Hi all you blog hoppers. I bet you were just as overwhelmed last week as I was, trying to get to everyone and realizing it just wasn't going to happen. I apologize if you left a comment and I didn't get to you. I really tried to get that far at least. If this is your first visit, please click on the large photo for a better view. At least I hope they are clickable, since some in other posts no longer work.

So why am I showing the view out my kitchen window? Well, partly so Annette (
Voodoo Vixen) can call me a wimp, and partly because this is the worst snowstorm we've had on record since 1967.

You can see all the ice on the storm window. A lot of good it is doing (NOT)!! This picture was taken around noon today.

About three pm my time, this is what the conditions were looking out my craft room window. This is the window in front of my sewing machine. Lots of blowing, but not a whole lot of accumulation. Of course, the snow accumulation at the airport (which was practically shut down) was 5 inches. You do the math in cm. And of course, you can see how the wind is whipping my wind chimes, while the rocking horse sitting on my porch tries to shut out the noise.
If this is your first visit on Wednesday,
Julia, our hostess with the mostest and keeper of the links, will explain what this post is all about. And to bring you up to date, I collect rocking horses and show at least one of my nearly 450 each week.

Speaking of rocking horses, all of these were gifts sent to me by fellow WOYWWers and they are the ONLY things on my work table today. I'm so impressed, and need to thank both Jo at
JoZArt and Cath of
CathinCypress. I can't believe their generosity. Cath sent the rocking horse in the container as a hostess gift during the 12 Days of Christmas swap. I am just now thanking her for her generosity and all the love that went into the thoughtful gift.

