Tuesday, August 7, 2012

London Style Tea

This week I'm joining Kimmie at Art in Red Wagons and all my Tea Tuesday friends in the kitchen. The long term project I was working on is complete (see Button, Button tutorial) and my latest AB lesson is finished, so I can relax a bit and finally enjoy the last of the Olympic games. To celebrate, I'm having London Tea. Now all I need are some scones or biscuits and this breakfast would be complete. What's your drink of choice today?


7 thoughtful remarks:

Dawn said... 1

Hi Elizabeth, what a gorgeous little tin, hope the tea was good too.
Big hugs x x x x

~*~Patty S said... 2

Your London Tea is very fitting for these Olympic days or should I say DAZE
I am enjoying it all too
I watched some Women's synchronized swimming yesterday and it blew my mind!

There is Chocolate Puerh Tea in my cup today :)
Happy Tuesday to ya

Dandelion and Daisy said... 3

Atleast you are drinking hot tea today...not iced! It feels good to get big projects done and out of the way and have time to relax with a good cup of tea. ENJOY!

...the yorkshire fox... said... 4

...there's nothing quite like a cup of Tea, I think it's been a cure all since the beginning of time...loVely to see your very pretty London Tea Caddy on display...we Brits are having a superb run at the Olympics and another gold as I type in the cycling...wow...have a uper week Elizabeth...Melx :)

SandeeNC said... 5

This is a warning, gird your loins, ( don't get to say that often, lol ), tomorrow is going to be a confession! Just preparing you ;) waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

505whimsygirl said... 6

Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for popping in on me this past week. Hopefully you'll be joining WOYWW tomorrow?
I'm enjoying a glass of iced tea right now, while on my lunch break.


Anonymous said... 7

For some weird reason I can see any of your photos, thanks blogger. I will check back in tomorrow and see if I can see what you are up to. Love to see your tutorial. xox