Now I realize
Julia at
Stamping Ground, our hostess with the mostess, likes to keep things short and sweet, but I have to apologize for not visiting many this past week. I have struggled with bitterly cold temperatures and my heater can't keep up. So I did the best I could by snuggling with my personal heater (AKA Bleubeard). Even bringing the portable heater to my computer only warmed my legs, but not my feet, torso, or hands.
Try using a mouse when your hands are shaking from numbing cold.
It's still so cold in my home, and I felt so ashamed and guilty, I almost didn't post today.

But of course, I knew I had to post because I promised
Jackie of
Scrap Bang Wallop! that I would show the gift she sent me as soon as I got it. Ironically, I took photos of the entire envie before I opened it, then photos similar to this one, but when I tried to take them off this camera that has NO sim card, they were NOT there.

So I tried again. The problem happened the second time, too. For the third time, I realized I was pressing on the very area the batteries were stored. When I let up, the photos had been deleted.
Last week, Jackie thought I had received the gift, since she thought she saw it on my mailing desk, but I assured her I had not. What a surprise I got when I opened this beauty and realized what she had seen!

And although I caught my finger in EVERY photo I took of this beauty, she remembered Bleubeard, too with this lovely Sparkle and Shine card. Isn't it adorable? Bleubeard thinks so, although he agrees this camera really sucks.

So now this beauty has a sibling to run and play with. Thank you Jackie. I love my new rocker, the beautiful card, and the ATC, too.
If coming from
Julia's please leave your number. I will honestly TRY to visit everyone who leaves a comment, because it's not like me to be so inattentive to visitors. But this frigid weather has me doing NOTHING but searching for heat and warmth (and possibly gloves that will allow me to type).
47 thoughtful remarks:
Oh what a cool rocker you received!
I'm getting an early jump on Julia this week, and at least visiting the blogs I follow regularly. So I have no number, but you know where I am.....LOL
Hope you enjoy the sweet gift and stay warm. You both are very inspiring. Blessings for the new year! I am just dropping in, not linked so carry on keeping warm.
how kool is that? now you have TWIN rockers! that is so great.
sorry to hear about your temperature issues. everyday I hear on the news how dreadful the weather is in a big part of the US. in california we are having unbelievably mild weather . . . and while it is very pleasant, i must say we desperately need RAIN.
say in, stay warm, this too shall pass.
oh, wow, what a great gift!! Hope Julia posts soon so we can link up and start desking!! Thanks for coming by already. Hope the cold eases up soon, the news reports from over here are dreadful - I just can't imagine the cold! Helen, soon-to-be-on-the-list.
I really don't like being cold, so I hope you are able to warm up soon! Cool rocking you're a happy camper!
Elizabeth ..... I am just so pleased that after 6 weeks, yes six weeks, it has arrived!!!!! Please keep yourself warm we see pictures of your weather on our news it looks awful and so so cold!
Keep warm snuggle up with Bluebeard, take care inthis awful weather
I'm so out of touch with all that's going on with everyone so have called by for a catch up :-) I love your latest Rocking fab to have two to keep each other company :-) Lets hope we can all have a fun creative 2014 :-) Please stay warm.
Annie x
Sorry no Linky as yet
Hope you are staying warm it all looks so freezing on the news here so take care. Love your rocking horses are they not amazing that they look so alike but so different as well.
Sandy :) #4
A perfect pair - and lovely too! Funny, DH and I were just saying this winter has not been as bad a a few recent ones, but I'm sure we'll get our fair share of frigid temps soon. Glad the chimney has been swept and we are ready for a nice coal fire one evening soon! Wrap up and stay warm.
Happy WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (3)
I wish you that your heating works again soon. How lucky that your four-legged friend as Is!
dearest greetings
Erika # 13
I cannot imagine how cold it must be in your area..we have seen a lot of reports on the UK news about this polar vortex. Don't worry about blogging too much unless its from under the mound of blankets. Are you ok for food and provisions? The weather in the UK has been rough for many but nothing like what the US is suffering at the moment. I sincerely hope that the situation eases quickly.
