Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Christmas trees

Many of you have asked for a tour of my home that I've decorated for Christmas, so here it is.  I am still having a terrible time with my internet.  The service people were unable to get me online last night because they couldn't get my router to hook up with their service.  It's all a bit mumbo-jumbo to me, but I'm sure they'll figure it out.  They DID finally get me on around midnight.

This is a VERY long post, so let's get started right away in the dining/living area.  First, the dining area:

I like to pretend this is my pseudo mantle,

which I have a tendency to overdress each year.  Note I added the tree on the knob after I took the previous photo.

I used to set my stockings on the front of the sideboard, but I actually USE the contents, since it holds my Christmas silver, napkin rings, and a few plates I use most holidays.  That meant I had to move the stockings anytime I needed in the drawers or doors.

I've pointed out in the past that there are more than two stockings in case either Bleubeard or I have visitors at this time of year.  It's nice to stuff the "guest stockings" with fresh fruit, candy, and a Christmas pencil.  Bleubeard contributes a can of his favorite cat food and some cat grass seeds for his guests.  His stocking is the one on the right.  That's the only place you'll see balls associated with him (TMI?).  BTW, can you see my purse hanging over my kitchen chair?  Funny how we notice those things when the photos come off our cameras.

My friend Sally gave me this tree years ago.  It's designed by some famous designer (I think Thomas Kinkade or ???) and she got it from QVC.

I am a candle freak.  You see them everywhere in my house.  So it's a no-brainer that I would have candle holders made to look like trees.  I'm partial to those M&Ms, too (grin).

I almost forgot to photograph this beautiful tree my friend Kathy made me last year.  She bought the pattern and made it from her huge supply of cardstock.  However, I stored it flat, and I'm having trouble getting it to flare again.

Occasionally the tree shapes are more subtle, as with this muffin tin.  I used to have two of the glass trees, but I broke one a couple of years ago.

One final overall shot before we move on.

I've had this tree everywhere possible, except my dining room table, because it has always had lights on it, since I made it a few years ago.  Last year the lights quit working, and I removed them from the tree.  Yes, I have been known to make flower arrangements, mostly the artificial ones.  I started with an undecorated tree, a basket of heavy filler, and some burlap, and decorated from there.

I took these above two photos on two different days, hoping I might get a better shot of my buffet.  Nothing helped.

Directly across from the buffet is another "kitchen" cabinet.  Some people call these "Hoosier cabinets," but that's a brand name and has a distinct plaque affixed to the top of each cabinet.

This one has a built in pie safe where the other one houses the more traditional flour bin.

I had planned to break this into two posts, since there are so many photos.  But when I couldn't get on the internet, I had to consolidate them.  We're now headed to the living room area of this room.

I love my mission style writing desk.

And it's where I leave Santa his treats on Christmas eve.  There are lots of rocking horses in this area, too.

At least I haven't killed my three herbs I brought inside.

Those who dropped by Friday saw the gift I gave myself and placed it "under" this tree.  Note the tiny rocking horses I've used along with more traditional embellishments on this handmade tree.

I'm not sure I like this setup, and may not put these out next year.  I've never displayed these three in the same place before, so that may have something to do with it.

I guess I thought since the three had a common theme of opening to reveal something inside, that might qualify for their being in the same vignette.

Although this is supposed to be a napkin holder, I use it to hold my cards I receive each year.

It sits on an old map chest that a friend gave me when he was going to throw it in the trash.  I still haven't repaired it because there are just not enough hours in a day.

I use votives and tea lights in these luminaries.

While taking an overall photo of the dining/living area from my kitchen doorway, I laughed at Bleubeard, who was obviously playing matchmaker to two stuffed mice.

As I was laughing, I caught a photo of Bleubeard as he was moving at the speed of light.  Not a good photo, but about par when trying to get a photo of "Mr. Camera Shy."

It's obvious I don't like magnets on my refrigerator/freezer doors, but I make an exception for the tree I cut out (after my friend Dana drew it) and decorated with molding paste and green, red, and brown paint.  I stood on a chair to get this shot.  Yes, I'm that short.

I bring out two tree cookie cutters each Christmas, too.  I move them from location to location every year.  This year they landed on my built in bookcase.

This little tree uses a nine-volt battery to light it at night.

I have a decorated evergreen tree I normally sit on this desk, but decided to use a cardinal instead this year.  Of course, the obligatory pine cone filled tree plate found its way onto the desk.

This wreath I decorated years ago is looking straggly, but I don't have a good replacement, so I'll use it at least one more year.

Sorry this was so long.  It took forever to get it loaded.  I even had to reboot several times before I was finished.  I appreciate your comments and thank you for sticking with me this long.

