(Please note: those of you who have read my blog a long time have seen this post before. I have updated a few photos, but used many from years past. This is the first time I have hosted this T Stands for Tuesday event at Christmas, though. Since there are so many new faces and visitors, I thought I would post it one final year. Perceptive individuals will see how I've decorated in years past.)
I first wrote this post in 2011, then showed it again on December 23, 2013. My trees are in different places this year than in the photos, as they are most years, but I hope you enjoy this T Tuesday repeat.

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St Nicholas too.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St Nicholas too.

And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.

"Add your link this T Tuesday, and have a great night!"
Merry Christmas. If you want to stay on Santa's nice list, please add your drink related link below. Then Bleubeard, T Tuesday participants and I will be by to visit.
16 thoughtful remarks:
OMG!! You are so clever and fun dear friend, love love this so much!! I will have to read it again, made me excited for Christmas Eve to hurry and up and get here.
Thank you for this festive and fun post, YAY!!! I want to be the Santa that comes to your house!
Linking up my looooong T Time post now, YAY!!! Can't wait to see what others are doing.
Have a Merry Christmas dear friend, will be back in the morning to blog hop, hoping you get some early link ups.
I just tried Vicki's link and it's not working. Hope she sees this!
You always make such a lovely post, I feel extemely lazy when I just put up one picture. This is lovely.
Wonderful Elizabeth! A Merry Christmas to you my Wichita friend! May we meet in 2014!
Fantastic post my friend. LOVED IT!
Merry, Merry Christmas to you and Bluebeard!!!
An adorable post...love the modified verses and the vintage illustrations! and of course always enjoy your trees and rocking horses...Bluebeard looked very comfortable in his bed... so glad you got your package...Happy Holidays dear E!
I L♥ve your Night Before Christmas Tea SO much dear Elizabeth...well worth repeating whatever photos you chose to (life moves so fast!)...
Your decorated powder room really put an extra smile on my face...
you are my kinda gal...
Wishing you and Bleubeard a warm and cozy Christmas...
Thank you very much for so much T Stands for Tuesday fun...I am looking forward to 2014 with everyone...
fa la laa
I love the way you decorate your entire house with lovely things for Christmas. Hope you and Bleubeard and anyone sharing your day have a wonderful time!
Thank you for the visit and glad you enjoyed my post. I told you I'd get those root beer floats soon, so good even if it was cold out.
Guess what we woke up too, it's going to be a white Christmas!! YAY!! That's the only one day I want to see it and it's going to keeping coming all day and night.
Hope your weather is better so your friends can come visit you.
Happy T Day!!
Clever rewrite of the Night Before Christmas. I enjoyed seeing your decorations. I'm delighted to see so many T participants here already too, I see I have some visits to make.
Merry Christmas to All!
Very clever. Love seeing the pics of your decorated house! Have a wonderful time with your friends! Merry Christmas Elizabeth and Bleubeard. with warm hugs from Nan and T and Baby.
Oh how typically brilliant this post is!I. Love that you've got room and taken time to glam up the bathroom too, it all looks lovely. love and peace for the holiday dear friend.
I won't have a chance to participate this week, but wanted to stop by and wish you and Bleubeard a very Merry Christmas!
I always love your Christmas posts. Your pictorial Night before Christmas is very clever. Bleubeard is handsome as ever.
Merry Christmas to you dear friend!
You and I must quit meeting like this! we quoted the same poet today, hahaha
Happy T to you and a very Merry Christmas!
I just love your Night Before Christmas version Elizabeth! The decorations are wonderful (love that sideboard :) Thanks for hosting T on Tuesdays. It's been so much fun linking and visiting. Blessings to you and yours and may Santa bring Bleubeard the toys he's dreaming of!
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