Keep warm and admire that beautiful new rocking horse :-)
Hugs, LLJ 2 xxxx
What super rocking horses and the ATC is FAB too. Seen the US weather on the TV and it is no joke, sounds like you need some fingerless gloves. My DS uses them as he is often on the computer TOO LONG so his hands get cold! Thanks for the visit today BJ#21
Love the rocker, what a great gift. I cannot describe how cold it is here in NYC...I am OVER it, first 6inches of snow in ONE day and now this -24 nonsense, honestly! Roll on Spring! Cx #25
Hi Elizabeth
How beautiful are your wonderful rocking horses they just look stunning.
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering with the really cold weather. My health means I can't cope with cold so I really feel for you trying to do things when you are so cold
Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
Hugs Ria #6
Oh what an absolutely beautiful Rocking horse!
Hope you get warmed up soon, being cold is awful.
Zoe #39
What a beautiful rocking horse.. Must admit I don't like the cold at all.. My advice, stay warm and keep on crafting..
Have a great week and happy crafting.
DeDe 31
The new rocker is a beauty. I worry to hear that you're cold..time to upsticks and go to Sally's house! Trouble is you wanna sit and snuggle and it's the sitting that makes you colder huh...five star jumps every ten minutes?
Lovely rocking horse - hope you manage to keep cosy - take care. x Jo
Sorry to hear you're suffering so much - sending toasty wishes and enjoying your beautiful rockers. MMx #56
What a lovely rocking horse and such a lovely gift. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has such awful problems with cameras.
Do hope you manage to keep warm. Have you tried putting the heater as near as you can and wearing an oversized dressing gown so that the heat rises from the heater into the tent of the dressing gown.
However I do hope that you won't be needing to do that for too much longer and that the cold weather will soon go and you can warm up.
Chris #22 (and 37 because 22 didn't work initially)
I love the rocking must have quite a collection!
Glenda #43
I hope this cold is on it's way out for you soon, it's been just unreal for the midwest. We are cold but I can't even comprehend some of the temps. It's like Antarctica out there. xox
Bless you Elizabeth, love the horses. Stay safe and warm if you can my lovely, huge hugs x x x x
I hope you have warmed up by now. it seems like the weather has gone crazy everywhere! We are dying of heat over here.
Lovely two rocking horses!
Happy WOYWW!
Tertia #50
Make sure you keep warm and well fed over there in that awful weather. That is more important than anything. Julia is quite right in that. I love your new horses, how many have you got now, or don't you keep count? Hope you have a good week and can get some relief from that dreadful weather. xx Maggie #24
Hello, sending you warm wishes and I totally understand with the cold stuff. But it's getting better soon. Thanks for letting me peek around again and enjoy your goodies. Thank you and blessings to you and yours. Roberta 47
Morning Elizabeth, big hugs to Bleubeard. Hope this awful waether lets up for you soon, at least, although wet, its not that cold over here. Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #93xx
Oh, aren't they lovely. How very serendipitous :o) Sorry you're suffering with the cold weather. Fairly mild here, just endless rain.
Fiona #18
Wow what an amazing pair of rockers!! (and that is not a sentence you type every day). Pls don't feel guilty about not visiting, the most important thing is to keep warm and safe. Sending warming hugs, Cindy #46
I love the rocking horses and the kitty card. I am sorry it is still so cold for you. I hope you can begin to thaw out soon. Kate x #58
Like the rocking horse duo. How nice of your friend to send you such a special gift. I hope your area has warmed up a bit by now.
Hi Elizabeth oh dear about the cold I hope you warm up soon, there really is som weird weather at the moment. Your new horse is fab .... How many do you have now?