Talk about a BIG wow, Jo sent me FOUR rocking horses she picked up while she was in Germany. I don't see how she even remembered with all the emergencies, surgeries, and trips she had over Christmas, including her darling grandee, but she remembered me during it all. And each horse is totally different. Although they are supposed to be Christmas ornaments, I will never pack these beauties away. I believe the one on the top right is metal, and we all know how much I love metal! Thank you beyond belief Jo. Your generosity and thoughtfulness overwhelms me.
And finally, I would LOVE for each of you who has not already done so, to please sign up for my
OWOH giveaway. You don't often get to see the things I show on my desk after they are completed, so here is your chance to see some of my finished art. And of course, I would be tickled pink to have a few winning WOYWWers.
72 thoughtful remarks:
Isn't that special that your cyber friends are collecting for you too? I think that is so neat!
LOL Elizabeth, I don't think you are a wimp at all... it doesn't look very nice and I saw on the news this evening that it was pretty nasty down your way with the winds and the snow so I hope that you have no further misadventures with electricity or frozen pipes!! It has been a bit chilly up here for the past couple of days, -29 yesterday and -25 this morning but things are looking up for tomorrow!
Love all your rocking horses, you do realise it is because you are such a sweetheart that people think of you, don't you? :)
gorgeous picture, beautiful rocking horse gifts - great workspace, Happy WOYWW - thank you for sharing.
Wow, that blizzard is hitting you right on! Hope it's warm inside and you can create and visit OWOHs. Every time I see them I love your rocking horses!
love the gift.
Your new little rocking horses are so sweet. Winter has been so weird everywhere this year! Sorry you are having to deal with all that snow.
Happy WOYWW anyway, :-)
ooh so glad we haven't got that snow right now! bet it arrives here soon! always seems to come over the Atlantic a few days later.
Keeep warm
Happy Woywwing!
Jennie #5
I wish we had snow here! It's been sparse. Lovely rocking horses. Nice to see others are looking out for you!
Terry #16
Gosh you are having bad weather hun.looks like one hell of a storm.keep safe and warm.Love those rocking Horses .
hugs take care judex24
So sweet little rocking horses there middle of the storm! We also had a storm here saturday-sunday night - and now our ground is full of sticks from the five huge trees we have here!
Have a nice day!
Tuire #41
Hi ya hun
hope ya no get snowed in to long, gorgeous rocking horses, thinking of you, hugs, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (36)
Impressive blizzard. Lovely rocking horses. Is there a story behind why you started collecting? Would love to read it someday
I think (I will say this very quietly in case the bad weather god is listening) we in the uk have finished with snow..... Hope it doesn't stop you for long!
Oh Elizabeth, see, it doesn't matter about the record books - that sort of cold swirly snowy weather is just not what I like...I hope by now it's all gone and you can enjoy an early and prolonged spring! I love the rocking horses; isn't fab when almost each one has a real story to tell and reminds you of someone. Love that - my christmas tree ornaments are like that. And my watches. And my cookie cutters. Lord...I've got a collection problem.
Love your rocking horses. :)
Hope the storm is gone by now.
Thank you for sharing. Have a great Woyww!
Brhhh! Feels cold just looking at your snow storm. Lovely little rocking horses, your collection must be reaching record status soon :-)
You are not a wimp, that weather looks nasty. I hope you are able to stay indoors as much as possible. A good time to work on your crafts anyway! Love all your new Rocking Horses!
xoxo Karen (#69)
What lovely rocking horses, and so thoughtful of people to send to you. But crafters are a giving bunch. Hope the weather improves for you but meanwhile enjoy crafting.
gorjuss rocking horses, what great friends you have, hope the snow goes away for you hun, it makes life hard
thanks for the snoop
Judie 58
OMG been reading on the news of the bad blizzards you are having in america, be careful
happy woyww Vicky 70
We are just on the southern edge of all the bad weather. Just rain here in Tennessee! I love the view out your windows! Beautiful but very cold!
As ever, I love the horses and I really hope the dreadful weather over there doesn't affect you too badly! It looks dreadful on the tv. Keep warm!
BbbrRRrrrr Elizabeth! Hope you are snuggling up to all those adorable rocking horses! Happy WOYWW!
Stay warm by your craft table.
Great rocking horses ! :)
Brrrr Hope you and Mr B are keeping warm and safe - perhaps he can be persuaded to act as a lap rug? Lovely rocking horses from the WOYWWers and a great reminder of long distance friends.
That first photo is very artistic. Maybe you can print it out and use it in a piece of your art. I'm sure you will want a memory of this once it is all over. No? LOL!
Great gifts and additions to your collection.
Stay warm!
That weather looks pretty nasty to me. Was watching the news re Chicago and how it is spreading eastwards earlier. Hope you stay safe and Bleubeard does not go out in it.
So glad you can watch that nasty weather warm and safe inside! What cute rocking horses and what a fun thing to collect! Sue #83
That weather must have been a shock to you. orry I have not joined in your event ...cant even get round WOYWWers. Love the art work though ...had to have a peek xx
minus 27 celcius but no storm up here, Elizabeth. Good time to work on the work table!!!
Fun rocking horse gifts! It certainly looks cold and I know what wind chills are like. Rip right through an crack in the house. Even around the switch plates on outside walls! BRRR! It's -2°F right now...but tomorrow its going to warm up! YEAH!!
Tuck down and keep warm - your poor friend Donna must be beside herself, first a fire and now this! Love your art work....
Hello Elizabeth, I don't think you are a wimp either - we've been shown footage on our news here in Scotland of the storms in Wisconsin and Oklahoma (I think I've remembered that correctly) and it looked grim. Here we are having rainstorms today and it is dull and dreary - can't wait for Spring. Love your new rocking horses - they are gorgeous and I wouldn't be able to put them away until Christmas either. Thanks for sharing and hopefully the storms will blow over soon. Elizabeth x #96