24 thoughtful remarks:

Sharon Fritchman said... 1

I absolutely loved seeing the tour of your home decorated for Christmas. I am in awe of the beauty and your attention to detail. And I laughed at the photo of the 2 stuffed mice and the fact that Bluebird was playing matchmaker. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home with us! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

Julia Dunnit said... 2

Not long enough! really enjoyed the decorations, the stories and the pics. Love the non-Hoosier, that tambour screen and is that enamel D swooned when I told him it had a pie safe!! I don't specifically collect a theme, but this year, Miss D's boyfriend helped us to decorate the tree and as we pulled out various things I was directing the 'use on the tree' or hang it elsewhere..and he pointed put that there a few keys and doorknobs in this house that don't have something hanging from them. I hadn't even noticed! Love the vignettes, and so in keeping with your beautiful furniture.

Helen said... 3

What a huge array of Christmas decor - I love the trees and your stockings all hanging up ready!

Unknown said... 4

Thank you for the tour Elizabeth! Every area is so festive with your decorations! xo

Krisha said... 5

Thanks for the tour Elizabeth, wonderful trees everywhere. LOVED IT!

Carol said... 6

Thanks for the tour and I absolutely love your home. You have a beautiful collection of antique furniture that I am totally in love with ♥♥♥♥♥ You have decorated it all beautifully also. Our taste in furniture and decorating are very similar....down to the blue bottles :) I still don't have any decorations out ...but maybe tomorrow I'll bring out a few.

dawn said... 7

Hello and WOW!! I loved this so much, thank you for sharing with us. You did a great job with pictures, words and decorating, you must need a nap now.
I loved it all and that you think of everything and all parts of your house. The napkin holder for cards is a great idea! The outside decorations are perfect! I have that little tree that opens up too, didn't take it out this year but now I want to. My mom also had that bigger stuffed one, so pretty.
So happy that you love trees too.

I have a busy week, getting all the shopping, wrapping done before kids are off next week. Will not be posting this week I don't think, we will see how it goes. Thank you for the visit yesterday, glad you could see it. Sorry for the internet issues, no fun at all. Hoping it will be worked out so you can keep up your daily blogging.
We just got TONS of snow and Sam is sooooo happy!! I am trying to catch up on Project Life and getting my cards in the mail and might do more decorating. Will try to do a walk thru my house to show you also, didn't do as much as past years.
Take care dear friend, stay warm and MERRY!! HUGS!

Halle said... 8

I so enjoy your tours of home. You inspired me a couple years ago to start a tree collection. I don't have many yet but knowing me...they'll accumulate faster than I expect.
I've been having trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. Looking around your place makes me wish I'd gotten a little more carried away with my decorating.

Vicki Miller said... 9

Gorgeous! I don't think anyone would enjoy a tour of my home as it is a very big mess - always is. I counted 32 rocking horses caught in your photos, of course some were in more than one photo, but that's a good number!

Rita said... 10

What a great tour! You have so many cute decorations. Thanks for sharing. :)

Vicki Miller said... 11

thanks for your lovely compliments, elizabeth

Dianne said... 12

what a lovely tour of your home and decorations! I enjoyed seeing all your trees and rocking horses, but was really admiring your antiques! gorgeous buffet and 'hoosier' cabinet! ...and I love candles too. enjoyed the 'sandwich' for Santa...isn't that a puzzle of some kind? fun!

Nan G said... 13

Thank you for sharing your lovely decorated house with us. Love all of your antiques! Wonderful collection of trees and rocking horses. And the faux cheese Sammy is a hoot. Happy Holidays Elizabeth and Bleubeard from me and the Girls.

Janet said... 14

Thanks for the tour! Love all your trees. And loved your comment over at my blog...I was laughing so hard!

Zena said... 15

Thanks! Such a lovely decoration... I haven´t decorated my home yet and Chritmas is so close! Love your rocking horses I too used to collect them, Have a nice Christmas

Jo Murray said... 16

It all looks very Festive... and just beautiful. Thanks for inviting me in.

Darla said... 17

What a delightful tour. It must take ages to get everything put out for display. Definitely Christmas time at your house.


Craftymoose Crafts said... 18

Your house looks beautifully decorated! I saw some nooks and crannies that I don't believe I have seen those beautiful desks and cabinets. I'd also love to see more of what's on the wall between the two windows by the door.

How do you keep your copper so bright and shiny? Constant polishing or some secret mixture perhaps?

Unknown said... 19

Wow your home looks great! I love the candle holders!

Julie Jordan Scott said... 20

I feel like I've visited you two and had a lovely time. Thank you for your thoughtfulness with the stocking! :-)

I got to thinking: I bet a sense of smell tour of your home would be lovely, too.

I've missed checking in on you since aedm. Finally back in the flow... for the most part!

Anonymous said... 21

Wow, you are a festive gal. That oak piece of furniture in your first photo is spectacular! xox

Rebeca Trevino said... 22

what a lovely tour or your chrismas house. i especially love the rocking horse all over. espically the wooden on by the candle. just lovely.

anyway, i wanted to let you know, i got my 'comment' problem taken care of (i was getting a lot of 'spam' comments, even with the moderation option . . . but i will try it again, and i have turned on the comments back on.
anyway, thanks for asking, and i hope you come by and visit soon.

Rebeca Trevino said... 23
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gaby Bee said... 24

Your home looks really wonderful! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Creative New Year!