Janet @11
We have been getting extremely warm weather here while you have been getting crazy I will wish some of our heat your way and hope it warms up a little for you soon. Both horses are day you will have to take a photo of your full collection together. Have a great week and Happy WoyWW! Danie #48
I hate the cold, too although we never get weather as cold as yours, of course, my most unfavourite part of the year is coming up now, where it is so hot your blood boils! Hope your woes ease up soon
Sorry you are not able to get warm...I know how miserable that is. We were fortunate enough to keep warm during the cold blast...even though we couldn't leave the house. Today we finally got out. It's supposed to warm up for the week end here so hope you are thawing out too. Bundle up my friend.
I am sorry to hear you can't get in Oz it is the complete opposite and you probably don't want to know this but I just got out of our swimming pool and am now relaxing with a cold beverage while leaving some blog love. Hope your weather warms up soon. Vikki #108
Hello, sorry to hear you were so cold. It was cold here too, wearing a few layers and double on socks and slippers and warm drinks help. Try wear extra layers and see if that helps you. I did turn the heat up a bit higher then normal too. We also put duct tape along the cracks of the door, amazing how much wind really blows thru that little space. It did help and today it's finally warmer. The kids go back today too, YAY!!
Ok, sorry got distracted by your poor cold comment. I love the gifts you received! So nice to have another horse to enjoy! I forgot to mention in my T day post on two other special gifts I received. I might do a quick post on them and more of my PL pages.
Sorry still about your camera too, hate when that happens.
Take care and hope your getting warmer too.
1thanks for your comment, elizabeth. Apparently a few people have been having trouble with google lately. I hadn't noticed it except for lack of comments on my blog, but I have no idea what the problem is
So happy to hear Bleubeard is helping with the heating situation but sorry that it is so cold. I have missed a lot of the bad weather at home as I am in CA at thte moment.
Lovely got you are sharing, now how many rocking horses?
Hugs to you and Bleubeard.
Neet 84 xx
Hi E, hoping you and your grey buddy are keeping warm... was so happy to come south, no snow or ice... but it did dip to 19 ... very cold for southern VA. The poor robins were wearing scarves!! Let's hope it warms up soon... x
Hi Elizabeth and Bleubeard!
You poor things, I can't function when I am cold and it is so cold where you are! It is cold here tonight, I think we are due a little of what you are getting, well I hope it is only a little!
Don't worry if you can't visit, back, I wish I could send you a warm blanket, or maybe a onesie (although I always think those are not that practical when you need to "go").
Cazzy x #88
Forgot to say I love the new rocking horse, and they look good together!
Hope your weather has turned for the better. And yes, I did get your about neglectful. Sorry!
Horrible cold weather around Elizabeth. Cats have even started finding blankets to cuddle down with. I was at the doctors today and an Indian gentleman told me he had seen geese heading back north. Said it meant winter was almost over. I wonder if their poor little brains are frozen? Keep warm. Vickie # 104
You really shouldn't worry about not always being able to visit everyone. I think we crafty bloggers are so lovely that we understand. Good luck keeping warm. I have to say it makes me glad to have left NYC and returned to Manchester, England.
Thank you for stopping by and for your encouragement.
Love Rachel #8
Apologies for leaving it so long to get back to you. Now DS is finally off to Uni I am peddling fast to catch up! There should be no problem with a cold Gelli plate. I treat mine shockingly badly and it remains a joy to use after a good clean. Actual gelatin plates need to be kept cold so I don't think the faux gelatine will be damaged by living int he cold. Having said that mine is, if anything, usually warm. so I couldn't say absolutely. Next, yes, feel free to add me if it you like. Thanks for asking :)
see you Weds.....again :)
{sigh} now DS-less and catching up
Mary Anne (3)
Hi Elizabeth, oh gosh, that sounds mega cold - it's cold here in Scotland but just not that cold! Snuggling down with Bleubeard is the best thing you could do - hibernate until the temperature rises again. Love the shots of the rocking-horses and that card for Bleubeard is just too cute :) Elizabeth (the very late WOYWWer) x #71
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