No, Tea Tuesday has not been canceled.
Kimmie and the other wonderful Tea Tuesday gals are still busy making tea and showing off their creative ways on this first day of February. But that's about the only thing in my area that hasn't been canceled.

Schools, scheduled events, and flights are canceled, while some roads and interstates are already closed as nearly 150 million people spreading across 38 states prepare for the "worst storm in decades" (not my words, but those from the Weather Channel). I for one, am under "blizzard warnings" through Wednesday, with up to 8" of snow possibly coming my way, along with "up to" 50 mile per hour winds causing wind chills to drop the temperature to around - 25 F. The funniest phrase I heard was "horizontal snow." Talk about an oxymoron!
I really wanted to show the new teapot I got last week at the thrift shop, but yesterday was filled with packers finishing packing my art studio to take to storage, then the demolition team removing the damaged studio walls. I even packed a lot of things in my main floor craft space to take to storage so I would have room for the essentials I would need for the next several weeks. At the end of the day, I was exhausted, having lugged supplies from the basement to the main floor craft room, then having sorted, wrapped, packed, and secured some of my unneeded art supplies from about 9 am until nearly 5 pm. I haven't worked this physically hard and fast since I worked in industry.

In lieu of preparing a bit of tea in my new tea pot and photographing it, I decided to show one of the "door prizes" I will be giving away in my OWOH post. So, although Tea Tuesday has not been canceled, my post might as well be. I am off to visit others who are either in warmer climes or who are also hunkering down, preparing for their daily activities to be canceled, too.
Stay warm (unless like Gayle and Steph you live in warm areas), stay safe, stay prepared, and drink lots of hot, soothing tea today. And please make an extra cup for me, because I am going to need it! Happy Tea Tuesday and please join my
OWOH giveaway, if you haven't already.
16 thoughtful remarks:
Goodness sounds like you're in for a time of it with the weather. Don't think we would cope over here with that kind of storm - a couple of inches of snow is often enough to grind the UK to a hault !! But then what a lot of crafting you'll have time for if everything else has stopped..Esther xx
Oh gawd E, you in for another dose of bad weather? We had a foot of snow on Saturday and -29 degrees C ysterday.... and a bonus... because if you take a jug of boiling water out into the -29 and throw it in the air... it vapourises instantly into white powdery stuff... kept me amused for a while yesterday morning anyways!! LOL
Thanks for dropping by - "cohesive" not always a term in my vocabulary!!LOL Thanks for that!!!Tghe ice skipped by us- we have had snow, and the snow itself was a bit icy yesterday --but the roads are fine, schools open- the counties surrounding ours got some ice I guess. Fingers crossed that we missed it all.
Thanks for joining us for tea!!!
it will be nice when your life gets back to "normal" such upheaval and extra work...sorry for you E and now a winter blast too!
Mr M stayed home because of ice today...I was so glad...guess the slippery slide to and from the mailbox to get the paper was enough to convince him
Stay warm and cozy and don't work too hard Missy!
demolition team!! that sounds ominous...but, definitely better than having the house sink like the steps did...Yes, Ohio is covered in ice right now too. Everything canceled, so maybe some time for art today. Now as long as the electricity doesn't go out we should be fine. in an all electric house it can get a bit complicated without it. Please get rested up and enjoy your tea!
We're preparing for the same storm system, Elizabeth. It's been a l-o-n-g winter!!! Stay safe and warm. Hugs, Terri xoxo careful and try to stay warm during the storm!
I think you are actually lucky. I am SICK to death of the warm humid stuff intermittently giving way to a cold day. I want snow. SNOW.
Today, it seems my gripes have been mockingly answered with rain that will freeze later on.
Hi hun
oh dear you are havin a naff time at the mo, i hope the weather isnt as bad as they say for you, thinking of you hun, sue,xx
yes, you were right, we did get snow and your 70 degrees and my 60's are in the past, today we have minus double digits and all the schools are closed... a perfect day for tea and a snuggle by the fire!! xo
Sounds crazy up there! Hope things warm up soon and you stay safe and warm in the meantime. I know you will be glad when things in your life get back to normal. Whew! I'm drinking that extra cup for you! :)
Stay safe and warm .... I hope your power is uninterrupted!!! Your Tropicana tea is perfect for weather like this. The "Storm of the Century" is what I'm hearing it called! Yikes!
.... and BTW - your OWOH participation is overwhelming and so enthusiastic! and I see you have over 200 comments - wow!
Stay warm and safe, wow, really stay safe, sounds like you are in for a big one. Good luck with all the trials of the day, stay safe again! Christen
we have yet to see much severe winter here in the west. but you guys keep getting hit. stay warm, keep the kettle on.
dear me certainly have it all....demolition, blizzards and cancellations....I hope all will be "normal" soon....
Take Care and warm hugs....
Cups of tea and bluebeard on your lap will hopefully get you through the blizzard. Thoughts and a little prayer coming your way. Stay safe.
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