Monday, January 6, 2014

T Stands for Zero

As temperatures across at least 25 states (in the US) hover near, or below zero this first T(ea) Tuesday in January of 2014, I truly didn't want to get out from under my warm blanket in my decidedly chilly bedroom.  But being the host meant I had to come up with something, although I really had nothing, zero, zilch to show and no good way to photograph it.  Then I remembered I had a way I could take everyone's mind off the cold by starting in my dining room
showing you an empty glass.  Why?  Because I want my friends who live in the southern hemisphere to feel at home now that summer has arrived in their part of the world since it's so cold in MY part of the world.  I am also showing this empty glass because I love the cut of this crystal, but when I add some ice and liquid,

it's much harder to see the design.  The drink is Zero: nothing, nada, zip, ziltch.  Much like how I started this post and the Fahrenheit temperature outside my home!  But it's naturally sweetened, none-the-less!!  OK, joking aside, this also contains blueberries (not to be confused with Bleubeard), pomegranate, and naturally sweetened water.  It is even called a "naturally sweetened water beverage."  Personally, I like the taste of it, although it adds ZERO value to my life.

What are you drinking today?  Are you trying to stay warm or trying to cool off?  Are you one who is affected by this dangerously frigid weather?  Would you rather think about something warm?  Would you prefer to show some drink related art?  Whatever you choose, we would love for you to join us.  Your photo(s) doesn't/don't have to be taken on Tuesday, but, in order to play, you must link your post below.  Thanks for playing so Bleubeard and I can visit back.  It's a reciprocity thing.  And for those of you who live in the central and eastern US, please stay safe and warm.

16 thoughtful remarks:

Carol said... 1

It's frigid here too.... woke up today to -12Ëšwith wind chills of -37Ëš So I stayed home again today....stayed home yesterday because it was snowing and blowing like a beast and we received over 10 inches of the white stuff. Tomorrow I am scheduled off and Wednesday is to be warmer so maybe I'll make it to work. Me thinks I could get used to not going to work at all though. :)

dawn said... 2

Hello dear friend, staying under the covers sounds good to me also. It is getting colder by the minute here, hoping our windows don't crack or the pipes don't freeze. Poor Lucky wants nothing to do with going outside either. The kids and I actually had a nice day off again today, I got lots done and pretended like they were at school. Will be the same tomorrow too.
My T Time post is up, YAY, feels so good to posting and on time.

I've never had this drink before but the kids have tried it and liked it. The glass is very pretty. Wish we could be over in the warm parts of the world right now, enjoying the summer sun!

Take care and stay safe and warm! Thanks for crawling out to host us today, so happy you did !

Anonymous said... 3

cute post. cold is moving in. i will be drinkong french roast....xox

Denise Price said... 4

Happy T Day! I guess that Vitamin Water will give you energy to get you through this day, even if it does nothing to warm you. :) Take care and try to stay warm!!!

Rebeca Trevino said... 5

HA! that's funny . . .
happy tuesday anyway.
stay warm!

Vicki Miller said... 6

Thanks for the comments on the tassels

Darla said... 7

Like the etched glass but will pass on the flavored water. Hope you get some warmer weather soon. These winter storms have been so hard on so many people.


Tracey Holdyk said... 8

Happy T for Tuesday... over here in Perth its hot hot hot. We are trying to get cooler while many of you are trying to get warmer. Hope the cold moves on quickly for all those affected.

Hettie said... 9

Have a nice warm cuppa over here if you would like one? Brrr! You have made me feel quite cold now - temperature wise of course. Though we have cold rain and wind - lots of.
Thanks for allowing me to pop over.

Craftymoose Crafts said... 10

I needed to read this light post today. We are in the freeze, too, but I will do my best to get a post up later. Of course, this is the one day I have to go out for an appointment.

Halle said... 11

Here's to things warming up!! IT can't come too soon. It was really fun chatting with you yesterday!!
BTW--I used the lid to a small ink pad dipped in black paint for my calendar squares. I didn't measure, just went for it. :)

Krisha said... 12

Such a pretty glass, but why are your drinking something that is NOT hot! Even her is SOCAL it is cold enough for a HOT drink....LOL

I have been tracking the weather and do see how cold most of you are and me heart goes out to you. I spent my early childhood in North Dakota, Fargo to be exact and I remember what COLD is!

Please stay safe and WARM!
Happy T-day

~*~Patty S said... 13

speaking of frozen... Mr M is working from home and well let's just say there have been interruptions ... I was here for T long ago and am here again to comment :)

Under the covers is a nice snug place to be...I dreaded washing my hair today...but the whole time I was in the hot shower I was thinking how grateful I am to be in a warm house with hot water and well you know...

Stay warm...spring is coming sooner or later ;)

Jo Murray said... 14

You guys are FREEZING over there, while we've just been through a 40 degree C heatwave. The rain has at last come tho' and all is refreshed. Am thinking of a cold lemon, lime, and biters.

Ariel said... 15

Happy NEW YEAR Elizabeth. Thank you for hosting T for Tuesday and I always love that you have something new to share every week.
The weather is so bad here too. Even I want to be just under the blanket:) Stay Warm

Rita said... 16

It was still frigid up here on Tuesday, but I am so behind that it is now Saturday and it's a balmy 19 degrees. We were up to 33 (saw on a bake sign) yesterday, but only supposed to be mid-20s today. I'll take it! Seems almost springlike after what we've had up here lately. ;) Hot black coffee for me!