 54

Those cold working places! Mine is now on a corner of the dining room table. I made it to place 74 on Stamping Ground - I am not always joining in -
Nice little rocking horse - a joyful one.

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said... 55

No 1 again. How do you do it? I wasn't even at the starting gate this week as my Kindle was flat so I had to swap it for the other one, during which time you and everyone else had dived in. Sorry I am so late returning your visit, but life took over yesterday with loads of phone calls and having to visit umpteen different places to get a couple of things I needed. I am not sure what the problem is with Google+. Some people I can get to easily but others are just impossible, but I have no idea what is different and why there are these problems. I am sorry you are too cold to craft and hope your weather improves. By the way, I spotted on Create and Craft TV the other day that Tattered Lace are doing a rocking horse die. Hope you have a good week. xx Maggie #7
PS Flash does think he has me well trained but I can use that to get what I want.

Darla said... 56

Cute rocker. I agree with all you said about comments, including finding G+ hard to navigate.


~*~Patty S said... 57

Thank you for spelling the word verification thing out again E!
I appreciate it...typing a dozen numbers is somewhat better than the blurred words I used to see more of BUT why why why...it makes me crazy too!

Extra cool that your rocking horse collection is international...this one if a real favorite of mine!


fairy thoughts said... 58

wow Elizabeth your desk looks a bit too tidy today and I can see your rocking horse finds it funny .... he looks like he's throwing his head back laughing.
Sadly I am not altering the wooden shapes for this years crop as I cannot go ... bad planning on my DD3's part as she is getting married the next day, I may still be shopping for my outfit lol
keep warm
janet #38

fairy thoughts said... 59

wow Elizabeth your desk looks a bit too tidy today and I can see your rocking horse finds it funny .... he looks like he's throwing his head back laughing.
Sadly I am not altering the wooden shapes for this years crop as I cannot go ... bad planning on my DD3's part as she is getting married the next day, I may still be shopping for my outfit lol
keep warm
janet #38

Lisa-Jane said... 60

Quite right about the WV etc! Drives me mad! Get a blow heater and get crafting lady! #51

Caro said... 61

Gorgeous rocking horse and a very neat crafting area. I am running really late this week, so happy belated WOYWW! Caro x (#65)

Anonymous said... 62

Cute horse. Looks like he/she's bucking a bit to stay warm. xox

okienurse said... 63

haven't been able to get on WOYWW past couple weeks due to traveling but thought I would stop by and see what you are up to!...busy as usual! Drove through Wichita a couple times this past month and if DH wasn't with me I would have stopped and asked you out to lunch! Will be back up there in March late so will call then. Vickie