The weather your end doesn't look very good, we don't get any thing like that were I live, I think I'd be hiding under my craft desk if I was were you are. I love looking at your rocking horses each week and think it's great that other woyww are helping you to collect them as well.
big storm E and terrible cold here, schools are all closed, single digit days and double minus nights, hard on the critters. little dogs are wearing their fleece coats all day and especially outside. might venture out today, need food!! lol! how nice to get all those r horses!! lovey pressies...stay warm you and BB.xo
Ooff horrid weather! Stay safe and wrapped up warm!
that looks very cold, we dont even get hail stones here on the aegean - it is too warm, but we manage spectacular thunder and lightning storms in Feb.
love the new additions to your collection
Stay warm and safe
caroline #112
Glad you're safe and warm inside with Bleubeard and the horses!
Brrrrr that looks cold. Love the new additions to the collection.
A x
Oo wrap up warm, we have been seeing about your snow storms on the news over here (UK). Love the lovely rocking horses, what a wonderful thing to collect Kx #90
The rocking horses are lovely, how did Bleubeard feel about all the snow?My Ambrose refused to set foot outside until I had swept a path for him from the door to the garden!
happy woyww, thanks for sharing :)
crafty hugs - Andria (42).
Oh no!! don't want it, usually heads our way soon after! Saying that, love a right storm as long as I'm tucked up all cosy! Cute little rockers you've aquired, thanks for sharing this week. It is difficult getting round, sometimes things get in the way of our fun!. Have a great week. Carolxx
Love your new rocking horse collection.Friends are so very special. Keep safe and warm in the storm.
Hugs Mrs a. #82
I skipped ahead to your blog to see how it was going for you. By comparison to last week, what is a mere storm :D. Lovely rocking horses. TFS!
Wow! What a snowstorm and those rocking horses are gorgeous! Stay safe.
my method isn't working - I am back at full tilt at work and I have got home today in pain tired and a bit short of breath - so I'm going to bed,
I love seeing your rocking horses.
Keep warm & cosy.
Kat X
wow is all I can say!! You have been sooo busy making sooo much stuff, I think you must have a Time Turner!
Looks like the weather where you just stay in your craft room! Love the rocking horses.
Look at the weather - great for crafting though
Sarah Stressed Stamper#29
Lovely rocking horses, what an amazing collection you have! keep warm! M
Bit nippy here in Michigan too!! Just cleared 8" of snow off the drive, it's more like 14" where it's drifted though! Always nice to have friends is it not? You're going to have to revise your RH count upwards quite a bit at this rate!! Hope you're doing ok, stay inside and craft!
Brenda 91
Yes, it is interesting watching all the snow falling on others across the country. We are in the sun here expecting temps in the seventies this weekend. What can I say? Sorry for your cold, happy for our warm...come to CA!!!
It's so lovely that fellow bloggers have sent you rocking horses and it shows how much we all think of you Elizabeth :-)
In answer to your question on my blog, the pink tool is an iTop brad maker (made by Imaginese) and the blue one is a corner chomper (made by WRMK). The corner chomper/rounder cuts through all sorts of materials & I use it a lot.
Hope the weather improves for you soon, xx
Hope you can stay nice and warm and get lots of crafting done - great Rocking Horses again this week - thanks for sharing ~ Nicky 12
When ever I see a rocking horse I think of you! Looks cold and windy where you are, I hope that you are staying tucked up and warm. Have a great week. Tracey x
Brrrrr...I used to live in the snow belt. It was 82 here in the tropical south today. I used to collect rocking horses as well. Alas, no more.
Thanks for sharing! #105
The weather has been just miserable around here also. It has been so cold I haven't even ventured out of the house. Stay warm. I know you are staying busy!
What? You have normal fingernails?
I always figured you for a paint and glue and gunk under the nails sort of girl.
Oh well.
You just keep smashing through those expectations.
Gun (guns!)
Clean nails
What next!?!?
I can't live with this kind of unpredictability in my laptop.
Not more snow, I suppose it will land over here before long. Very pretty, but a real pain. I think we had better add some more bubblewrap to the lagging of the exhaust pipe for the boiler, otherwise that will freeze again. The dogs love it, but end up covered in hard ice balls. Hope things soon improve for you and we all get into spring very soon.
Well, I'm all for you keeping that weather on your end of the computer!
and 450 rocking horses?! OH MY! That is truely a collection! Star 125
That was quite a storm wasn't it. I am about an hour and a half straight east of you and it was bad here too. It makes me smile to see such kindness in people, those that take a moment to think of you and send you the little rocking horse beauties and all the other unspoken kindness that occurs everyday that never makes the evening news! TFS ~Shari #103
Well, my friend, I see you too got hit by the storm! By the grace of God we dodged the bullet. Stay warm and cozy inside with Bleubeard and Wendy. Don't take any chances out there Hugs
I have been taking blizzard pictures all day. stay warm
Those rocking horses from Jo and Cath are so cool! And we do have things in common - namely the weather about now. Boo to that!
#44 (sleeping on the job again ;)
Burrrrr, I am cold just from looking at those pics, Imagine if I was there I would be a popsicle...lol
Love your new rocking horses, wonderful to have such wonderful friends!
Thanks for the peek and sharing, Marjo Lucky #1 Happy WOYWW
Keep cosy Elizabeth - its been cold here today but our Spring bulbs are just beginning to show so thats good news. Have a great week.
Oh no, what a change in the weather! Love the rocking horse gifts you received Elizabeth :-)
Anne xx
I think the wind is the worst thing in a storm, we can cope with a few inches of snow but wind is scary! love your rocking horses! hugs Debx
Beautiful rocking horses Elizabeth. You truly deserve them & I know you will enjoy them. Bless you & all that snow :( it's not funny :( Hope to visit your desk tomorrow. Sorry for not calling sooner..xx
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